Either awake or asleep

سلام دوستان.
چهارمین رایتینگ من. خیلی وقت بود می خواستم بنویسم ولی نه وقت داشتم نه موصوع خوبی ولی بلاخره دیشب نوشتم.
از دوستانی که لطف میکنن وقت میزارن و نوشته هام رو می خونن بی نهایت ممنونم.

Either awake or asleep

There are many ways to divide people in factions. Based on many various measures. like wealth, intelligence, skin color, origin and so on.

But through my eyes people are divided in two categories, regardless of their money, brain or any other feature. They are either awake or asleep.

Awake people are the ones who are aware of their life and the time which passing by. They know what they do, what they want or who they should spend their time and love on. they show their love, distaste, irritation, anger…their emotions in short to prove they care for others. They get tired, but they never quit or get depressed. Cause in their perspective, life doesn't have only one way that leads to happiness. They experience, try, fail, think and try again. They find new ways, tricks and ditch life. They don't see happiness in one thing. They define it in the mixture of things, like health, family, passion or money. So if they lose one, they have the rest of them.

The people who are asleep are aimless people. They wake up, eat, drink, sleep and nag and nag and nag again. They don't laugh or cry. They just stare dejectedly waiting for someone to turn their self-made hell in to a elysian. They cause pain, sadness and worries for people around them. They become numb. They feel abandoned, vacant, waiting for others to pull their shattered parts together, but the damage is so deep that no one can manage to match the pieces. There is always hope for them to join to another category if they find that will inside themselves and lighten thier hearts, but the only ones who are able to do it, are themselves. They can keep drowning in their gloomy shade and take others too or they can put themselves and their loved ones out of agony and come back to life.

Seriously people, life doesn't suck, we do.

People are either awake or asleep. Fortunately it's one of the things that we don't inherit from our ansesters, we choose it ourselves. choose wisely.

9 پسندیده

کلمه‌های تعریفم داره تموم می‌شه؛ نمی‌دونم چجوری تعریف کنم که تکراری نباشه. :sweat_smile:
عالی بود!
فقط یه سوال برام پیش اومد:

دیکشنری می‌گه این صفت رو نمی‌شه قبل از اسم استفاده کرد؛ ولی اینجا که دارید دو گروه رو مقایسه می‌کنید می‌شه یا نه؛ من نمی‌دونم.

بازم عالی بود؛ خیلی خیلی سریع دارید پیشرفت می‌کنید.

5 پسندیده

ممنون. شما لطف دارین.( منم دیگه کلماتم تموم شده

بله من در آوردیه :sweat_smile: ولی چون ی جور نام گذاری شخصیه فکر کردم شاید بشه.

5 پسندیده

سلام مجدد :hibiscus::hibiscus::rose::rose:

من ب نظرم اگه این متن رو بزاری جلوی ی نیتیو، فک میکنه این نوشته توسط ی نیتیو صورت گرفته
من ک اشکالی پیدا نکردم و از محتوای نوشتتون با بیان جالب خودتون لذت بردم
ممنون :pray: :pray: :hibiscus::hibiscus:

5 پسندیده

With your promotion I want to ask you sth.

I want to know your opinion about it, if you don’t mind.

Despite that your writing was amazing in both grammatical way and content, but I think it just explained the issue.

I mean you said we have two kinds of people, one of them, obviously, is better than the other one and that’s totally true.

But we always discribe the issue and never pose solutions.

For example an “asleep guy” can’t change immediately. He can’t say : “OK let’s be an awake person” and after that booom, he converts.

Many people say " I will commence from Saturday" but we can see them quit after at most two weeks!!!

Of course there is a problem and I believe this problem has an answer.

So now is the time to talk about the solutions.

I want to see if you have any idea for this problem.

6 پسندیده

Hi dear @gisoo13
I read what was written very carefulIy
Which is awesome and I really appreciate it
Both writing style, subject matter and language skills
Congratulations to you, and keep going.
Just one Misspellings: ancestors, which is nothing.
I’m looking forward your writing.

6 پسندیده

Well since I was one of those asleep people and maybe still I am. I think all these bad feelings which take people down is because of confusion. The thing that helps people keep going and live is their goals and purposes. What they are going to be? What are they now? And when they don’t find the answer they just get mad at themselves . It feels like you have been stuck. They scared what if they end up like others living from hand to mouth or let down their families.
If they find something that they truly love to do, something that makes them eager, they may back to life . Whan you are eager to do something you love and you put all your effort on it and then you see the results, you will start to love yourself, to feel proud and worthful so you can cherish others too, you can find something in life that is worth struggling. In that time you know that you count for something and that’s exactly what you need. But to get to that point you should know yourself. I don’t know why but every one is always expecting you to make the right choices. About your job, your relationships, every single thing. But if I want to know myself, my interests and talents, I should try new things, right? And there is no guarantee that It won’t lead to nothing. But if I don’t then how should I know? Our parents and adults make us feel ashamed or even scared of making mistakes. They expect us to know everything. But seriously who the hell knows about future? About what is going to happen? We change our minds in seconds.Who knows even we will be alive tomorrow?
I think we should take our time and make as many mistakes as we can till we find our ways. The people around us aren’t the ones who are going to live tihs life, we are. The only thing I want is to live in a way that I like not what others want for me.

6 پسندیده

خیلی ممنونم. واقعا خیلی خیلی خیلی زیاد خوش حالم کردین.

That’s kind of you. I appreciate each single word of your comment. Thanks.

5 پسندیده

Thanks for sharing your thoughtful view. :hibiscus::hibiscus::rose::rose:
And I agree with you that all the things you just said are necessary to become an awake person.

But they are just necessary not enough…
I mean you have to have all of them but still we can find millions of people who have all of them but still They are in asleep people category.

I can name right away at least 20 people who talked to me and said that they have goles, someone to love, desperately need to change their lives but still they can’t.

You said once you were an asleep guy. So really, did you not have any aim in that time?
I believe everyone has a gole.

Again I say all of them (that you mentioned earlier) are needed but there is a missing ring that can connect the other rings together.

We have to find that

5 پسندیده

I don’t have now either. It’s like I’m exactly on the border. The only thing I know is I hate my major and I’m just keep going while I know I wouldn’t be anything near the imagination of the oeople around me. I’m good at my major but it doesn’t mean I like it either. I could love it if it was somethingusefull, but it’s not actually and I just regret all the time I could put on something else . People around me keep saying that I can make it if I try cause they think I’m afraid that I’m going to fail or I think it’s hard but the truth is I’m afraid I don’t want to try cause I don’t want it.

What kind of change? Like life is boring for them or they are tired?

Idon’t know. It’s life . The more you think about it, the more confuse you get. I just found out nothing makes sense.

Thank you anyway. I just needed to spit it out. Before I go crazy.

4 پسندیده

Thank you my friend for sharing this dreamy writings. :rose: :rose: :rose:

6 پسندیده

I’m glad you liked it.

5 پسندیده

Tanks to you :pray: :pray: :hibiscus::hibiscus:
It was great
But I believe that missing ring is"will power"
Asleep people have weak will and because of that they give up so soon.

I believe will is like mussels, we can make them stronger by some technics.

5 پسندیده

There’s a saying from (your) Imam Ali that says:
“I got to know God through the weakness in human willpower.”
When it comes to willpower, all of us are weak; Some more, some less.
I think it’s the level of intelligence that gives people willpower.
The lower human intelligence gets, the weaker their will becomes.

(I don’t want to jinx it, but I’m really wise. :thinking:)

5 پسندیده

Why are you thinking about it anyway?
It’s not healthy, trust me.

There is a novel in zebook section named " جایی که عاشق بودیم" it’s exactly about this subject. Just maybe a little more serious.

5 پسندیده

Hey :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:
Honestly I don’t exactly get your point (that why you said that script)

And also I kind of agree with you but non of them has paradox with what I said

Some people have great willpower naturally but many people don’t.
We can’t say they are not intelligent and their dreams never come true.

4 پسندیده

I haven’t read this book yet (I’ll try to read it when I have time)
But for now
First of all I don’t think so much about it just some times I think about it to find a good answer.

Second of all, if it is really the problem then what?
We have to ignore it for good?
If it is exactly the key, then what? Maybe it can change some people’s life!!!

I am not saying my claim is surly true, but at least it is worth to be considered

I want to say something but maybe it’s kind of hard to accept.

when we get sick or have some health issues, we normally accept that we need some help.
But when we have a moral or mental problem, we think if we accept it, it means we lost our mind and we are crazy, therefore we never go to find a way
(please don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about you, I am talking about human being in general)

4 پسندیده

Okay, let me explain myself.

  1. I think you say, the fundamental thing that divides people into two above-mentioned groups is willpower.

  2. And you just said “some people have great willpower”.

In the first case, I said I think that “willpower” is just one of the symptoms of being smart and possessing knowledge about the rules of life. I think willpower do not form a difference between humans; It’s intelligence that does it.

In the second case, I quoted Imam Ali’s saying. I think it means: unlike God who never change His mind and will, humans do not possess a flawless willpower and they constantly change. The most famous people we know and think of them as complete examples of having willpower, actually do not have this feature without any flaws. We just see one aspect of their lives (we know nothing about their flaws).

I believe humans can have a great willpower, but still we can include them in the group of asleep ones (even the most successful ones). A stupid person can have great willpower in one or two domains of their life; but still be asleep.

I strongly believe that the only difference between people is “the intelligence”. It’s the source of our decisions (and our wills).

See you next week. :hibiscus:

4 پسندیده

You are totally right. since it is not absolutely healthy for me, I thought maybe it affects others the same way. People are different.
But sometimes it is something like a mental disorder. It may seem easy to expect thet person to behave like others, like normal people but it’s not in their control. Mostly it’s due to bad events in the past. Sometimes it doesn’t occur to families that may there is a glitch in their children. They think it’s normal but it’s not. It’s actually the opposite. Many people with great talents have been wasted because they haven’t gotten enough attention and care. And it makes it more dreadful when they face it alone .

I know you don’t mean bad. No worries .

It doesn’t have a good ending. I went on a real crying jag when I finshed it :joy:. But you will appreciate your life more afterward. Like how wonderful is my life! Nothing like the events others have been through.

4 پسندیده

I agree. Perfect people don’t exist.

I think it’s a mental problem. Sometimes it’s serious and sometimes just a feeling that lasts for a short period and somehow I believe it’s something that is related to people around you and your past experiences. Likeit or not people and environment affect us and it may leave some damages behind which we may not think of them as problems. Like they are part of us.

Tha last thing I thought I would discuss here was psychology. :joy:

4 پسندیده