hi i'm vanessa from speak english with vanessa calm do you need to know english idioms let's talk about it in my course The Fearless fluency Club we have a private Facebook group for members of the course and this question has come up a couple times Vanessa do I need to learn idioms how many idioms do I need to know how can I learn them so I want to address this question and answer it for those people and also answer it for you in case you had the same question the best way to answer this question is to see if native speakers use idioms in daily conversation and you can do this by watching TV shows by interacting with native speakers by reading books this is a good way to see if it's actually used and which idioms are used in conversation this is something that I've tried to help with in my live lessons recently we've been focusing on some idioms that I personally have used within the last week or the last couple days because I want to help you with commonly used idioms not thousands of idioms that we don't really use that often so the first question is do native speakers actually use idioms let's take a look at one idiom and see how it's used in real life you've probably heard the idiom a piece of cake it's a piece of cake this means it's easy mowing the lawn was a piece of cake making new friends is a piece of cake for me playing the piano is not a piece of cake it's easy but do native speakers actually use this in daily conversation if you watch TV shows or watch native speakers conversations I recommend listening for idioms and writing down the ones that you hear because some people will use idioms more than other people but maybe they don't use them in the same way that you think they should be used just like this idiom a piece of cake yes it means easy something that's easy but typically in conversation we use this in a sarcastic way kind of in a joking way and we don't use the full idiom we don't usually say it was a piece of cake if someone says oh Vanessa you're learning Russian isn't that hard I maybe think ah it is really hard but I want to make a joke so I might say Oh piece of cake piece of cake it's a joke because really it is hard it is a big deal but I could use this idiom in the opposite way so in this situation you can see that native speakers might use some idiom but they might be in different ways than your idiom book shows this is why I recommend a lot of natural English input watching TV shows listening to podcasts listening to conversations participating in conversations this way you can be exposed to idioms in their natural situations so one way that my students do this is by a conversation that I have with another English speaker each month so in the fearless fluency Club I have a conversation about 30 minutes with another native English speaker and we see do they use idioms do they use phrasal verbs what do they use how can we imitate their style of speaking because each person has a different way of speaking some people never use idioms some people use them a lot some people use a lot of slang or other types of speech so we can see for individual people how they speak and how to imitate it and you can do this as well while you're watching YouTube videos or watching a movie use your notebook and write down some idioms when you hear them if you're using subtitles this will be a lot easier because you'll see them in English and hear them in English you can accurately write them and this way you'll know which ones native speakers use and which one they don't and in which situations which context I hope that this quick explanation is useful to you and if you want to learn some real idioms that native speakers use certainly in daily conversation check out some of my latest live lessons where we focus on some idioms that I've used in my life that way you know they're real you know the context you know all of the nuances and situations when you might use it you really feel comfortable and know that you're speaking natural English and in the comments below this video I want to challenge you to try to make a sentence using an idiom it could be any idiom may be an idiom that you learned with me in our live lessons may be an idiom that we talked about today like piece of cake using it like a joke sarcastically it's really hard but you say oh piece of cake piece of cake so in the comments below this video I want to see your idiom sentence and help you to use it naturally thanks so much for learning with me and I'll see you the next time bye