چالش وبلاگ mht0017

۹۹٪ بخاطر بندیک عزیزم تماشاش میکردم :joy:

خیلی خوب بود انصافا

حالا اینجا اعتراف میکنم من زبان پیچان ویژه‌ی کریسمس رو از اون اپیزود یاد گرفتم :see_no_evil:

شایعات حکایت از ادامه‌ش داره. هرچند که سریالارو طول که میدن به قهقرا میبرنشون

7 پسندیده

اینو ببینید

یه سریال دیگه هست به اسم elementary
اونم شرلوک هولمز مدرن
ولی داستانش تو نیویورک اتفاق می افته
سریال جالبیه اونم
ولی متاسفانه و متاسفانه و … متاسفانه :wink: :wink:
لهجه کاراکتر اصلی همونیه که نباید باشه

سریال طولانی فقط سیتکامش خوبه
اتفاقا پخته تر میشه سیزن های بعدیش

7 پسندیده

وای چقد دوسش دارم. چقد این آدم خوبه

نخونده جمله‌ی بعد رو حدس زدم :joy:

7 پسندیده

Benyamin Bahadori

5 پسندیده

کتاب سلاست در سه ماه
قسمتی از بخش مقدمه :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

How Far Are You Willing to Go?

Moses McCormick is a well-known polyglot who often posts online videos in languages that he’s learning. He can communicate, in varying degrees—from knowing a few phrases to being able to converse very well—in about fifty languages. When he was trying to improve his Hmong, an Asian language rarely known to Westerners, he told me the one place where he could consistently practice with native speakers was in online chat rooms. That’s all well and good, but one major obstacle, he said, was that most chat rooms were often filled with men interested only in meeting girls. They weren’t interested in continuing a conversation with another guy.

So what did Moses do? He created another screen name and logged in as a woman (a virtual sex change operation, if you will, only taking just an instant and totally reversible). Even when he said he was married, he still found that people were much more eager to chat.
رفقا اگه لنگ پیدا کردن پارتنر هستید
این مورد تضمینی جواب میده
تو هر پلتفورمی که فکرشو کنید :laughing::laughing:

6 پسندیده

The Heart Of Hope


5 پسندیده

Language Programs Are Expensive
Another huge misconception, especially in America, is that language learning is a privilege reserved for the rich. You have to pour money into expensive language learning courses, software, immersion programs, flights around the world, books, and private teachers—or you will fail miserably.

Not quite. I blame products like Rosetta Stone, which can cost several hundreds of dollars. I have tried Rosetta Stone myself, but I can’t say it’s superior to cheaper alternatives or free sources of information like online tools, blogs, or time with foreign friends. Spending more does not guarantee you’ll succeed any more easily than someone who works with a much tighter budget
دو تا نکته داره این متن
اولیش این که با چه هزینه کمی اینجا میشه زبان یاد گرفت
و اینکه هرچی بیشتر پول بدی دلیل نمیشه وضعیت بهتری تو یادگیری داشته باشی
منبع : کتاب سلاست در سه ماه فصل نابود کردن ۲۰ افسانه

10 پسندیده

@pari :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

10 پسندیده
7 پسندیده

یادم باشه اونجا تُف‌اندازی نکنم :grimacing:

You would die :joy: :joy:

8 پسندیده

Ek wonder of jy weet
Wat jy doen aan my
En hoe lank ek moes wag, gedroom elke dag
Net van jou

En sonder dat jy weet
Het jy my jou hart kom wys
Jy laat my voel soos 'n kind
Wat ry op die wind tot by jou

Nou staan ons twee alleen, ek wil my oë vir jou
Kom leen, dat jy kan sien wat ek sien,
Hoe ek jou sien, as ek jou sien…

Jy bly 'n wonderwerk vir my
Hoe het ek verdien om jou te kry
Want as ek jou nie het nie, weet ek nie
Waar sal ek wees sonder jou

Net soos 'n wonderwerk vir my
Het jy my beste vriend gekry
Jy’s my begin en einde, net myne
Alles in een, jy is die een vir my

Dis tyd dat jy moet weet

Hoe ek voel oor jou
Dis jy wat my regop hou
My laat onthou wie ek is

En sonder dat jy weet
Doen jy dit weer en weer
Die antwoord op al my vrae
Jy bring my tot waar ek wil wees

Nou staan ons weer alleen
Kan ek my oë vir jou kom leen
Dat jy kan sien wat ek sien
Hoe ek jou sien, as ek jou sien…

Want ek weet dis jy wat my verstaan
Jy’s die deel van my wat ek nooit sal laat gaan

Jy bly 'n wonderwerk vir my
Hoe het ek verdien om jou te kry
Want as ek jou nie het nie, weet ek nie
Waar sal ek wees sonder jou

Net soos 'n wonderwerk vir my
Het jy my beste vriend gekry
Jy’s my begin en einde, net myne
Alles in een, jy is die een vir my

اقا هرکی فهیمد این چی میگه و کجاییه به ما هم بگه :wink: :wink:
چرا انگلیسی نیست
چرا واقعا :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:
حیف این موزیک حیف این صدا

5 پسندیده

یه نقل قول خفن از کتاب
سلاست در سه ماه ( قسمت از سلاست به تسلط)
Dealing with Grammar

One of my favorite aphorisms is that grammar is like a really powerful pharmaceutical: it’s helpful in small doses but fatal when overprescribed
میگه گرامر مثل دارو قدرتمند
که تو دوز پایین کمک میکنه
ولی اگه زیاد استفاده شه میتونه کشنده باشه

8 پسندیده

سلام. اگه جدی پرسیدید :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

کافیه متن رو بذارید تو گوگل ترنسلیت…شناسایی زبانش رو ببینید.

And without you knowing
You do it again and again
The answer to all my questions
You bring me to where I want to be

Now we are alone again
Can I come and lend my eyes to you
That you can see what I see
How I see you, when I see you …

Because I know it’s you who understand me
You’re the part of me that I’ll never let go

You remain a miracle to me
How did I deserve to get you
Because if I don’t have you, I don’t know
Where would I be without you

Just like a miracle to me
Did you get my best friend
You’re my beginning and end, only mine
All in one, you are the one for me

البته بدون صوت

6 پسندیده

اره جدی بود
گوگلش کردم ولی جواب درستی نداد
میگه زبان افریکانس که منطقی نیست خیلی

4 پسندیده

رفقا یه قسمت دیگه از کتاب سلاست در سه ماه
این روشی که اینجا در موردش میگه
دقیقا کاریه که من خودم انجام دادم و نتیجه فوق العاده ای داشته
یه روش برای تمرین و تقویت مهارت مکالمه
Thinking in the language for most people refers to your inner dialogue, and I force myself to do this from the start.

If I’m out of milk, say, rather than think (in English) Damn! No more milk. Looks like I’ll have to go to the store, I force myself to have this same inner dialogue in the language I’m learning. If I don’t know a word, I need to look it up, because my inner dialogue typically follows the kind of vocabulary I would use and the conversations I would have casually with friends. As mentioned previously, if I don’t know the words, then I’ll still have that dialogue, just with simpler choices and bad grammar, like Oh no! No milk. I must go store!

I think this is an essential part of advancing in a language, because a major crutch we rely on in the beginning stages is constantly thinking through translations. We form a sentence in our mind in English and then try to search our minds, word by word, for how to say it in our target language. Not only does this slow us down, but our native tongue also influences our word order and grammar.

This is why a lot of successful language learners try to talk to themselves as much as they can, presuming they can’t meet up with native speakers (which I hope I have shown in chapter 4 is much less of an issue nowadays). But even if you can talk to people, try to fill your alone time with some thinking (aloud or to yourself) in the language. When I walk along a street and see a dog or a hat or a fast bus or an advertisement or a traffic light or anything else, I try to have my inner dialogue comment on that, or I see if I know the word for that thing or can understand a word I see. I’ll naturally come across something I don’t know the word for and I will force myself to think of alternative ways to describe it, or I’ll take out a pocket dictionary or app and look it up.

7 پسندیده

یه نکته درباره کتاب سلاست در سه ماه
نویسنده کتاب میگه که از بین ۴ تا مهارت شما باید مهارت مکالمه را الویت قرار بدی و بیشتر انرژی و تایم واسش بذاری نه اینکه واسه هر کدام از مهارت ها زمان و انرژی یکسان بذاری اشتباهه
و با انرژی بیشتری گذاشتن روی مهارت مکالمه سایر مهارتا هم سریعتر رشد می کنند
خوب دوستان نظر من چیه ؟؟ :joy::sweat_smile:
اگه به جای مهارت مکالمه ،مهارت شنیداری بذارید درست میشه

6 پسندیده

قضاوت با خودتون :wink: :wink:

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


6 پسندیده

**کتاب سلامتی در 100 سالگی **
فصل : زاده شده برای حرکت
خوب دوستان یه قسمت جالب از کتاب
در یه خانواده بریتانیایی با دو تا بچه ی با اضافه وزن زیاد
میان یه شبیه سازی انجام میدن
که اگه این خانواده به این سبک غذایی خاص (ناسالم)
ادامه دهند در میانسالی چه اتفاقی واسه بچه ها می افتد
خوب چرا واسه من جالب بود :blush:
داشتم فکر می کردم
اگه می شد با تکنولوژی
آینده ی کشوری رو پیش بینی کرد
که در سیستم پارلمانی و مجلسش شفافیت وجود نداشته باشه
در نتیجه به جای رای کارشناسی
صرفا تصمیماتی اتخاذ بشه که منافع
افراد خاصی تامین کنه
چه آینده ای رو می شد واسش متصور شد
کاشکی همچین سیستمی وجود داشت :upside_down_face: :wink:

In England, similar computer wizardry is now being used for a very different purpose. In dramatic contrast to the “Face Aging” booth, the point is to encourage children and families to adopt more healthful lifestyles. Overweight children and their parents are being shown what the youngsters will look like in middle age if they continue to eat junk food and not exercise. Child health experts are overseeing the experiment for a BBC3 reality TV show titled “Honey, We’re Killing the Kids!” Julie Buc is a mother whose family took part in the show. Her children, Jason, aged ten, and Joanna, aged eight, loved eating fried food and candy, and drank up to two liters of soda pop a day. They typically ate their food while watching TV, and they were seriously overweight.

A team of experts assembled by the TV program used high-tech computer graphics to show how the children would look as adults if they continued in their current ways. Julie said she was shocked by the images she saw. “All those years that we’ve been giving the children what they want has got to change,” she said.

Motivated by what they saw, and assisted by a team of nutritionists provided by the TV program, the family adopted a much more healthful diet and began to exercise far more. Gone were the soft drinks, sweets, and fried foods; in their place salads, fruits, and vegetables were introduced. The family began eating their meals together, without watching TV.

How did the kids like the changes? Ten-year-old Jason said, “It’s been really good eating at the table, and I think it’s good for the family to tell each other what they’ve been doing during the day.”

At the end of the project, the family father, Jimmy Buc, said, “The most important things to me are my wife and my children, and I want my children to be successful. I hope they will be now, because we have changed, and there’s no way we will be going back.”

5 پسندیده

English With Dinela

8 پسندیده

Super great. :+1:

You hava a really good and useful weblog.

6 پسندیده