تقلید سکانس دیگری از انیمیشن کوبو و دو تار

Can you here me, Kubo?
I said your mother is gone, your village is destroyed, burned to the ground.
We landed here in the far lands.
Your enemies aren’t far behind. We must search for shelter before your grandfather comes.
We need to go now.
Come on. Get up. Let’s go.
Once we’re inside you might be tempted to complain about the odor.
Keep in mind my sense of smell is ten times stronger than yours.

Burned to the ground: با خاک یکسان شده.
Shelter: پناهگاه
Might be tempted: ممکنه وسوسه بشی.
Odor: بو

9 پسندیده

قبل از اینکه کل انیمیشن رو لو بدین، من دانلود کنم ببینمش :rofl:

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بخاطر گوینده اش این بخش صدای خانم ها بیشتر میشینه

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