فعل های عبارتی با AWAY

فعلهاي عبارتي با Away
break away from somebody =
leave somebody who is holding you
جدا شدن از كسي كه تو رو نگهداري ميكنه
She broke away from her father and now lives by herself.


come away = become separated from the main part.
از قسمت اصلي جدا شدن
I turned some of the pages and they came away in my hand.


get away = leave a place.
جايي را ترك كردن
The meeting continued up to 8 o’clock but I was able to get away at 7.30.


get away with something = leave a place with something.
جايي را با چيزي ترك كردن
The thieves got away with all the money.


get away with something = not be caught or punished for something wrong.
از زير تنبيه و يا كتک در رفتن
The boy never does his homework but he always gets away with it.


give something away = give away something = give something because you do not want or need it.
دور انداختن/ دور ريختن چيزي به دليل عدم نياز
She gave her old clothes away when she moved.


give something away = give away something = tell something secret.
رازي را فاش كردن
He doesn’t want to give away how the system works.


give somebody away = show where somebody is or what they are doing, when they are trying to keep this a secret.
آدم فروشي كردن/ شخصي را فروختن/ لو دادن جاي شخصي
Peter looked down, but his voice gave him away.


pass away = die.
فوت كردن/ درگذشتن
She’s very sad because her grandfather has passed away.


run away = leave a place secretly, escape.
فرار كردن/ گريختن
The thief closed the door and ran away.


take somebody/something away = take away somebody/something = remove somebody/something.
چيزي را جابجا كردن
The waiter took away the plates before we had finished.


walk away = leave a bad situation instead of trying to make it better.
رها كردن چيزي بدون سعي بر اصلاح
We’ve been married for ten years, you can’t just walk away!


walk away with something = win something easily.
به راحتي برنده چيزي شدن
The lucky winner will walk away with $10,000.

6 پسندیده

درود بر شما بسیار عالی بود .مرسی استفاده کردم.:+1:

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عباس جونم مرسی از لطفتون:rose::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart_eyes:

3 پسندیده

مرسی عزیزم فدای تو:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

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