Human being's perspective towards the creation

Hello everyone,

It’s a while that I have been meaning to write a writing. However, every time I wish to start, something comes to my mind saying that it is not worth writing and sharing. Eventually, this occurred to me that I’d better write about “Human perspective towards the creation”.

We, human beings, are named the most precious creature in the cosmos which I am opposed to it. I believe that our existence and all our possessions are as important and precious as those of other creatures. That we have superiority to other nonhuman creatures, is a very dangerous thought making you think that all other creatures have been created to serve you and if they don’t do so, what they will receive is your cruelty in many various ways. Let’s have a look at the ramifications of this dangerous idea.
You entitle yourself to exploit nature. When it comes to humans, it gets much worse. Slavery, different religions and racism are obvious instances of this idea.

The main reason for this egoism is our educational system driven by politicians. Those who have neither nothing to do with teaching nor have no idea about it, are in charge of educational issues. In those educational systems, you’re not supposed to ask any question, just accepting is permitted. The main policy of education must have been and be the enhancement of humans perspective. However, during history and in our modern world the human is still being exploited. That’s why a human being is never going to reach peace.

In conclusion, I say to you reconsider everything you have been told.

I expect the dears to read my writing and mention what is needed.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

7 پسندیده

Dear reviewers,

First of all, many thanks to you all dears for your liking and reading my writing. Secondly, I’d like to know whether my writing had any grammar flaws /anything else or not. If so, plz mention them. Thirdly, reciving any feedback from anybody is an encouragement to go on writing.

Best wishes.

7 پسندیده

It’s a terrible reality that we as a human being consider rightful to do what we want to, in the nature and with other creatures. All creation have equally rights to live.
I’m not agree with your point of view at educational system. We can ask and do our survey and decide how to behave towards other people and creatures. No one banned us from asking.
I appreciate you and tried to participate in your writing. As a matter of fact, I’m not an advanced English learner, so I can’t say anything about grammatical errors in your writing(if it exists) , but I know that isn’t much important, just try to write something, we learn from our mistakes.

5 پسندیده

Many thanks to you for making comment on my writing.

5 پسندیده

Why didn’t I see your topic before? :sweat_smile: This is a great subject. I’ll try to write something about it tomorrow. :hibiscus:
@hbk11981 @Ghabel
By the way, Hamid, Ms Ghabel! I can’t believe you can write this good and you’ve never participated in our conversations? It hurts! :smile: On Ms Sepehri’s topics, we just talk to, and don’t correct, each other. You can chime in anytime. We’d be happy to see you there. :hibiscus:

6 پسندیده

I will jot down on that topic, my pleasure. Nevertheless thanks for inviting me. Mr @Mashreghi

6 پسندیده

I am looking forward to hearing from you, Mr.

4 پسندیده

Hello, Hamid. :hibiscus:

I’ve read your post and I truly think it shows your kind heart and your great mind. I, too, believe that humans are not better than other beings. We have emotions, but animals can feel love and happiness and sadness as well. We can feel pain, and animals have a nervous system and feel pain too. The only difference between us and them is “the intelligence”. But if being capable of thinking gives us the right to exploit them and feel everything is just for ourselves, then we might as well can do the same thing with the mentally handicapped. We can make them work for us or just kill them to not spend and waste money on them. But it’s not our intelligence which gives us the right to do everything we want. The world is much bigger than our imagination and we cannot even explore the depth of the oceans thoroughly. Maybe someday a much stronger or smarter creature comes to earth and we become their pets. :sweat_smile:

We are not as smart as we think we are. Right now, we’re destroying our planet with an unsatisfiable hunger for money, power and land. We’re killing our future with deforestation. We’re causing the global warming with our animal husbandry and uncontrolled growth of transportation vehicles and big polluting factories. We’re not smart. Perhaps you think I’m just pretending that I care, but in fact I’m doing whatever I can to not be a part of our stupidity. By not eating meat, I show I care about global warming and animals; By using a bicycle and not making too much plastic rubbish I show I care about pollution. We have to care, even for peoples feelings. We are not above anything and everyone. We’re just a small part of a much bigger world.

Call me Hadi, by the way. :smile:

5 پسندیده

Dear Hadi,

Many thanks for your precious writing, if modern-day’s human being renew their prospective, I assure you we will live together happily. Our problem is our perspective. We must know that we are super tiny creatures in this Cosmo like a worm. Yes, you’re right saying that human being has the most evolved nervous system among creatures, yet; it’s been threatened by wicked people and a timid mind only reckon of itself.
Finally, I invite the friend to a new writing challenge on " how to handle our thoughts and emotions ". This topic is highly correlated with your life perspective that is why I have brought it up.

I look forward to hearing from you friends.

Good luck with everything you have in your mind.

6 پسندیده

Hello :blossom:

We humans are strong creature but in this universe we affect not any animals and plants but also the surface of every particle in the universe ,(a great man said that even putting my hand on a chair affects the universe) ,I have see this word repeatedly in science, humans are in flnitely influential in this world , Now let’s move on
If it is institutionalised in all of us to really use the electrical car instead of the ordinary car this is an improvement in itself ,proper burning of oil and gas is the cause of the destruction of nature, do the simplest thing that all of us humans can do , plant fruit seeds,
(the big man said that the least exrtavagances is eating fruit seeds),

if we start planting fruit seeds constantly In the next 10 years we will pay our share to nature .
just as easily.

6 پسندیده