این کلمه توی این درس زیاد استفاده شده. ولی من کاربرد و معنیشو نفهمیدم
اینا چند تا مثالیه که براش خوندم ولی بازم نگرفتم کجاها استفاده میشه
I would do it if I had the time
who ever would have thought of it?
I never thought it would succeed
If they had any musical knowledge they would be able to hear our voices are good.
would it be all right to visit him?
he said he would be away for a couple of days
He avoids it, on the record anyway, and there’s no way he would comment on other programmes.
As someone who kept a daily diary all her life, she would have loved blogging.
کلا بنظرم هم ریتم داستان تند بود هم معنی کردنش سخت بود
جمله آخر داستان هم من نفهمیدم
harm چرا اشتباه معنی شده
جمله رو خیلی سخت کردن
And she could only feel peace if she promised to make right, the next day, whatever harm she had done.
این تاپیک مربوط به درس «داستان کوتاه انگلیسی بالشت پری» در اپلیکیشن زبانشناس است (دوره «داستان های بچه گانه»، فصل «بسته ی سوم»)