آتش و خشم: کاخ سفید ترامپ از درون
با سلام خدمت دوستان گرامی زبانشناس.
اگر شما هم مثل من ،دوست دارید از پشت پرده ی اتفاقاتی که در کاخ سفید می افته و البته رفتار های عجیب و غریب پرزیدنت ترامپ آگاهی پیدا کنید.این کتاب می تواند مرجع بسیار جالبی باشد
لازم به ذکر است که این کتاب یکی از پر فروش ترین کتاب ها و البته جنجال برانگیز ترین ها بوده است
که شکایت ترامپ را از نویسنده و انتشارات آن نیز به همراه داشته است .
برای اطلاعات بیشتر به صوت و ویدیو های زیر میتوانید مراجعه کنید.
موفق باشید
صوت معرفی به انگلیسی
هیلاری کلینتون : سیاست مدار معروف آمریکایی و همسر پرزیدنت بیل کلینتون و البته رقیب اصلی انتخاباتی ترامپ در حال تبلیغ این کتاب
(اشاره به عدم اعتماد ترامپ به اطرافیانش )
سلام دوباره خدمت دوستان عزیز
بعد از انتشار جنجالی این کتاب ،نویسنده بارها ، بارها به برنامه های تلویزیونی دعوت میشه
راستش بخواهید ،این مصاحبه ها از خود کتاب به نوعی جذابتره
قسمتی از یکی از مصاحبه ها رو که متن ساده ای هم داره (زیرنویس انگلیسی بهش اضافه کردم) و هم محتوای جذاب خنده دار براتون انتخاب کردم.
پینوشت : مطلبی به اسم آزادی بیان در آمریکا به ظاهر دیده میشه حتی گاهی اوقات شما می بینید ریس جمهور هم خیلی صریح واضح با ادبیاتی تند مورد انتقاد قرار میگیره.اما اگر شما پشت پرده این موارد ببینید ریس جمهور که هیچی ،حتی اگر منافع ملی هم در مقابل یه سری ارزش ها و افراد قرار بگیره به راحتی قربانی میشه.این برداشت شخصی نگارنده نیست .موردی است که توسط خود آمرکایی ها بیان می شود.
خیلی ویدئوی جالبی بود. این کتاب سطحش بالاست و مختص ترامپ هست. اگه میخواید به صورت علمیتر و دقیقتر بفهمید که داستان از چه قراره، این کتاب عالی رو هم بخونین:
I believe the president of the United States, Donald. J. Tramp is a clever and intelligence man. He has been doing well for the USA and its people. I’m following the USA’s news every day on Instagram. All of social media speak about his last victory. He caused Turkey’s government releases an American citizen, who had been captured for more than 2 years.He freed last week. He rebuilt USA’s economy. The economy situation of people of the United States has improved since he has elected as the president. I don’t know what is written in this book, but when I saw the clip that Iran’s tv showed, I find out they just want to destroy him.
hello Mr Amir how are you
I hope you’ve been good
but about your text
you’ve got to be kidding
ever, that’s thought comes to your mind
what is the source of this money
if you don’t know I have to tell you yeah.
it’s by killing people in yemen
or other stuff like this
bullying, threat, not just even by weapons. nowadays,by dollar,price of currency
I’m pretty sure .if you been lived, in a some countries like Yemen or Syria
you thinking about ,not just Trump,also American government, in a different way
Doing well for its own people, by destroying others. That’s not something that should be praised by human beings.
For example, let’s take a look at the Paris agreement. Trump easily pulled himself out of the deal for bulshit reasons. Paris agreement was one of the historic agreement between so many countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is a great deal for our world. If we don’t do immediate action, soon our planet would be no place for living. And he easily pulled out of this great deal. Please watch this fun episode of Last week tonight show, to see how foolish and dangerous this decision was. This is not a decision a clever person makes. Only stupid people do something like this for a short-term benefit of its own people.
Hey buddy.If I told “Tramp doing well for the USA and its people”, I mean, as a leader he just thinks to improve the economy situation of the American people. Do you know, why did he remove America from the Paris agreement?. I’ll tell you.Because he believes the United States allocateed more money than other countries, that’s why he announced America no longer want to be a part of the Paris deal.He said all of countries are in charge to save earth not just America ,they must pay more money than they did.I know his decision causes to destroy our world, but I think all countries are responding to protect the world…
Hey my friend. That’s a complicated situation in Syria or Yemen. In Syria, Bashar Asad is a dictator. He does not want to share the Syria’s government with another parties. He just wants to stay powerful till dies.I know during the Syria Civil war many people were killed and most families were suffering from the war, but it isn’t America’s fault.let me give you an example, suppose you are a seller man who wants to sell his goods to the highest price. It doesn’t matter for you someone who buys your goods, what wants to do with them. U just thinking to his profit and money. America is like a seller man, selling its weapons to countries. It doesn’t matter for America what will happen after that. All of countries in the Middle East are called “Third world countries”, neither the politicians nor people of these countries don’t have enough understanding to manage their countries, that’s why their culture isn’t advanced. Have you ever thought , why European countries have been not experienced civil war in their countries?. Because their culture is advanced and solve their problems by negotiate.
First, he is simply lying. Watch the video carefully. It is explained in details.
Second, he can’t simply pull out of an international agreement because of money. Or other bulshit reasons. We should respect the rule of law. We are not living in a jungle. Everyone should be responsible for their obligations. When a government signs an agreement, they should be responsible. The next administration also should be responsible. Otherwise, NO agreement can be made in our world.
US president is just a stupid bully right now.
That’s it.
No No This is not true. A seller sells to anyone. Not just one country. For example we wanted to buy Boeing aircrafts. We signed an agreement with Boeing. And Trump administration simply stopped it. We can say Ok, maybe he doesnt want to give us his airclafts. What about Airbus? They even dont let other counteries to sell us what we need. Only one word can describe this. Bullying!
On the other hand. They sell weapons of mass destruction to Saudi Arabia. But when they find a single bullet that is suspected to be related to Iran, They call all other counteries and claim Iran is waging war. Again, this is hypocriticy and bullying.
hello Mr Amir, I like you ,cos at least you have a enough dare to talking about your point
maybe I am not agree with you. but I have respect
but you know, about this topic.
sorry I using this word maybe that would be kinda of impolite way to say it
but I don’t care what is going on with Bashar Assad or somebody like him
I’m concerned about innocent people
you just selling your products ,you are not responsible.
what the hell is gonna happen after that .
it doesn’t make any sense for me.
but if it does for you .
I don,t know what I say about that
it’s great joke
I like it .
it’s actually not right place for political discussion
maybe that’s sentence is enough
I’m not agree with you
I think this point of view is not fair.If we look this way it means that when a country makes a deal it must do that forever and that’s simply ridiculous!I’ll tell you why.When a country makes a deal it is looking for it’s own benefits and if anytime they decide that the deal is no longer benefitial they have the right to get out of it or change it with others’s agreement.In this case Trump has said from the beggining of his campain that he doesn’t want Parsi deal and was elected by people so it means American people want that change.
Maybe it would be ridiculous for you. But when someone agrees to sell his house or car, He can’t come back in future and say, OH no it wasn’t beneficial for me, give me my house back. A deal is a deal. They should think about everything before signing it.
Why do you choose just a part of my writing? . To be honest I didn’t listen to your clip that you sent. I just tried to say that The president of the United States did his best for his country. I know all countries must care about their international deals, but I think all of ridiculous laws must change if they haven’t good circumstances. Trump believes the Paris deal hadn’t good circumstances for America, that’s why he removed it. He doesn’t care what will happen next, if the circumstances of this law change maybe America be a part of it again. All of my letter is a leader must just to thinks the profit of his people and country not thinks to international deals.You gave us an example that I disagree with it, because I believe country’s benefit is different to the benefit of someone.For examples, there is an agreement between Palestine and Israel. This agreement says Palestinian must not become as an independent country. Palestinian try to take their lands from Israel.I think in your point of view, Palestinian don’t have the right to take their lands,because they have an agreement with Israel.
Wrong. The leader of a country is also responsible for agreements they’ve made previously.
A deal is a deal if there is a deal.
Btw by this statement, then everything is justifiable. Killing people, waging war, robbing other countries, etc. Cause we can say all of it is for the benefit of one’s own people.
اگه با اصطلاحات سیاسی آشنایی داشته باشید.
امروزه استعمار فرانو از طریق معاهدات بین المللی
صورت میگیره.
حالا صب تا شب از قانون قانونه یا جملاتی مثل این صحبت کنید .چیزی که در نهایت اتفاق می افته نفع افراد خاصیه که این قوانین وضع میکنن
و افراد نادانی که به بهونه های مختلف مثل پیوستن به بازار جهانی ،این قوانین به خورد ملتشون میدن .واقعا مسخرست
I think your idea is not fair, because each country in the world plays the role of a person in society. So your idea means every one can break the rules because of his benefits and it is not fair.
If you remember years ago Austrians elected extreme right-wing party as their government and it was a demonstration of democracy. But very soon European Union boycotted them, because Austrians forgot about their role as a member of a bigger society.