خیلی خب دوستان.
بنا به نظر خواهی در تاپیک قبلی به این نتیجه رسیدیم ک موضوع این هفته رو « خوشبختی را از دید خود تعریف کنید» بزاریم.
برای شما خوشبختی چه مفهومی داره؟ خوشبختی در چیه؟ آیا الان خوشبخت هستید؟
می تونید انشا خودتون رو بنویسید و دوستان دیگه برای بهتر شدن شما در نوشتار بهتون کمک کنن.
قبل از شروع چند مورد رو عرض کنم:
۱. نگران عالی بودن نباشید. سعی کنید بهترین خودتون رو بزارید. قبل از اینکه فایل رو پست کنید چند بار خودتون ویرایش کنید و بعد ارسال کنید تا کار دوستانی که قصد کمک کردن به شما دارند راحت تر شه.
۲. یادتون باشه شما زبان آموز هستید پس از ابزار های خوب برای بهتر نوشتنتون استفاده کنید. می تونه این چالش سکوی بلندی برای بهتر شدن دایره لغاتتون باشه، به شرطی که تحقیق کنید و واژگان مناسب رو پیدا کنید. اگه سوالی داشتید می تونید تو گوگل یه نگاهی بندازید و نوشتارتون رو بهتر کنید و بعد ارسالش کنید.
۳. گاهی وقتا حرف دل 10 خط ممکنه بیشتر بشه. به هیچ وجه اشکال نداره، شما آزادید که بیشتر بنویسید ولی یادتون باشه، نوشتار کوتاه تر فرصت این رو میده که دوستان بتونن با تمرکز بیشتری به شما در دادن فیدبک کمک کنند و همینطور تمرکز شما در بهتر شدن بیشتر خواهد شد. کم نوشتن هم هیچ اشکالی نداره.
۴. من یه عمل دارم به اسم چکش زدن. وقتی فیدبکی دریافت کردید، دوباره همون متن رو بنویسید و به قول بچه ها گفتنی چکش بزنیدش تا محکم شه.
Happiness has a different meaning
In my opinion happiness means having a family,health,calm and a have a good sleep at night.
Happiness is a great feeling and i think happiness is the best feeling that everybody can feel in her life
I think I’m happy and I hope you feel happy in your life
In the name of God
Hi all my dear friends
What’s your idea about felicity?There are various way for anser to this question. On one hand people have different personalities,culture’s and religious,on the other hand they think differently based on their ages. For example when you are single maybe you would like to have a very close family,and you think:If I were a mom/dad,I would only try for happiness of my kids. Or If I had a good job,I would work really hard,so my family were very fortunate. I think people who are deeply religious person,they believe the highest level of felicity,is helping others especially poor people. Finally In my opinion every body who has a good relationship with God,other people,her/his self and nature,certainly he/she will be fortune. Of course the first and foremost relationships is between God and humans,and that cause to have a very good happiness/success in our lives.thanks a lot for paying attention me
I should say/write: I choose the felicity for explaining this topic. Because I think this word have deeper meaning than happiness,fortune and lucky.
Felicity means great happiness,the quality of being well chosen or suitable.
Hello, And thank you for this lovely and expandable topic that you chose.
In the opinion of the vast majority of people, Happiness comes from achieving our wishes and desires. But in my point, Happiness is the time when I live in the moment without any stress or anxiety.
For example, I have this happy and life loving family, which is a great comfort for me to be always on the road of success. Because calmness and stableness in the house are the great key to being the man who just focus on achieving more goals.
And, To be grateful of god. Now I’m healthy and calm in mind. Which is a great bliss for this time of my life. The most important side effect of being calm comes from our activities and our behavior. For instance: Someone who always looking for bad thoughts and ideas about everything such as fighting against people or trying to behave badly to the other human beings, Is able to absorb more cruelty and bad Thoughts to its own life. And I always trying to be kind to people to take their happiness in my own life.
So, We are able to feel happiness and successfulness by our own acts.
Thank you for reading this crude essay. But I’m not worried about this. Because I’m on the right way and it means I’ll be better every single time.
Pursuit of happiness is the name of a movie starring Will Smith and Jaden, his son.
The movie is about a man who is so poor, he wants to be rich but he needs to overcome lots of challenges including being left by his wife, being homeless, being out of money, taking care of his son etc.
These challenges come one by one and the man suffers immensely in them. But he never gives up. At the end despite the tough challenges, he redeemed.
Andy Dufresne in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption” wrote a letter to Red and in that letter, he said, “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”
So for me happiness comes from having hope, accepting life’s challenges and at the end like Chris Gardner and Andy Dufresne achieving redemption.
With that redemption now I can close my eyes and say hello to happiness.
The criteria of each person in life can be different and more distinct than others. For example, happiness can have different meanings for everyone.For instance, people have happiness in money, family, wealth, a luxury house, high class jobs,an expensive car, having a healthy body,a beautiful face, traviling,being happy and a lot of other things.
However, it does not ignore the importance of money and material in life, and all of us in life deal with the problem of money. though many people see happiness in the color of money.
But the point I would like to point out in relation to the issue of money and happiness is the recognition of some people. Despite the fact that they have a lot of money they are not able to spend their money on the path to happiness.
In my opinion, the most important thing that can be important to any person in his or her life is the art of living.
That means every person should understand life in a good life and live happily. It’s not like having a lot of money and not being able to spend it.
The happiness of every human being is inherently related to the worldview, morale, morality, and its Comfortable conscience.
I hope my mistakes are low:speak_no_evil:
سلام عالی بود متن تون رو خوندم ، فقط چند نکته کوچک خدمتتون عرض می کنم :
خط سوم answer که w رو جا گذاشتید، و جمله آخر خط سوم یعنی راههای مختلفی برای جواب دادن به این سوال وجود داره ، پس باید راهها رو بگید نه اینکه مثال بزنید ، بهتره که جمله تون رو عوض کنید و به جای way از کلمه دیگه ای مثلا idea استفاده کنید البته way می بایست ways باشه .
خط چهارم culture اسم انتزاعی است و جمع نمیشه البته شما آپاستروف اس گذاشتید.تو خط یازدهم هم self اضافی است و اگر منظورت herself باشه دومی himself باید باشه نه his self . در کل علایم نگارشی مثل ، . : ؛ رو باید رعایت کنی.
ولی در کل عالی بود .
خیلی ممنونم اززحمتتون.واقعالطف کردید.بایدبیشتر
دقت کنم.البته یه مشکلی که من واسه تایپ کردن باگوشی دارم،اینه که بعضی کلمات رو درستشومیدونم،
ولی موقع فرستادن دقتم کمه. کلمات اشتباه که توحافظه گوشیم هست روبایدحواسم باشه.الان همین way روباsجمع توذهنم بوده بنویسم،اماموقع فرستادن دقتم کم بوده. درهرصورت خوشحال وممنونم از یادآوری های بجای شما.موفق باشید
منبعی سراغ داریدواسه دونستن چنین کلماتی؟منظورم کتاب یاسایت یاهرمنبع دیگه ای که قواعدجمع بستن
روکامل توضیح داده باشه. مثلا information رومیدونم چون خودش جمع هست،نبایدsجمع بگیره ولی culture رواولین باره میشنوم. خیلیم ممنونم وواقعابرام مهمه درست واصولی نوشتن.