تفاوت had seen و saw چیست؟


چرا توی جملات از ساختار «had been» یا «had seen» استفاده میشه و چه زمانی رو نشون میده؟

و اینکه «had seen» با «saw» یه معنی رو میده؟

چون که داخل یکی از سوال و جواب ها جمله ای که قبل سوال نوشته میشه با saw گفته شده و در سوال و جواب had seen به عنوان فعل اومده

لطفا راهنماییم کنید. ممنون

این تاپیک مربوط به «سارا برای خانواده اش صبحانه درست می کند» در اپلیکیشن «زبانشناس» است. دوره «نیمچه داستان‌ها»

Hi my friend
For the first question I think
The structure you’re asking about is known as the “past perfect tense” and is used to describe an action that was completed at a particular point in the past but is still related to the present moment.

For example, “She had been studying for hours before she realized she was hungry” implies that the studying began before, but the realization of hunger happened after.

In this case, “had been” implies a continued or ongoing action before a specific point in time, and “had seen” indicates an event or experience that occurred before another event in the past.

And second question

Yes, “had seen” and “saw” can have the same meaning, but their usage differs. “Had seen” is a past perfect tense, while “saw” is a simple past tense.

For example, “She had seen him yesterday” implies that the act of seeing him happened before some other action in the past. On the other hand, “She saw him yesterday” implies that the act of seeing him was the most recent action in the past.

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سلام دوست خوبم.
به زبانشناس خوش آمدید. :sunflower:
ساختار had been گذشته‌ی کامل مجهول هست و ساختار had seen گذشته‌ی کامل.
توضیح کامل این ساختار رو در لینک زیر می‌تونید مطالعه کنید:

حالا، saw حالت گذشته‌ی فعل see هست.

I saw: دیدم.
I had seen: دیده بودم.

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