Dan: I was on the football team, captain of the football team. Who would have thought?
Aaron: That a tap dancer and a football player …
Dan: That we would be friends.
Aaron: In your dreams, buddy.
in your dreams
خوابشو ببینی، به همین خیال باش
Dan: Golf, you were a big golfer.
Aaron: No, I wasn’t a big golfer, no. My father played a little bit.
Dan: Get your story straight. You told me you were on the golf team.
Get your story straight
راستشو بگو
Aaron: Yeah, I’m sure from time to time it comes across in some of our lessons, because it’s interesting.
from time to time
گاه و بیگاه، گهگاه، هرچند وقت یکبار.
come across
به موردی یا شخصی بر خوردن، با کسی یا وضعیتی روبرو شدن(ناگهانی)
Aaron: Yeah, of course, right. Hanging out together, having a good time.
hang out
پلکیدن، وقت را به بطالت گذاندن، ول گشتن، پرسه زدن
Aaron: But a lion? Oh my goodness! Yeah, so anyway, when they saw the lion, it’s just amazing that something that’s living out on the plains like that and killing animals to, wild animals, hunting them, and to maybe fending off other males.
live out
تا آخر (چیزی) دوام آوردن، تا پایان چیزی زنده بودن
fend off
دفع کردن، از خود راندن، از خود دور کردن
Dan: Yeah, that easily could have gone the other way. That easily could have ended up in a blood bath. What was that story of that Las Vegas tiger show?
blood bath
خونریزی، قتل عام، کشتار
Dan: But you know, I guess, yeah, that’s the flip side of these feel good videos, is this kind of feeling that that shouldn’t be, that’s not meant to be.
flip side
اثر مخرب، بدی، عیب، جنبهی منفی، بدیش اینه که
Aaron: Why can’t humans just get along? You know? We’re so similar in so many ways, and just, we have little tiny, minor, you know, cosmetic differences, and we just can’t get along. Whether it’s your beliefs, or your, you know, where you’re born or where you’re from.
get along with
کنار آمدن با - ساختن با - جور بودن با، ارتباط خوب و ملایم داشتن با دیگری، ارتباط نزدیک و صمیمانه با دیگری داشتن
Aaron: They did catch him, okay. They put him in the slammer? They better have.
هلفدونی، زندان
Dan: Yeah, very embarrassing. But I also feel that it is indicative of the state of America.
indicative of
دلیل بر، دال بر، نشاندهندهی
He wanted to make amends and apologize to the world and become a better man.
make amends
جبران کردن، تلافی کردن، دلجویی کردن
Aaron: Yeah, right. It’s a giant irony. And the crazy thing is, it would be different if he, like, had completely come clean.
come clean
روراست بودن، اذعان کردن، اقرار کردن، راست گفتن، حقيقت را گفتن، اقرار همه چیز
Aaron: He could be, yeah. Maybe he had a falling out with the Klan members, and someone threatened him.
have a falling out
درگیری داشتن، نزاع داشتن، دعوا کردن، بحث و جدل داشتن
I don’t know what it’s like now. But I have fond memories of Belize. Yeah, you should go.
have fond memories of
از جایی یا چیزی خاطرهی خوب داشتن
Dan: He was also kind of a man on the run.
one the run
Aaron: Yeah, and then off the rails.
off the rail
قاطی کردن، دیووانه شدن
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