Retelling the story "The Savior of mothers"

I have recorded my voice and retold the 11th story of True stories.
I hope it wouldn’t cause you to be tired !!!

I hope that I would be able to retell stories in different tenses the next time.
I hope you enjoy it!

7 پسندیده

Why you don’t share this lets talk with your mother to prove her you don’t need to go to boring English classes :slight_smile:

Good job

2 پسندیده

you know she thinks this ability is mostly because of 7 years of going to English classes! She can’t believe my improvement in just 3 months with Zabanshenas! and she says that I’m speaking well mostly because of going to language institutes. I took so many examples from Mr. Kambiz Keshavars to other students but she said it’s just for advertising & take money!!! 100,000 tumans for 30 hours vs 45,000 tumans for a whole year? which one is more expensive? she knows that the first is more expensive but when you ask which one is more effective? she might answer the first one, language institutes. this is my problem. thank you.

1 پسندیده

you know I have always been #1 in classes and schools and I’ve studied too much and I know my ability in grammar and a bit vocabulary and reading is because of these classes but I can explain the truth and the relation between learning grammar and speaking and listening ability.

Thank you

1 پسندیده

Her :yum::see_no_evil:
اين را اگر رودررو گفته بوديد …
البته من خودم رودر رو هم گفتم ها :see_no_evil::zipper_mouth_face:

5 پسندیده

2 پسندیده

Really? I wouldn’t be able to realize my speed of improving! I became surprise when you said I am gradually becoming fluent!!

I know, I have lots of pauses and this causes my voice be boring, I’m training to talk faster as much as I can.

No, dear, I haven’t used a text

I can realize where I should pause and where I should speak quickly, as AJ says in the second lesson of pronunciation course, but the main problem is forgetting the words and I think it would be solve just by training and exercising.

Anyway, thanks for your answer. Thanks again.

3 پسندیده

سلام خواستم یه پیشنهاد برای موضوعی که مطرح کرده بودید بدم
از اونجایی که ایستادن در مقابل والدین و به شکل مستقیم باعث ایجاد ناراحتی برای طولانی مدت میشه
بهترین راه آوردن بهونس اونم به شکل تدریجی
یعنی شما تابستونو کلاس میری بعد برای مهرماه چون هم مدرسه شروع میشه و هم دیگه باید برای کنکور آماده بشی میگی که دیگه وقت نداری بری کلاس زبان و تمام
امتحانش کنید شاید به کار اومد

2 پسندیده

سلام به دوست پر تلاشمون
من توصیه میکنم درس “مشکل مدارس از کتاب گویا” که داخل اپ زبان شناس هست و آقا کامبیزم کار ترجمه کل کتابش رو انجام دادن بخونید
حالا یا همراه مادر بخونید یا اینکه نتیجه گیری کلی رو بهشون بگین. احتمال خیلی زیاد حرف شما رو مبنی بر موثر نبودن کلاس میپذیرن
موفق باشی :tulip::tulip::tulip:

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اقا دیگه قضیه حل شد والدین با من مخالف هستند ولی در عین حال اجازه کار با زبانشناس رو به من می دهند هرچند برخی اوقات طعنه هایی می زنند اما خوب چی میشه مگه من هم همین جوری موقت سر می کنم دیگه. ممنون از اینکه پیشنهاداتتون رو مطرح کردید.

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