سلام و درود به دوستای خوب زبانشناس.دوست دارم هرکسی یه جمله هر چقدرم کوتاه .درباره دوست داشتن و عشق نسبت به خدا .یا مناجات زیبا رو بنویسه یا ویس بده. منتظر صدای شما هستم
God I love you
Don’t ever take your eyes from the sky
Sorry im saying this. I don’t believe in God. If there was a God. He would not create such a terrible world.
Othere wise، If god was existed we would never need to worship him/her/it. He never needs this
So are we going to make him happy with our worship?
Isn’t this ridiculous?
He cant make himself happiness without us?
He want to punnish us beacuse we dond believe him? This is the best jocking i ever hearded
I agree
Beautiful voice
خیلی خوب بود واقعا
مرسی عزیززززززم.عاشقتم
ممنونم .لطف دارین
فداتیم ک … شما لطف داری شهرزاد جون
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Your opinion is respected. There is no reason that if I
love God then everyone will be like me
I love God because in all my lonely moments I only had God
Tnk you shahrzad
Sorry about i wrote irrerevant comment on your topic
I just wanted to speak more about your issue.
You right. Every one think diffrent about god
Your god has beautiful adjective and i respected to you too
Your voice was very beautiful mixture with beautiful music
I like that
I love you god. Beacuse very very nice
ممنونماز نظرتون.به هیچ وجه ناراحت نیستم هر کسی عقیده ایی داره و تماما همش برای من قابل احترامه.مرسی از همراهیتون
Very nice, pretty and beautiful
Tnx .tnx.tnx
?How do you thank God with a prayer
I hope that you give me the ability to give to them the same kindness they have provided to me. I am extremely grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord . I pray that you remind me of just how blessed I am and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned acts of kindness
من در سطح مبتدی هستم هنوز توانِ گذاشتنِ وُیس رو ندارم ولی موسیقیای که گذاشتی یک حسِ خوبی به آدم میده . حسی که بعد از گریه دست میده خوبه .
ممنونم .ولی حستون رو خوب کنید .به شکر گذاری و رحمت خدا و انرژی مثبت. ویس اول رو بزارید بدون ترس به قول ای جی .ویس یا هر چیز دیگه رو انجام بدین حتما باید با اشتباه همراه باشه از چیزی نترسین. بزرگترین اشتباهات بهترین موفقیت ها پشتشه