Parental authority

Hello there!

This week’s writing challenge: Parental authority

Parental authority refers to parents ’ rights and responsibilities toward their children from the minute they are born until they turn 18. Under their parental authority , parents make decisions that affect their children’s well-being.

Whose parents carry a stick? :joy:

You can answer to the following questions.

What is your definition of “parental authority”?

What are the boundaries of parental authority?

Has it ever affected the choices you have made? If yes, for better or worse?

14 پسندیده


13 پسندیده

I don’t like to talk about my parents, but since you want us to, then I will. I suppose having a family of authoritative and commanding parents is not very likeable, but as a child who was born and raised in one that didn’t care enough about me, I must say it’s not exactly an enjoyable thing either. In fact, I preferred having a couple of parents who would make, and push, and force, me towards success. Actually, coming from an emotionally broken home leads me to not forming a family at all. I don’t think I can BE a parent in any way.

God, it’s really hard for me to write right now. If you knew how many mistakes I made in typing and constructing my sentences, you would put me down like a dying old horse. I cannot even think (not that I was very good at it before).

13 پسندیده

Hi there
My parents have never made or forced me to do what they want . It doesn’t mean that they don’t care about me, but that they respect me and let me find my way by myself
The only thing they want me to do is to be a happy person ,they don’t want me to become rich or study hard like some parents do
Some parents believe that by forcing children and making every small decision in their child life by themselves, they are helping the child to have a happy and successful life . Im not sure if this is a great way for helping children . I mean parents should let their child to discover his or her own talents and interests .parents should let their children and teens to decide and choose who they want to be in the future and not forcing them. Instead they can help them in making decisions by giving them feedbacks .

I’m sure I’ve made a lot of mistakes here so that would be great if you correct some of them :sweat_smile: :pray:

13 پسندیده

This subject depends on some factors such as boys and girls or the childhood and adolescence.
I don’t know about girls but like to talk about boys according to my own experiences.
As a child maybe sence I was ten or so, I always wanted to be independent. I remember when I had to go shopping with my parents specially my mom ( that was almost 99 percent of the time), I would be angry, feeling ashamed and weak. Not because I was embarrassed of my family but I was thinking I don’t have control of my life. Or when we traveled I wanted to be the driver, I didn’t like my father driving(when I traveled at seventeen with my friends to a country like Iraq for the first time, I felt like a real man). Or I never wanted my family come to my school and thank God they rarely came because I thought I could handle everything.
Well I just said that because I wanted to express that boys tend to feel independent. Maybe it was too much for me but it applies to majority of guys in different degrees.
So they are sensitive for this feeling and if they think their parents try to take their sense of control of their lives, they won’t tolerate that.
But I think children and more in teenagers they need guidance and help. They think they know everything but just halosination. They can’t make wise decisions without parents.
So what can parents do? They can’t force them to do things because it leads to their feeling of lack of control and on the other hand they must help the guys.
I believe parents must involve in every aspects of children’s lives but not directly.
Insted of making demands, they should be provide appropriate circumstances. For example every kid needs a phone these days ( I bought my first phone at nineteen but now you can see a two year old baby has its own phone, I hate seeing children playing with phones all the time but it seems an evil necessary). If parents force them to put it aside or check their phones, it only makes the kids more disobedient (plus they never be successful to stop them using phones).
I think they have to provide some existing amusements for them then they would easily leave their phones.
How many people do you know to read books along with their children? Or teach them new skills such as wood carving (my favorite as a teenager) or origami or sign them in sport classes or astronomy classes or…
If they have some thing to amuse them, they won’t even get close to the phones and simultaneously they think they made their decision but actually it was parent’s.
Thank you my friends :pray::rose::pray:
I’m a bit under the weather these days.
I’ll catch you later

11 پسندیده

Well, my mother as a single parent, has never forced me to do sth against my will or accept and do the things she believes in or thinks are right. She has tried to talk me out of doing things or into doing them but she has never enforced me. I was always free to do whatever I wanted but I was also aware of the consequences of my choises and whether they would rise my mother’s approval or disapproval.

I think parents don’t need to talk to teach things to their children but they need to show them. My mother has always insisted (in her own voiceless way) that I have some duties and obligations in my life which I have to fufil even if there is no prize or encouragement from others or even my own family. She shows me that and what vertues she values and which she detastes not by talking but by acting. By being strong, patient, kind and hard working. By providing me an example.

I think the only thing a person needs as a daughter or son from her/his parents and family, is love, care, support and understanding. She/he wants their opinion and advise but also the luxury of denying or accepting them, the chance of figuring it out by her/himself.

I have a tiny mole at the end of my left eyebrow and I remember that when I was a kid my mother and brother used to kiss me right on that single mole and I just loved it so much that even now I crave it. That single, small flicker of love and attention is always a reminder for me that I am loved and wanted. I think all the children need it. Need to feel loved and wanted and respected by their parents and family.

13 پسندیده

I hope you get better soon. :rose:

Hi there.
Thank you for joining us. See, we all are learners here and are not really qualified to correct your mistakes. We all make plenty of mistakes ourselves.

13 پسندیده

Hmmmm…let’s start .
Generally we have different kind of family and different authority. As l know for parents this thing is so important because it’s their child’s life .
I believe that this surrvillencce just is for ourselves but sometimes it’s get more that you think and she/he thinks they are under and it can be worst thing for one teenager.
Unfortunately I know some of my friends that they don’t have authorization to go outside because of some nonsense thought.
Have you noticed ?As matter of the fact I can point to girls not boy . Do you know why ?
Come on because they are boy and they can keep their self .
This NONSENSE reasons cause to be obsessive for some of girls.
I respect to it but enough.
Thanks God my parents don’t have this thought but they don’t forsake me alone .Just they show me the right way for life but the last determiner is myself.
As for me teenagers need more attention and love from her/his family .
At last respect to your parents and thank them for giving new life to you .

14 پسندیده

Hi everyone :wave:

As long as parents have moderate attitude , parental authority is a necessary factor
My definition about parental authority is expectations which parents have about their children and rules that they assign for children :thinking:

We have to avoid two extremes whether being overprotective or indifferent hurts young teenagers

Boundaries should be based on some points first when something is prohibited :no_entry_sign::no_smoking: they need to be persuaded and we must vividly and obviously determine how is proper and correct way

Second point when they do something good we should encourage them and explain the thing they had done right
Yes sometimes they made a decision and weekend my confidence or they ignored my opinion and made me a dependent person :grin:
Thanks for reading my writing :pray: miss Giso I appreciate your attention :maple_leaf::cherry_blossom: for tagging me

11 پسندیده

It’s my pleasure. :rose:

10 پسندیده

Wow… good one :grin::ok_hand:

I’m gonna write about this one right after I get back from my vacation :crossed_fingers:

11 پسندیده

Hi, guys!

Ever since I can remember, or better to say ever since I knew myself as a being, I almost always eulogized independence and freedom. Having such a concept in mind, I have tried my best to make my own decisions in life as much as possible. I live in a big family and I am the youngest kid. Being in a situation like this for some people may seem like having some extra people(your siblings) in authority you have to obey their wills, but for me it wasn’t completely like this. They didn’t interfered in everything. But almost all of them had some authority over me, and it often was something that leads me to experience more freedom. I mean they all kind of encouraged me in their own way to be more self- independent. And over time I’ve started to fathom the method to their madness.

In general, I think, kids have some rights and most of them or maybe all of them are intelligent enough to make their own decisions.

I think the concept of right and wrong differs from person to person, although it’s good to have someone to guide you in a right direction every once in a while. However, this guidance should not become a compulsion. And more importantly I think kids have this right to question things.
Thanks for reading.
:four_leaf_clover: :rose: :shamrock:

10 پسندیده

[Whispering] May I speak?

I don’t think children (even teens :sweat_smile:) are smart enough to make decisions for their future. If they were grown-ups you could say:
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for his life time.
But you cannot say this for a child. Parents try to lessen children’s regrets in their lives. How could that be a bad thing?

The big problem is some parents are stupider than children, so how they can help them?

(I’m clearly not ready to be a parent :joy:)

10 پسندیده

Yes, you can. Sorry.
It was against my principles and all, but I was feeling so depressed I didn’t even think.

I don’t quite agree with you. I think they can. But

Sometimes they make life like hell for their children to have a better life in a future which there is no guarantee for it.


9 پسندیده

Thank you! :neutral_face:
(But it was funny :joy:)

Oh, to hell with them. Who needs children; when they are babies, they just poop, and when they become older, they just poop again on their own lives. :unamused: You should just give them a smartphone and let them forget about their future. :sweat_smile:

I’m jokingly exaggerating, but I take side with parents in this case. Having more “Experience” is a kind of guarantee. (smart parents though :smirk:)

9 پسندیده

Thanks for understanding.

Yes, it’s good to use other people’s experiences. It can really help.

As I noticed you don’t want me to get serious about what
you say. So, I’d better stop talking. Hahahaha

Anyway, all I’m saying is this, you should not forget about your future and go with the flow. You have to have plans for yourself to follow, and use other’s experiences in your path towards getting them, but you’d better make decisions by yourself considering likely obstacles and problems.

Oops! I think I did it. Jesus Christ!

10 پسندیده

Goaaad (god), don’t make me think about these things. Let the “fog” be lifted. :joy:

I assume by “you”, you’re talking about “children” in general, but… I admit I don’t have any plan for my future and I never did; I wish at least my parents had it for me though. To be honest, I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going.

8 پسندیده

I talked in general, too. Don’t worry. :relieved: Talk about it later if you want. :upside_down_face:
Don’t answer or even like this until you get better to talk, please. :hugs:


9 پسندیده

Hello my friends.
From childhood and adolescence, I had the right to choose within the framework of family law, and I could achieve any goal I wanted by supervising them, and of course my parents always supported me.
Within the framework of these rules, they introduced me to the problems and solutions to get rid of them. There was no method of punishment or encouragement in my parents’ laws.
I would not be punished if I did something wrong, but I felt embarrassed and upset for a while with their gentle behavior and kind advice.
If I did a good job, I would not be encouraged, the same feeling of happiness and the result was an encouragement to me. They taught me how to take control of my thoughts.
When I turned 18, I became completely independent.

(It is very difficult for me to write.) :weary:

Thanks for pointing me to. :rose:

10 پسندیده

Don’t worry. I’m not weak. But sometimes I think I just want to claw my roots off the ground I’m stuck in, and just hit the road to see where I’m going to fall down (I told you before :sweat_smile:).

[Subtitle: I have a little diode light at the corner of my mind blinking and warning me people might think you’re fishing for attention. This is not the case. I pour out my mind because you don’t know me. This makes it very easy. :smile: :sweat_smile:]

Cool! :smile: I needed to hear that. :smirk:

That’s not a problem. If you could see us when we started writing, you would laugh. Don’t pressure yourself and just write whatever you want, whenever you like to. You can write your posts in this website and correct your mistakes first:

BTW, it was great, so shut up! :smile:

8 پسندیده