Tactics for Listening: Developing

اهااااننن اگ اینجوریع باشع من مشکلی ندارم

2 پسندیده

Lesson 3

TV set : a television

considerate**:(adjective)** caring about and respectful of others.

Fit in: if someone fits in, they are accepted by the other people in a group.

cookout:a party or occasion when a meal is cooked and eaten outdoors

spotless:extremely clean

to top it off: to add something else unusually good or bad to a situation that is already unusual.

Fix: informal especially American English to prepare a meal or drinks

every now and then: sometimes, but not regularly

prized possession**:** one that is very important to you

repair shop: a shop where you can take broken machines such as televisions, computers, telephones, etc to be repaire

reasonable: fair and sensible

elderly :polite word for old

bother : to annoy or cause problems for someone/t****o make someone feel worried or upset

porch: a covered area next to the entrance of a house, sometimes open to the air and sometimes surrounded by a screen (= wire net)

watch out: To take care

break in :. to enter a building by using force, in order to steal something:

nosy: too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them

Pick up: to let someone get into your car, boat etc and take them somewhere

Day care: Day care is care that is provided during the day for people who cannot look after themselves, such as small children, old people, or people who are ill.

not think much of somebody: to not like someone or something very much.

decline: formal to refuse

To be rude (about) sth

figure: to form a particular opinion after thinking about a situation

To be the case: If you say that something is the case, you mean that it is true or correct.

Manage with: to succeed in dealing with problems, living in a difficult situation etc:

Be off: not at work, school etc because you are ill or on holiday

Down the street: a walking distance in the same street.

By any chance: You can use by any chance when you are asking questions in order to find out whether something that you think might be true is actually true.

After all: used to add information that shows that what you have just said is true

two/three etc doors away/down/up: used to say how many houses or buildings there are between your house, office etc and another building

punch bowl: a large bowl in which punch (= a drink) is served

While you’re at it: at the same time as or in addition to doing something else

Bring that by too
داخل متن یکجا این جمله رو میگه
شما میدونی کاربرد اون

1 پسندیده

Lesson 4

here we are: used when you have finally arrived somewhere you were travelling to

not a thing: nothing at all.

show up: informal to arrive, especially at the place where someone is waiting for you

potluck: A potluck is a meal that consists of food brought by the people who come to the meal, or a meal that consists of whatever food happens to be available without special preparation.

home movie: a film that you make yourself using a video camera, especially one of your family or a holiday

sit around: to spend time sitting down and doing very little

Neat: mainly us informal good

stand around: to spend time standing somewhere and doing very little

1 پسندیده

مرسی راضیه جون ،من این فصل چون فصل کارمونه ، یه ذره سرم شلوغ تره . مرسی که حواست هست و نمی زاری انگیزه بخوابه. راستش درس سه رو هفته ی پیش خوندم ولی نرسیدم نکته هاشو بزارم. دو تا درسو به اضافه درس جدید سعی می کنم بزارم. اگه برسم.:grimacing:

1 پسندیده

خواهش میکنم:blush:
خسته نباشی و موفق باشی عزیزم :blush:

1 پسندیده

:gift_heart: she should be more considerate of her neighbors
:gift_heart: to top it all off
:gift_heart: they’ll really fit in well here
:gift_heart: are you by any chance having a party?
:gift_heart: after all, what are neighbors for?
:gift_heart: oh, my gosh

Lessen 4:
:dizzy: what do you have in mind?
:dizzy: show up at 7 : سرو کله اش پیدا شد.
I waited 2 hours but he didnt show up.
:dizzy: What’s it got in it?
We should give someone else a turn soon.:dizzy:

:dizzy: no one really felt like dancing
:dizzy: I really enjoyed myself

Lessen 5:
:white_check_mark: Mexican whould be a nice change
:white_check_mark: Im really starving
:white_check_mark: it’s your treat this time
:white_check_mark: whoyld you rather eat at home ?
:white_check_mark: I’m sick of junk food
:white_check_mark: what’s the occasion?
:white_check_mark: I’m on the salt_free diet
:white_check_mark: could you make sure …
:white_check_mark: let’s do sth really special