Lets talk 😉🗣️ (speaking challenge)

Hello everyone
How are you ? :innocent:

Mr Mostafa at first I have to say that I’m not sure
but I think your question’s answer is this photo

What was my score?:sweat_smile::star_struck:

7 پسندیده

Friends today, I ask you to offer tomorrow’s topic

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Hello guys good evening
Sorry guys but I’m a little busy as bee because of my major selection so as l can I’ll join you.

8 پسندیده

سلام دوستانم شب بخیر.
موضوع مکالمه امروز چی بوده؟!

4 پسندیده

سلام زری بانوی عزیز موضوع امروز این بود

7 پسندیده

Hello guys :heart_eyes:
Today I was really busy and because of that I couldn’t send my conversation
Well, my favorite actor is Bahram Afshari
Because he really plays very artistically
I must also say about the singer that I don’t have a favorite singer, because, I listen to any song in any style that I like
And I’m not just listening to a singer’s songs
But if I want to tell a singer whose songs I listen to most, I can use Behnam Bani as an example.
Good night :sleeping::sleeping:

7 پسندیده

Hello friends :wave:t2:

I was waiting for you to suggest a topic but you didn’t😔
Today we have a broad topic🤩
There are two topics, each of you choose one and talk about it

:woman_teacher:. :woman_cook: :woman_scientist:

1 . Talk about your job that you are doing now
2. If you don’t have a job you can talk about future that what do you want to be

6 پسندیده

Sorry for the delay

11 پسندیده

Hi dear hanie
How are you
Thanks for your beautiful conversation
Actually We can all make mistakes, participation is important because it shows that you want to speak English and it helps you to learn more grammars and words and I think it’s important than everything

It’s not problem :wink:

10 پسندیده

Thank you so much it means a lot to me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

8 پسندیده

Hi everybody :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:
Lets talk about today’s topic
Well I have to choose second topic because I’m a teenager and I don’t have a job
I wanna be heart surgeon in future
If you ask why because I want to help people

Yeah , I think it’s enough :raised_hands:t2::wink:

9 پسندیده

9 پسندیده

Hi dear
What a wonderful job :heart_eyes: A heart surgeon saved my mother’s life years ago.

8 پسندیده

Hello friends :tulip:
I’m a sixth grade elementary school’s teacher. Well, you are all familiar with my job.
Teaching is a really hard work because we have to teach different subjects at the same time to a large number of students that they have different levels of intelligence, talent, motivation etc.
On the other hand, we have to satisfy the school staff and parents with different levels of expectations.
Our work problems are so many but, friendship with students gives us a very good feeling. I am still in a friendly relationship with the students of previous years! I think if a teacher does not like her students, this job will not be more than hell for her and also for her students.
Sometimes My students talk about problems like breaking up with their boyfriends! falling in love! and their private family matters and I try to guide them so that they are less harmed ( My field of study was psychology، and so I can help them sometimes)

8 پسندیده

I can just say bravo dear samira :raised_hands:t2::innocent:

7 پسندیده

Hi, my friends, good night🌹
I am more interested in traditional music than other types of music, and my favorite singers are Homayoun Shajarian and Hojjat Azadeh.

About actors because I watch most foreign films, actors like:
Tom Cruise.
Robert De Niro.
Olivia Coleman.
Emilia Clarke.
Gabriella Petrie.
They’re my favorite actors.
And Iranian actors such as Shahab Hosseini, Daniel Hakimi, Abdolreza Akbari, Fatemeh Goudarzi and Hedieh Tehrani are the actors I consider.
Thank you for the good subject

:blue_heart: :seedling:

9 پسندیده

Hello again.
i’ll choose the first topic
In fact, I have two jobs, both of which are my favorite activities.
The most important one for me is acting. I play in the theatre and when I’m on stage and I play different roles, I’m very good at it, I’ve endured a lot of hardships, and of course I’ve achieved a lot of success.
But my second job, which is my main source of income, is the leather products workshop.
i’ll do it with love it’s very exciting

Great topic


9 پسندیده

It’s very interesting because I love acting
and now I’m very surprised when I heared you are working in theatre :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

7 پسندیده

Thanks It was great :ribbon::pray:t2:

7 پسندیده

Thank you.
Of course, I started working as a teenager, but I’ve been playing for 15 years, which is an experience that can’t be described.


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