like to think I know what death is. I like to think that it’s something I could
look at straight. When Pop tell me he need my help and I see that black knife
slid into the belt of his pants, I follow Pop out the house, try to keep my back
straight, my shoulders even as a hanger; that’s how Pop walks. I try to look like
this is normal and boring so Pop will think I’ve earned these thirteen years, so
Pop will know I’m ready to pull what needs to be pulled, separate innards from
muscle, organs from cavities. I want Pop to know I can get bloody.
ممنون میشم نظرتون رو بیان کنید😊 و بگید به نظرتون چرا نویسنده فعل earn رو بکار برده.
1 پسندیده
سلام ، مطمئنین جمله درسته ؟، چون توی متن هم چندتا غطل املایی بود
مثلا شاید فعل
به کاررفته باشه که میشه اینجوری معنیش کرد: اینهارو در طول سیزده سال یاد گرفتم
2 پسندیده
غلط املایی!!؟ مطمئنید؟ من از روی متن اصلی کپی پیست کردم. این متن از رمان sing, unburied, sing نوشته Jesmyn Ward هست.
2 پسندیده
like to think I know what death is. I like to think that it’s something I could
look at straight. When Pop tells me he needs my help and I see that black knife
slid into the belt of his pants, I follow Pop out the house, try to keep my back
straight, my shoulders even as a hanger; that’s how Pop walks. I try to look like
this is normal and boring so Pop will think I’ve earned these thirteen years, so
Pop will know I’m ready to pull what needs to be pulled, separate innards from
muscle, organs from cavities. I want Pop to know I can get bloody
فقط اون موردی که بولده از قلم افتاده بود
به نظرم خیلی تو ریز معنی فکو س نکنید، اگر کلیتش براتون مفهومه
2 پسندیده
ممنون عزیزم❤
دارم اختصاصا روی ترجمه کار میکنم.
2 پسندیده