جملات تشبیهی زیبا

SUMMER WANED, SEEMING TO evaporate in its own heat.

11 پسندیده

I spring at spring in spring like spring

10 پسندیده

The autumn sun poured in through gossamer curtains and onto marigold tiles, giving the whole room an amber glow.:upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

9 پسندیده

I passed through the hallway, with its soft white carpet, and felt a stab of anger when I remembered that the last time I’d seen it, I’d been with Tyler.

6 پسندیده

The bathroom felt foreign. I took in the pearly sink, the rosy tint of the carpet, the peach-colored rug.

6 پسندیده

My reply soured the cream in her voice.:hugs:

4 پسندیده

?I couldn’t translate this one. can you interpret it

3 پسندیده


من پریدم در فصل بهار درون چشمه همانند فنر .
نقل از شکسپیر…

4 پسندیده

خوشحال می شم جملات تشبیهی جالب بزارید و مشارکت کنید.

3 پسندیده

I remembered the otherworldly pitch of his scream as he ran to the house.

4 پسندیده

That winter, she midwifed two babies that I remember. After the first she came home sickly and pale, as if bringing that life into the world had taken a measure of her own.

2 پسندیده

Jesus! It was really simple.

I prefer to just read. :eye::eye:

2 پسندیده

Her features would slacken, her face become vacant, and her fingers would click like crickets at dusk.

1 پسندیده

There was something in the hard line of my father’s face, in the quiet sigh of supplication he made every morning before he began family prayer, that made me think my curiosity was an obscenity, an affront to all he’d sacrificed to raise me.

1 پسندیده

If Dad happened by he’d turn the light off, muttering about wasted electricity.

اگر پدر سر و کلش پیدا می شد چراغ رو خاموش میکرد، غرغر میکرد راجع به هدر دادن برق.

If dad happend by اگر پدر پیداش می شد یا سر و کلش پیدا میشد.

1 پسندیده

I’d dragged his desk into my room, and while the choir sang I would settle into his chair and study, just as I’d seen him do on a thousand nights.

In retrospect, I see that this was my education, the one that would matter: the hours I spent sitting at a borrowed desk, struggling to parse narrow strands of Mormon doctrine in mimicry of a brother who’d deserted me.

1 پسندیده

سلام.جملات تشبیهی منظورتون ضرب المثل هاست؟

1 پسندیده

میتونه ضرب المثل باشه ولی تشبیه یک موقعیت با یک گویش زیبا ! شخصا جملاتی که از نظرم تشبیه نباشن هم میزارم . باید یک (و) بین تشبیهی __زیبا اضافه کنم.

2 پسندیده

A season in the junkyard had honed my reflexes: I’d learned to listen for the low grunt that escaped Dad’s lips whenever he tossed something heavy, and when I heard it I hit the dirt.

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