How to make plan for learning English ?

Hello every one
I have a broblem
I cant how to study english
Please help me

1 پسندیده

hello my friend, just searching this phrase and everything that would be available for you, how can i learn english (to persian)
I think you must know, almost everything created for people are talking to persian
if you’re not familiar with this language
I don’t think so that’s gonna work for you. good luck

2 پسندیده

I’ve searched in the Internet like: utub
But I could not find it

1 پسندیده

are you sure, it doesn’t make any sense for me .how even that’s possible
by the way it’s not important, searching this name on YouTube AJ hoge
he is one of the best teacher I’ve known
sorry but I’m just really curious what is exactly your nationality
you didn’t say that

1 پسندیده

First I thank you for answer me
Sorry about for dictaion
Anyway I have to say
I know that how do I study English but unfortunately I don’t know what is the best method for learning and speaking fluently
I have lots of english books
Grammer in use story book or tactics for listening, so different
I have to say that I love English :innocent:
Oh I’ve almost forgot I’m from Iran

1 پسندیده

رفیق خداییش نصف شبی گیر اوردی ما رو :laughing::sweat_smile::smiley:
مقاله های خیلی خوبی هست اینجا
یه بخش دیگه هم هست سلام کامبیز اونم خوبه
جدا از بحث تبلیغ این چیزا میگم اپ خود زبانشناسم منبع خیلی خوبیه
اگه اشتباه نکنم منابع از طریق سایت اصلیش در دسترسه. گود لاک

2 پسندیده

Thanks for helping me :pray:
hope of success

1 پسندیده