سلام اگر قسمت باشد در این ماه مبارک، هر روز یه سوره از قرآن کریم را به انگلیسی می گذارم و در انتهای متن انگلیسی کلمات سخت آن با معنی خواهد امد
انشالله مورد استفاده قرار بگیرد
Fatiha1(The Opening Surah2 of the Holy Book)
In the name of Allah the Merciful Beneficent
The worshipers’ thanksgiving and adoration is due only to Allah: The Creator &Nurturer3 of the words [and their inhabitants]; (1)
The Merciful Beneficent; (2)
[And] The Absolute Sovereign of the Day of Judgement, (3)
[O, our Creator & Nurturer!] You alone do we worship, and Your Aid alone do we seek; (4)
Please do guide us to the Straight Path: (5)
The path of those upon whom you bestowed the blessing4 [of salvation], not [the path] of those [who due to their denial of the Truth] were inflected by your Wrath5, nor those gone astray.6 (6)
1-This Surah is known as Ummul-Quran i.e. the foundation of the Holy Quran, since comprises the Divine Attributes which are the essential links between the Creator and the created ones:" The Creator & Nurturer “, " the Merciful Beneficent” and “the Absolute Sovereign of the Judgment Day”. It also contains the most vital pray and invocation of the worshippers; and the prescribed prayers cannot be complete without reciting this Surah.
2- Surah is a Quranic section which contains at least three Ayats; the Holy Quran includes one hundred and fourteen Surahs; as the word “Surah” means “the wall of a fortress” or " a city of refuge", this metaphorical allusion finds convincing proof that Allah’s Words of Revelation ('Ayat) are enclosed within the strong walls of 114 Surahs. The longest Surah of the Holy Quran (Al-Bagharah) contains 286 Ayats and the shortest (Al-Kauthar) contains three Ayats.
3- Creator &Nurturer, replace Lord since it is not the right equivalent for Ar-Rabb, which in the Holy Quran has been defined by Allah as the Creator: “O, people! Worship your Rabb who created you and those before you”. (2:21) And also Allah introduces Ar-Rabb by stating: “O, Mussa, I am Allah, the Rabb of the worlds.” (28:30) furthermore by the tongue of Ibrahim (Abraham) Ar-Rabb is defined as the Creator and then he adds other positions of Ar-Rabb which function in the life of mankind after the Divine Act of Creation respectively: The Guide, the Nourisher, the Guardian, the Cherisher and the Merciful Sovereign of the Day of Judgement. (26:78-82) Nurturer is the only word that I have found equivalent for most of those positions excluding “the Creator”, the word “nurture” signifies: fostering, training, educating, and nourishing. Therefore Creator & Nurturer can collectively convey Ibrahim’s description of the Divine function of Ar-Rabb. But Ar-Rabb is not only the Creator of mankind but also the Creator of the Mighty Throne,(9:129), the Creator of the Seven Heavens (23:86),the Creator of the heavens and the earth and what is between them (19:65), and the Creator of the Dawn (113:1) as well, thus Ar-Rabb is the most comprehensive substitute for Allah among at least 99 Allah’s names of Outstanding Excellence which a worshiper is enjoined to invoke to Allah through these divinities (7:180). So, for brevity sake we can say “the Creator” but never “the Sustainer” or “the Cherisher” since each one is only one of the positions of the Creator. Also Ar-Rabb cannot be recognized as a correct equivalent due to its dissimilarity with the word Lord which various dictionaries have agreed upon its meanings as follows:
- A person who has dominion over others; a master, chief, or ruler.
- A person who exercises authority from property rights; an owner or possessor of land, houses, etc.
- A person who is a leader or has great influence in his chosen profession: the Lords of the theatrical world; one of the great lords of banking.
- A titled nobleman or peer; a person whose ordinary appellation contains by courtesy the title Lord or some higher title.
- Lords, the Lords spiritual and Lords temporal comprising the House of Lords.
- Brit. a: the title of certain high officials (used with some other title or the like):Lord Mayor of London. b: the title informally substituted for marquis, earl, viscount, etc. as in the use of Lord kitchener for Earl kitchener.
- The supreme being: God, Jehovah. B) the savior, Jesus Christ.
The above mentioned diverse meanings can only through misunderstanding stand as an equivalent for Ar-Rabb. So in translation of the Holy Quran which should necessarily be contextual-cultural, we can only rely on the Quran’s inner dictionary which lies within the context, created by Allah the Almighty, the Creator of all things including men and meanings.
4- The Divine believers, the righteous, the guided ones and those who strive in Allah’s Path: (2:5), (47:17), (29:69).
5-Those who raised Allah’s Wrath and therefore were inflected by it; (2:61, 65, 90)
6- Those who chose the disbelief over the Divine Faith (2:108).
Adoration: پرستش، نیایش Creator &Nurturer: رب، آفريدگارو پروردگار
Inhabitant: ساکن (سکنه)، اهل (اهالی) The Merciful Beneficent:نعمت بخشنده ي رحمتگستر
The Absolute Sovereign:يگانه فرمانروا the Day of Judgement:روز جزا
Seek: پناه بردن، طلب کردن، درخواست کردن، خواستن Straight Path:راه راست
Bestow: هدیه دادن، ارزانی داشتن، blessing: نعمت، فیض،
Salvation: رستگاری، آمرزش، denial of the Truth:انكار حق
Wrath: خشم، غضب، astray: منحرف، گمراه،
Comprise: شامل بودن، دربرداشتن، the Divine Attributes: صفات الهي
the most vital pray and invocation of the worshippers:نيايش جامع بندگان
prescribed prayer:نماز واجب reciting:تلاوت
the wall of a fortress:ديوار قلعه a city of refuge:شهر امن وامان
metaphorical allusion:كنايه مجازي(استعاري) convincing proof:برهان متقاعد كننده
enclose: احاطه کردن،فرا گرفتن right equivalent:معادل مناسبي
Define: تعیین کردن، ، مشخص کردن، (حدود و ثغور چیزی را) معلوم کردن، Worship: پرستیدن
Furthermore: علاوه بر این، از سوی دیگر tongue: زبان
Function: عمل، کار، کنش Creation: آفرینش، خلقت
Respectively: به ترتیب Nourisher: پرورش دهنده
Guardian:سرپرست، قيم Cherisher:پرورنده، مربي
Merciful Sovereign:پروردگار بخشنده و رحيم fostering:پرورش دادن
Nourishing:غذا دادن collectively: یکجا، جمعا
Convey: رساندن، معنی دادن description: شرح، تعریف،توصیف
Mighty Throne:قادر متعال، پادشاه قدرتمند comprehensive: جامع، فراگیر، مبسوط،
Substitute: جانشین، معادل Outstanding: برجسته، زبده،
Excellence: برتری، والایی، حسن، خوبی، کمال، enjoin: دستور دادن، امر کردن،
Invoke: (به خداوند) متوسل شدن به، دست یازیدن divinity: نیروی الهی، الهام یزدانی
Brevity: ایجاز، اختصار، کوته گویی sake: با(for): به خاطر، برای، جهت
Sustainer:غذادهنده، حافظ، نگهدار dissimilarity: ناهمانندی،تفاوت، فرق،
Various: مختلف، گوناگون، dominion: حاکمیت، سلطه، حکومت، مالکیت
Master: ارباب، سرور، حاکم، ruler: فرمانروا، حکمران
Exercise: اعمال کردن، به کارگرفتن authority: اختیار، صلاحیت، حق
Property: مالکیت right: حق
Possessor: متصرف، مالک، دارا leader: رهبر،فرمانده،سر دسته
Influence: نفوذ، سرشناسی chosen: گزیده، برگزیده، منتخب
Theatrical: تئاتری، نمایشی، غیر واقعی، ساختگی titled: دارای عنوان اشرافی، صاحب عنوان، اسم و رسم دار
Nobleman: آدم اشرافی، نجیب زاده peer: اشرافی، اعیان زاده،
Appellation: نام، عنوان courtesy: تعظیم و تکریم، احترام
Spiritual: معنوی،روحانی، مقدس temporal: دنیوی، جسمانی، موقتی، گذرا،
Comprising: دارا، شامل، دربرگیرنده، متضمن official: اداری، وابسته ب منصب و شغل، رسمی
Lord Mayor: شهر دارلندن وچند شهر ديگر substitute: جانشین، عوض، معادل، جانشین شدن یا کردن،
Marquis: اروپا: لقب و مقام اشرافی بالاتر از کنت و پایین تر از دوک earl: عنوان اشرافی در انگلیس که از ویسکنت بالاتر و از مارکس پایین تر است
Viscount: (رده بندی اشرافی) ویسکنت (مادون ارل و بالاتر از بارون) kitchener: اشپز
Supreme being: خداوند گار، ایزد متعال Jehovah: خدا، خداوند
Savior: ناجی، نجات دهنده، رستگارگر Jesus Christ: حضرت عیسی
Mentioned: نامبرده، مذکور diverse: گوناگون، متنوع، متفاوت
Misunderstanding: سوتفاهم، سو تعبیر، through: ، از طریق،به واسطه ی، در اثر
Necessarily: لزوما، الزاما، ضرورتا contextual-cultural:سياق فرهنگي، بافت فرهنگي
Inner: درونی، معنوی، روحی Quran’s inner dictionary:فرهنگ معنوي قرآن
Divine believers:مومنان به خدا righteous: نیکوکار، درستکار، صالح
Strive: تکاپو کردن، تلاش کردن، جد و جهد کردن، raise: ایجاد کردن، به وجود آوردن
Wrath: خشم، غضب، وروت inflect: کج کردن ، خم کردن
Faith: ایمان ، عقیده ، اعتقاد، دین
11 پسندیده
Az-Zoha(The Full Morning Light)
In the name of Allah the Merciful Beneficent
By the brightness of the full morning light, (1)
By the Night when it becomes quiet and still, (2)
[By these oaths] That your Creator & Nurturer has not forsaken you and is not displeased with you; 1 (3)
And certainly your Hereafter will be better for you, than this present life; (4)
And surely soon your Creator & Nurturer will grant you so much of the Blessings that you will be joyous from it. (5)
Did He not find you an orphan and did He not give you shelter? (6)
And also Allah found you lost on the way and he guided you; (7)
And He found you in need so He enriched you; (8)
So you too do not treat the orphans with harshness; (9)
And do not repulse the beggar, (10)
And proclaim the Grace and Favour of your Creator & Nurturer to the people [to give them hope for invoking to their Creator]. (11)
1-The delay of receiving Words of Revelation from Allah in about two weeks caused the Quraish pagans to taunt the Holy Messenger by saying: “Allah is displeased with Mohammad that does not send any Revelation to him.”
Brightness: تابندگی، درخشندگی، becomes quiet and still: آرام گرفتن
Oath: سوگند، قسم forsake: ترک کردن، رها کردن،
Hereafter: آخرت grant: اهدا کردن، عطاکردن،
Blessing: نعمت joyous: شاد،خشنود
Orphan:يتيم shelter: پناه دادن
Enrich: پول دار کردن، ثروتمند کردن، treat: رفتار کردن
Harshness: تندی، درشتی، خشونت repulse: دفع کردن، پس راندن، عقب راندن
Beggar: گدا، سائل proclaim: نشان دادن
Grace: موهبت الهی Favour: عنایت،
Invoke: متوسل شدن به، delay: تاخیر، دیرکرد،
receiving Words of Revelation: دريافت وحي pagan: کافر، مشرک
taunt: متلک گفتن،مسخره کردن
5 پسندیده
In the name of Allah the Merciful Beneficent
When the earth is shaken with its most severe earthquakes, (1)
And the earth throws up her burdens [such as the contents of the graves and the mines] (2)
Man keeps saying: “what has happened to the earth?” (3)
On that Day she shall relate her news, [regarding the deeds of her inhabitants], (4)
Because indeed; it has been revealed to her by your Creator & Nurturer that she should speak up. (5)
On that Day people shall come out from their graves hastily,.that their deeds be shown to them: (6)
Then he who has done a particle-weight of good shall see it, [and shall receive the reward for it], (7)
And he who has done a particle- weight of evil shall see it [and shall receive the recompense for it]. (8)
Shake: لرزیدن severe: شدید، سخت
throw up: پرتاب کردن، پرت کردن، burden: بار، محموله
Content: محتویات grave:قبر
Mines:معادن relate: نقل کردن، گفتن،
Regarding:مربوط به deed:عمل، كردار
Inhabitant:ساكن، اهل indeed:به درستي كه، واقعاً
Reveal:وحي شدن hastily:بشتاب، عجولانه
a particle-weight:به اندازه ذره اي reward: سزا، اجر، پاداش،
evil:بد، شر، شيطاني recompense:تاوان؛ غرامت
4 پسندیده
In the name of Allah the Merciful Beneficent
By Tin and Zaitun, 1 (1)
By the Sinai Mount [where the Tablets of Taurat were bestowed to Mussa], (2)
And by this City of Security, 2 (3)
That indeed We created man in perfect balance [spiritual, mental and physical], (4)
Then We rendered him to the lowest part of [the Hell due to his disbelief, ungratefulness and corruption]; (5)
But those who believe and do righteous deeds for them shall be the permanent reward [of the paradise] (6)
O, Man! After this proclamation, what makes you belie the Day of Judgement? (7)
Is not Allah the Supreme Judge on the Day of Judgement? (8)
1-two mountains in Syria
2-Makkah City
Tablet: لوح bestowed: بخشش شد، اعطا کرد
City of Security:شهر امن ، بلدالمين indeed: واقعا، به درستی که،
perfect balance: به بهترين صورت، كاملترين تركيب spiritual:روحي
mental: ذهني render: عمل به مثل کردن، جواب دادن ( اينجا:انداختن در جهنم)
Ungratefulness:ناسپاسي corruption:فساد
righteous deeds: اعمال نيك permanent reward: پاداش جاودان
paradise: بهشت، پردیس، proclamation:آگاهي، اعلان
Belie:تكذيب كردن the Day of Judgement:روز قيامت
Supreme Judge: داور مطلق
4 پسندیده
At-Takwir (The Folding up)
In the name of Allah the Merciful Beneficent
When the shining sun is folded up; (1)
And when the stars lose their lights; (2)
And when the mountains are removed and set in motion and sweep away like mirage; (3)
And when the she-camels [just about to deliver their young] are abandoned1; (4)
And when the wild beasts are gathered together (5)
And when the seas boil over; (6)
And when the souls are united with their bodies; (7)
And when the female infant, buried alive, shall be questioned; (8)
“For what sin was she put to death? “ (9)
And when the Book of Deeds shall be laid open; (10)
And when the veil of the sky is removed; (11)
And when the Hell is kindled to flaming fire; (12)
And when the Paradise shall be brought near for the believers; (13)
Then every soul will know what has he provided for his Hereafter, [good or evil] (14)
So by the stars that disappear during the day; (15)
Those that move swiftly and hide from the eye sight; (16)
And by the night when it departs; (17)
And by the dawn as it breaths with light; (18)
[By all these oaths that] verily, this Qur’an is the Divine Word that the most Honorable Angle Emissary has brought from Allah to His Messenger, (19)
A mighty Angel who is of a high rank in The Presence of Allah, The Owner of Arsh [the Throne of Authority] (20)
This Angel Emissary [Jebrail or Gabriel] is obeyed by the Angels and also is trustworthy in Conveying Allah’s Words of Revelation. (21)
O, you people! Know that your supervisor is not a mad man [as the disbelievers accuse him] (22)
And indeed he has met the Angel Jibrail near the horizon quite clearly; (23)
And he [Jebrail] dies not withhold out of envy and niggardliness what is revealed to him from the Unseen; (24)
And this Qur’an is not at all mingled with the words of the accursed Satan; (25)
Then [O, mankind] where are you going? (26)
Verily, this Qur’an is a Reminder for mankind throughout the world, (27)
A Reminder to whoever who is in search of the Truth and who wishes to be on the Straight Path, (28)
And [you who are in search of the Truth] shall not wish anything unless it be the Will of Allah, the Creator of the worlds. (29)
1- the most precious property to the Arabs was the she-camel around the time of delivering her young.
Shining: درخشان، درخشنده، تابان fold up: درهم پيچيده شدن
Remove: برداشته شدن، درآمدن lose از دست دادن :
Motion: جنب، جنبش، حرکت sweep: حرکت دادن
Mirage: سراب beast: حیوانات
gather together: جمع آوری كردن با هم boil over: جوشاندن
soul: روح infant: طفل كودك
buried alive: زنده به گور sin: گناه
the Book of Deeds: نامه اعمال veil: پرده
Hell: جهنم kindle: برافروختن
flaming fire: آتش شعله ور Paradise: بهشت
shall be brought near: نزديك آورده شود believers:مومنان
provide: اماده کردن Hereafter: اخرت
Evil: بد، شر disappear: ناپدید شدن
Swiftly: به سرعت eye sight: نظر ، ديده
Depart:حركت كردن، عزيمت كردن dawn: فجر، سپيده دم
Breath: نفس كشيدن oath: سوگند
Verily: به راستي the Divine Word: كلام الهي
Honorable Angle Emissary: فرشته اي مقرب وشريف mighty Angel: فرشته مقتدر
Presence: محضر ، نزد the Throne of Authority: عرش، تخت قدرت
Obey: اطاعت كردن trustworthy: قابل اعتماد، امين
Conveying: انتقال Revelation: وحي، مكاشفه
Supervisor: سرپرست mad: ديوانه
Accuse: متهم كردن indeed: درواقع، براستي
the horizon quite: در دامنه افق withhold: دريغ داشتن، نگاه داشتن
niggardliness: خست، بخل envy: حسادت
reveal: فاش كردن، آشكار كردن the Unseen: عالم غيب
Mingle: آميختن the accursed Satan: شيطان رانده شده
Reminder: ياد آور to whoever who is: براي كساني كه
the Straight Path: راه راست the Will of Allah: رضايت خداوند
4 پسندیده
At- Tariq
In the name of Allah the Merciful Beneficent
By the Sky and by Tariq (1)
And what makes clear the meaning of Tariq to you? (2)
It is a shooting-star [which protects the heaven from the devils who steal the Divine discourses; and the shooting-star pursue devils to their perdition.] (3)
Allah has appointed for every soul a Guardian Angel. (4)
Man should ponder about his own creation to see of what he is created: (5)
He is created from a leaping drop, (6)
Which comes out of the backbone of the father and the ribs [of the mother]; (7)
Certainly Allah is Able to raise up this creature after his death. (8)
On the Day when all the secrets will be disclosed, (9)
Then for man there will be no power and no helper to defend him against the Divine Chastisement. (10)
By the sky which produces rain frequently; (11)
And by the Earth which splits for again; and grains yield production [in the splits]. (12)
[By all these oaths], That this Quran is a word which discriminates Truth from Falsehood. (13)
And it is not joke or jest. (14)
Verily, the disbelievers are only after making plots, (15)
And I [Allah, the Almighty] make a strong scheme against their plots;(16)
So [O, Messenger!] respite the disbelievers and treat them gently until the Ordained Time, [surely they cannot frustrate Allah’s Plans.] (17)
shooting-star: شهاب، ستاره تيرانداز the heaven: آسمان
devil: شیطان، ابلیس steal: دزدیدن، سرقت کردن، دزدی کردن
Divine: خدایی، الهی، یزدانی discourse: گفت و شنود، بحث، گفتمان، گفتار
Pursue: تعقیب کردن، پیگرد کردن، رها نکردن perdition: دوزخ، جهنم، محکومیت ابدی، ضلالت
Appoint: منصوب کردن یا شدن، گماشتن soul: شخص، آدم، فرد، نفر
Guardian Angel:فرشته محافظ ponder: تعمق کردن، ژرف اندیشی کردن، به فکر فرورفتن
Creation: آفرینش، خلقت leaping drop: آب جهنده
Backbone: پشت، کمر rib: دنده سينه
raise up:دوباره زنده كردن، برانگيختن creature: مخلوق، آفریده
Disclose: آشکار کردن،فاش کردن defend: حمایت کردن، حفظ کردن، دفاع کردن
the Divine Chastisement:عذاب الهي frequently:مكرر
split: شکافش، شکافت grain: غله، غلات، حبوبات
Yield: دادن، به بار آوردن، موجب شدن oath: سوگند، قسم
Discriminate: تمیز دادن، تشخیص دادن،موجب تمایز و تشخیص بودن Truth: حق
Falsehood:باطل jest: شوخی، مسخره، سخره، مزاح
Plot: توطئه، ساخت و پاخت، دسیسه the Almighty: قادر مطلق، متعال، قادر
Scheme: تدبیر کردن، تمهید کردن،طرح کردن respite: به تعویق انداختن، مهلت دادن، عقب انداختن
Treat: رفتار کردن، عمل کردن gently: با ملایمت، با نرمی
the Ordained Time:زمان تعيين شده frustrate: خنثی کردن ، بی اثر کردن، بی نتیجه کردن
3 پسندیده
Al- Insheqaq (The Rending Asunder of the Sky)
In the name of Allah the Merciful Beneficent
When the Sky is cleft asunder, (1)
And it gives ear to the Command of its Creator; and truly it most do so; (2)
And when the Earth shall be stretched out, [quite flattened; no mountains, no hills] (3)
And shall throw out whatever is in it and becomes empty, (4)
And it gives ear to the Command of its Creator and truly it must do so; (5)
O, man! Verily, you who toil and strive in the Path of your Creator & Nurturer, surely you are going to Meet Him. (6)
So for the one who Record of Deeds is given to his right hand, (7)
Soon his account shall be taken in an easy way [because he has fulfilled the requirements which has forwarded from the other world], (8)
And he will return joyfully to his family. (9)
But the one whose Record is given from behind his back, (10)
He shall wish and pray for his death to be saved from the Chastisement, (11)
And he will enter the flaming Hell Fire, (12)
Verily, he enjoyed life among his family in the word, (13)
And verily, he was of the opinion that he would never be raised up after his death, (14)
But his Creator & Nurturer was ever watchful of him. (15)
So I swear by the Twilight; (16)
And by the Night and all that it covers; (17)
And by the Moon in its Fullness; (18)
[By all these oaths] That you people shall surely pass from one stage to another [from birth to death and then to the Resurrection], (19)
What is the matter with the disbelievers that they do not accept Faith and do not believe in the Hereafter? (20)
And when Quran is recited to them they do not prostrate in adoration, (21)
The disbelievers not only do not prostrate, but they also belie the Holy Quran; (22)
And Allah is the Only Knower of what they hide in their hearts. (23)
So [O, Messenger!] give them the glad-tidings of a painful chastisements! (24)
Except those who [following the warnings], believe and do good deeds; for them will be the permanent Reward [of Paradise.] (25)
Rending Asunder: جدا شدن، تکه تکه شدن، شكافته شدن cleftشکاف، ترک، چاک، بریدگی،:
give ear to the Command:گوش به فرمان بودن، اطاعت كردن stretch: گستردن، گسترده شدن یا کردن
quite flattened:كاملا صاف hill: توده، تل،تپه
throw out:بيرون ريختن whatever: هر چه که، آنچه که، هر چیز که
truly: واقعا، به راستی، حقیقتا toil: زحمت کشیدن، رنجبری کردن
Strive: تکاپو کردن، تلاش کردن، جد و جهد کردن account: به حساب آوردن، برشمردن
Fulfill: اطاعت کردن، فرمانبرداری کردن requirement: شرایط، پیش نیازها، مقتضیات
Forward: فرستادن، ارسال داشتن joyfully: با خوشی، بشادمانی، از روی خوشحالی
Record:نامه اعمال give from behind the back:از پشت سردادن
Chastisement:عذاب the flaming Hell Fire:آتش شعله ور جهنم
raise up after death:زنده شدن پس از مرگ watchful: مراقب، مواظب، هشیار
swear: سوگند خوردن، قسم خوردن Twilight: شفق، سرخی غروب
pass from one stage to another:گذراندن مراحل گوناگون Fullness: پری، پر بودن، سرشاری، در اينجا كامل شدن ماه
from birth to death: از تولد تا زندگي Resurrection:قيامت
What is the matter with:پس چرا Hereafter:آخرت
Prostrate: سجده کردن، پیشانی به خاک مالیدن adoration: پرستش، نیایش
Belie: تکذيب كردن Knower: داننده
give them the glad-tidings:بشارت دادن به آنها painful chastisements:عذاب دردناك
Except: به استثنای ، غیر از permanent Reward:پاداش ماندگار
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