اصطلاحات مربوط به انیمیشن رالف خرابکار( قسمت پنجم)

Hello :raised_hand::wink:
happy to see you again :star_struck:
in this page i’m gonna write new phrases I’ve learnt from amazing animation named Wreck it Ralph
which i’m sure almost 70 % of members here have watched and enjoyed


I’ve divided it into some parts and each part is about 15m and every day i would write phrases related to its own part and here is the first part :

23 پسندیده

my passion bubble’s very near the surface , i guess (00: 01: 04)
:heavy_check_mark: i get angry so soon and easily

we’ve all felt what you’re feeling and we’ve come to terms with it (00: 04: 30)
:heavy_check_mark: understand and accept sth even if it’s tough

i’m sorry … i just … you lost me there (00:05: 11)
:heavy_check_mark: you made me confused , or i didn’t get your meaning

and the sooner you accept that the better off your game and your life will be (00: 06: 28)
:heavy_check_mark: to be in a better position or situation

hang in there Ralph (00:06:55)
:heavy_check_mark: keep doing sth, or to tolerate sth

He’ll wreck the party , get rid of him , felix. right, i’ll go talk to him, carry on every one (00:10:24)
:heavy_check_mark: 1. to leave sb or sth . 2. to continue doing sth

oh, i’m such a dummy with dates (00:10:52)
:heavy_check_mark: not to be clever or good at sth

i’m ok, i’m ok , fit as a fiddle (00:11:44)
:heavy_check_mark: to be in good health

you’re really outdone yourself mary (00:12:12)
:heavy_check_mark: to do your best

that’s why i came straight here, tapper you’ve never give me a bum steer
:heavy_check_mark: false or useless information

17 پسندیده

ممنون از به اشتراک گذاری این مطالب مفید :pray:
فقط این عبارات بره قسمت اول انیمیشنه (2012) یا قسمت دوم (2018) ؟

4 پسندیده

ماشالا ترمه خانم.ممنون از وقتی که گذاشتید.
خیلی عالی

4 پسندیده

سلام آقا مصطفی
ممنون از شما به خاطر وقتی که گذاشتین :sunflower:
قسمت اول انیمیشن هست ،از اونجایی که اسم قسمت دوم هست
Ralph wrecks the internet
به نظرم رسید که از هم تفکیک هستن

3 پسندیده

سلام آقا آرمین
خواهش می کنم ممنون از تشویقها و حمایتتون :sunflower:

3 پسندیده

راستی کتاب هفت عادت مردمان موثر تو زیبوک اومده.

3 پسندیده

I can’t describe how much try that you take, but I really appreciate it.
hard trying=give respect

TNX :pray::+1::writing_hand:

7 پسندیده

چقد خوب, مرسی که اطلاع دادین :+1:
پی دی افشو دانلود کرده بودم ولی صوتیش یه چیز دیگس

قسمت دومشو من خیلی خوشم نیومد، به نظرم اصلا نباید می ساختنش ، نظرتون چیه
و یه سوالی که ذهنمو درگیر کرده اینکه توی قسمت اول اون دختر کوچولو به خاطر مشکلی که داشت (گلیچ) نمی تونست از بازیش خارج بشه، پس چجوری انقد راحت توی قسمت دوم با رالف رفتن اینترنت ؟

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well thanks really sir :rose:
it shows your great kindness

3 پسندیده

-attention, this is not a drill.(00:17: 35)
:heavy_check_mark: a fake situation for practicing

-you’re ready rookie ? let’s find out.(00:18: 30)
:heavy_check_mark: an inexperienced person

-take it newbie , these monsters become what they eat.(00:19:00)
:heavy_check_mark: 1.rookie, 2.a big, ugly and scary animal or human or whatever

-shoot the eggs before they hatch.(00:19:10)
:heavy_check_mark: get broken

-what a rip off(00:19: 47)
:heavy_check_mark: sth that is not worth as much money as you have payed for it

-cease fire, cease fire (00:20:03)
:heavy_check_mark: an order to stop fighting

-what’s the trouble sweetheart ? the game’s busted(00:22:16)
:heavy_check_mark: is broken, doesn’t work correctly

-it might be time to put old Ralph and Felix out to pasture.(00:22:36)
:heavy_check_mark: put sb out to pasture : retire sb

-without Ralph we are doomed (00:22:56)
:heavy_check_mark: hopeless, luckless

-stand by, my Qberetse is a little rusty.(00:23:24)
:heavy_check_mark: out of practice

-get a load of Markowski(00:24:04)
:heavy_check_mark: look at , pay attention

-impossible nothing gets past me.(00:24:57)
:heavy_check_mark: to move ahead of sb

-it’s my honor to bestow upon you … the medal of heroes(00:25:35)
:heavy_check_mark: to give sb, sth of great value by respect

-hey, are you a hobo ?(00:29:29)
:heavy_check_mark: sb who’s homeless and travels around the world

-you’re mimicking me (00:29:44)
:heavy_check_mark: to imitate sb

-i wouldn’t grab that branch if i were you.(00:29:54)
:heavy_check_mark: to take sth by your hand.
part 2 : (00:15:00)-(00:30:00)

10 پسندیده

چرا خوب بود که. منم اولیش رو بیشتر دوست دارم. ولی دومیش خیلی ایده پردازی خلاقانه داشت به نظرم. فقط آخرش بهتر میتونست تموم بشه.

نمیدونم والا. شاید سازندگان قسمت دوم فکر کردن بهتره این نکته رو نادیده بگیرن.

3 پسندیده

Hellooo dear terme how are u?
tnxs for sharing this idioms
that was veryyyy grr8888 :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

4 پسندیده

آقا مصطفی کتاب هفت عادت تو کدوم بخشه زیبوکه دقیقا ؟
چرا من پیداش نکردم ؟ با عرض پوزش
اصلا نبود تو هیچ کدوم از بخشا

3 پسندیده

my pleasure dear fateme :innocent:
actually it helps me to collect my information and it’s so good that they are useful for you too :rose:

3 پسندیده

تو قسمت کتاب های غیر داستانی

3 پسندیده

part 3 : (00:30:00)-(00:45:00)
-why are your hands so freakishly big ?(00:30:06)
:heavy_check_mark: very unusual and strange

-it’s precious to me (00:30:54)
:heavy_check_mark: valuable

-one day she didn’t perimeter check (00:32:20)
:heavy_check_mark: check the outside /environment

-no flex on this one maam(00:32:53)
:heavy_check_mark: i wont change my opinion

-is that a threat i smell ?(00:39:06)
:heavy_check_mark:peril, danger

-you have to back out of the race (00:41:19)
:heavy_check_mark: to decide not to do sth that you had promised to do .

-and then all of a sudden … oh no i’m glitching.(00:41:46)
:heavy_check_mark: suddenly

-what a moron !(00:43:47)
:heavy_check_mark: to express how much sb is stupid

-hey genius it’s a jaw breaker (00:43:50)
:heavy_check_mark: very tough

-come on buddy, just shake on it (00:44:31)
:heavy_check_mark: to confirm an agreement with someone by shaking hands

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part 4 (00:45:00)-(00:01:00)
-why’d he go AWOL ?(00:45:12)
:heavy_check_mark: to go missing suddenly and without warning

-oh, i’ll hop out and grab you one of those vines (00:46:00)
:heavy_check_mark: jump out of sth

-get a hold of yourself (00:47:03)
:heavy_check_mark: control yourself

-alright , do your thing knuckles , bust it open (00:49:00)
:heavy_check_mark: open sth by force

-you’re gonna be stepping outside your comfort zone (00:49:23)
:heavy_check_mark: to step outside your comfort zone : to do sth beyond your habits

-news flash, neither one of us is getting what we want (00:54:27)
:heavy_check_mark: an urgent or immediate item of news

-alright now, let’s hustle up (00:56:27)
:heavy_check_mark: hurry up

-top shelf (00:58:55)
:heavy_check_mark: give me five

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part5 (01:00:00)-(01:15:00)
you’re in charge of the castle until i get back (01:00:33)
:heavy_check_mark: to be responsible for sth

-now i think i’m gonna puke (01:02:20)
:heavy_check_mark: to vomit violentely

-and you’re adorable(01:02:46)
:heavy_check_mark: sweet heart

-just keep telling yourself i must win Ralph’s medal, or his life will be ruined(01:02:26)
:heavy_check_mark: to be destroyed

-get to the point(01:04:20)
:heavy_check_mark: to tell the important part

-so , can i count on you to talk a little sense into her ?(01:05:30)
:heavy_check_mark: to rely on sb or sth

-i made it for you just in case we don’t win (01:06:42)
:heavy_check_mark:in the event that sth does or does not happen

-no i understand plenty , traitor (01:07:41)
:heavy_check_mark: one who betrays sb

everyone panicked and abandon ship (01:09:04)
:heavy_check_mark: suddenly feeling scary

i’m just so cross with you (01:14:23)
:heavy_check_mark: to be angry with sb

-bur she rebuffed my affections(01:14:44)
:heavy_check_mark: decline

-felix pull yourself together (01:14:49)
control yourself

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part6 (01:15:00)
which is why i ran off (01:15:00)
:heavy_check_mark: to depart from sb or sth by running

everyone who has ever mean to be shall be … executed(01:28:45)
:heavy_check_mark: death penalty

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