معنی the supply was running low و I was down to my last bottle چی میشه

We all live together, here in my castle,” he explained in his hoarse, whispery voice.

“We live here so we can be close to our supply of Vampire Breath.

We each have our own bottles.

We guard them closely.

” He sighed.

“But now I remember—the supply was running low.

I was down to my last bottle.

I must find it.

I must!

این تاپیک مربوط به درس «نفس خون آشام فصل 16» در اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس» است. دوره «قصه های گوسبامپس»، فصل «نفس خون آشام»

سلام دوست عزیز
معنی جمله‌ی the supply was running low.

و I was down to my last bottle به ترتیب می‌شه:
موجودی رو به اتمام بود.
به آخرین بطریم رسیده بودم.

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ممنونم :pray:

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