کمک برای مفهوم جمله

سلام. دوستان کسی میتونه راجع به مفهوم جمله ی زیر از had تا true کمکم کنه؟

apparently meric could add terrible lier to his list of flaws. not something he would consider a very kindly virtue. had his mother not constantly told him that the complete opposite was true

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گرامر سختیه. فکر میکنم “Shortened” Conditional Sentences باشه.

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دقیقا همانطور که استاد ناصری فرمودند تخلیص در جمله شرطی رخ داده. البته بهتر بود ادامه جمله هم آورده میشد که کل جمله قابل ترجمه میشد.
این قاعده به وارونگی در جملات شرطی شناخته شده است.
در برخی از شرایط if از جملات شرطی حذف میشه تو این حالت اگه فعل کمکی جمله should, were , had باشه، این افعال کمکی به ابتدای جمله منتقل و فاعل رو بعد اون قرار میدهیم:

if you should see Ali, give him my regards.
Should you see Ali, give him my regards.

If I had known the course would be so difficult, I would never have enrolled.

Had I known the course would be so difficult, I would never have enrolled.

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