By this time, Joanne is getting desperate. She told her sister that Nick would be home at5.30. It is now5.45. The door opens. Kevin comes in. He is in a good mood. He has been to a football match, where his team won2-0. And he is carrying Joanne’s car keys.
“ Where did you find them?” asks Joanne.
“ You left them in the car ignition“, says Kevin
جووان کلیدای ماشینشو گم کرده، کوین از در میاد تو و بهش میگه که کلیداش رو توی car ignition جا گذاشته. car ignition دقیقا یعنی کجای ماشین؟؟ مرسی
این تاپیک مربوط به درس «Lost and Found» در اپلیکیشن زبانشناس است (دوره «به انگلیسی گوش بده»، فصل «قسمت ۴»)