Writing: civility


12 پسندیده

From my vantage point, respect and civility are fundamental to establishing a healthy and secure relationship.
Behaving respectfully gives a feel of being accepted and confidence, which is provide a secure condition, to bounce off ideas freely without fear of being judged

As a result, people gain motivation to maintain this type relationship

12 پسندیده

Please make these challenges easier and shorter :person_facepalming:t2: It takes half an hour to read them :man_bowing:t2::grin:

1 - Quite important

2- yes :grin: but most of the time I’m just joking , don’t want to insult them .

3- Sometimes I give them a :fu: , Don’t talk to them anymore and when I see them it’s like I don’t recognize them even if they are just next to me or say hello to me :neutral_face::smirk: It’s a good revenge , but the best relief is swearing about their living and dead .

4- There are so many … when people judge me the wrong way , when they talk about life in general like they know what’s the best way of living for everyone .

I nearly forgot to say thank you giso for inviting me :beers:

10 پسندیده

I will. :sweat_smile: :grimacing:

My pleasure.

10 پسندیده

The fact is that if someone respects people and respects them, he will gain their respect, honor and friendship. Maybe it’s because man naturally respects someone who respects him.
We also need to know how to respect others because human beings are different and therefore how to respect them will be different. For example, respectful behavior with a very close friend is very different from how to respect a university professor.

Every human being has his own characteristics
Certainly in some cases they will not reach a common point of view.
What makes this friendship last is the mutual respect between the two sides.
I mean respect each other’s character.
This relationship will last when we respect each other.

Yes, it used to be that I could not control my anger and upset others, but now I can control myself, although it upsets me, but I avoid pointless discussions.

I remain silent in the face of disrespect from others and do not respond or leave the place where I am.

  • To decide on a joint case in a relationship alone.
  • Be immoral with the other side.
  • Blaming the other party for all the problems.
  • Do not allow the other party to explain.
  • Threatening and humiliating.
    Each alone can destroy a relationship. The sum of these behaviors has no meaning except disrespect to the other side, and all of these are signs of uncivilization.
12 پسندیده

I don’t approve of being polite (for myself, of course). Not that I have any problem with politeness and civility; it’s just that I don’t think people deserve that much of respect. Experience taught me if people notice you’re a good person, and you respect them, they WILL use you. I’m not exaggerating, and I’m not being pessimistic. That’s how people operate. However, I reckon a little pretend politeness wouldn’t go amiss. Be nice as long as you have a use for it.

And about civility in general; It depends on the situation. Sometimes talking formally to a friend who considers you as his close pal is very rude. Sometimes speaking to someone in an informal way is the best way to be polite. So in this case, the result you get from being nice hangs in balance. It can fall either way. Just be smart. Don’t act too courteous towards a friend; it might be very rude and a relationship killer.

9 پسندیده

It was unbelievably good. I’m speechless. (It was great for such a nag like you :joy:)

8 پسندیده

You hit the spot :+1:
Good topic to talk about. :ok_hand:

I’m someone who cares about how other people behave around me so I’m very carfull about how I behave around others; Because I belive you must respect yourself if you expect others to respect you!

I have a good sense of humor when I’m with my close friends while I try not to bother any one.:blush:

I think having a civilized manner can be one of the factors of a long-lasting relationship, while it can be an obstacle to some kind of relatinships to become more closer if the parties don’t let their gaurds down!
So to be moderate, I think, you just need to know your contacts well, what makes them feel regarded and what stimulates their sensivities.
I belive that I ,as one member of society , can affect on how other members treat each other, it’s a chain effect, belive me :wink:

8 پسندیده

With thanks for your attention. That’s why I spent about 4 hours on a few paragraphs, so I have the right to moan a little. :joy::joy: :joy: :joy:

8 پسندیده

I think sometimes people forget the boundaries which exist in every single relationship. Respect and civility are not kind of things which should dull as time passes, but they should strengthen.
It doesn’t matter how close you are to a person. It doesn’t matter that they are your family, friends or colleagues or whatever. There are limits. Your close relationship with them does not allow you to talk instead of them, to insult them, to tease them for their interests or ideas, to belittle them or to make them feel uncomfortable around you. Most people don’t notice the result of their blabbering. They just talk and talk and toss snide remarks and comments in the name of “jokes” without noticing that a former-grinning face, now looks a bit down or blushed or grim or less confident. It is usually written on people’s faces how they have received the blow of those so-called “jokes”. But we’re so busy talking people’s heads off that we do not take any notice of those screaming faces. You may not mean anything but everyone has their own weak-points, and sometimes we unintentionally strike them.

To be honest, at first I might form some wicked, cruel thoughts in my head, but I show no sign of them. Sometimes I grow to like them and their differences. Sometimes I don’t get the chance to know them but since I really don’t know them I treat them respectfully in the rare small talks we have.

If I come to debate sth, I try to form every word with carful thought and not my raw, defiant emotions. I look for smart answers not ways to humiliate.

I erase them from my life. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not but I’m extremely proud and I never stay in a place where It’s not clear to me that I am respected or wanted there.

Calling people with unkind names, looking down at them, talking for them while they are perfectly able to answer themselves, ignoring them and not paying attention to what they are saying, making snide comments on someone’s interests, outfit, look or ideas as “jokes”, cutting them off short, bringing up subjects which make people feel uncomfortable.

10 پسندیده

Well, I must admit, with 4 hours of hard work, you have the right to nag all right. :smile: But let me remind you, try not to do that much for a while. Otherwise, you will get tired and feel bad about writing. Give yourself time to rest and feel good about it. And another thing; this 4-hour period was not the time for writing. It was for studying while you’re concentrated on the subject. It is worth more than 8 hours of listening. Good job. :smile:

@gisoo13 If I recall correctly, I was the one who expected too much of people, but it looks like your expectation is much higher than mine. (Sorry! Are you going to erase me now? :sweat_smile:)

8 پسندیده

Come on! It’s not too much. I respect them and they should return that respect. Common courtesy, remember? And seriously, it’s only the wise and reasonable thing to do. Why should I keep people who make me feel less confident in my life instead of seeking those who make me see my true potential and worth? People who don’t take other people’s feelings into account and just blabber, so they can hear themselves talk, are not worthy of my attention.

I know that you’re thinking I’m rather arrogant, but it’s the truth. When someone isn’t even decent enough to offer you their respect, what else they can give you?

Hahaha. :roll_eyes:

8 پسندیده

In fact, what I wrote before was a complete nonsense. I didn’t mean that. I just wanted you to make fun of my point of view (which nobody dared). Well, I believe the one thing (out of two) that makes a person a human is civility. The people who do not respect others do not deserve respect (and believe me, I’m very hard on them).

SILENCE!!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

8 پسندیده

1-You cannot simply demand for respect when you don’t do it yourself. When you demand for a right, you’ve got to know there’s a duty besides it for you. It’s a reciprocal matter. When you don’t show consideration for them, the odds are your relationship won’t last for a long time.

2- By the time our actions don’t hurt others, we can be whoever we want, and no one has this right to disrespect us for having the gut to being ourselves. I cannot let myself mistreat or disrespect others for their differences. I may don’t like their differences but I try not to distreat them. Because it’s not my business.

3- I look at them right in the eye with one of my particular dirty looks, and then I would bombard them with my excruciating words… :smiling_imp:

Jocking aside, I think when you distinguish between their actions and your feelings you can perform way much better. You’ve got to know why on earth someone is trying to disrespect you? They probably want you to get mad at them. They could do with seeing you get a tad hurt by their actions. So according to the situation and also the importance of that person for me, I react differently. I talk to them more assertive and if I can, I limit my contact with them as much as possible.

4- Talking behind someone’s back. I really couldn’t figure out why on earth some people do it?

8 پسندیده

The “people don’t seserve respect” thing? :joy:

7 پسندیده

An ally. :joy: dirty looks are really powerful things if you perform them with intensity. I’m a master at it. :joy:

8 پسندیده

Yes, this one:

See you later. :t_rex:

8 پسندیده

I both agree and disagree. Of course people do desrve respect, it’s the least thing we can offer each other as human beings. But we should also know that respect is a mutual thing and that you are your first priority when it comes to civility, which is why you’re not to stay around people who do not acknowledge it.

8 پسندیده

How dare you?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: But, yes. You’re right! :smile:

Between you and me; The people I’ve seen in my life don’t.

[Nobody’s even remotely curious about this?: :t_rex:]

8 پسندیده

:thinking: :face_with_monocle:

Come to think of it I am one of the rudest people you have ever seen in your life. Huh?:smirk:

8 پسندیده