Motivation time 💫

It was great. Thank you. In the continue of your explanation, I must add that we are already living in the cage of our limitations and we are only thinking about flying without trying to get rid of it.


4 پسندیده

I completely agree with you, thank you for completing my sentence. :rose:

5 پسندیده

Woow great explaining :clap::fire::100::+1:

5 پسندیده

I feel good when I look at this picture :stars::stars:

5 پسندیده

Guys which one would you choose?

You can choose just one of them :grin:

6 پسندیده

5 پسندیده

hi guys.
I’d like change of all the world and all of the humans become more kindness.
1- leaders to teachers.
2- arms factorys to flower gardens.
I love the equality of human beings and we must trying toward this by becoming to change uorself at first.
ببخشید دوستان، انگلیسی من زیاد خوب نیست امیدوارم منظورمو درست رسونده باشم. شاد باشید. :rose::slightly_smiling_face:

5 پسندیده

That’s Great :clap::clap::clap:
You’re great.

6 پسندیده


:blue_heart: :seedling:

7 پسندیده

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8 پسندیده

Good choice :+1::sunglasses: @abbas_17

Wooow :heart_eyes:
شکسته نفسی نکنین خیلی هم عالی هستش :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:t2::purple_heart:

Great photo by @zaribano

Welcome dear @hellostars

8 پسندیده

اینهم جایزه دوستان با انگیزه ،نوش جان ،دستپخت همچالشی شکموی شما ،عباس ۷ :yum:

یک مثل چینی میگه : شیرمال هم انگیزه است :grinning:

7 پسندیده

Well done, BRAVO,
It seems yummy, delicious.
How did you bake this popover?
I mean what it’s recipe is

6 پسندیده

Hello, I will definitely put the recipe.
درودبرشما و خوش اومدین ،من زیاد زبانم تعریف نداره :sweat_smile:

6 پسندیده

good appetite :dizzy::yum: . .

6 پسندیده

Of course you also have an appetite, please test :face_with_hand_over_mouth::+1::yum: yummy :yum:

6 پسندیده

:blue_heart: :seedling:

5 پسندیده