Returning back to salt mines

آیا salt mines معنی دیگری یا اصطلاحی هست؟ مثلا برگشتن به کار پر زحمت یا آشوبناک یا چیزی که آدم رو دچار استرس می کنه؟

این تاپیک مربوط به فصل« تاریخ آسیب شناسی » در نرم‌افزار «زیبوک» است. کتاب: « هفته کاری 4 ساعته »

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You can refer to any repetitive, difficult job or task as a salt mine .
If your mom groans, "Off to the salt mine " as she leaves for work, she probably doesn’t love her job.

The literal definition of salt mine — a mine where salt is extracted — explains the origin of the figurative meaning. Work in a salt mine is physically challenging and monotonous, and any job that feels that tedious can be called a salt mine. People sometimes use the term in a more lighthearted or joking way: “It was a great weekend, but tomorrow it’s back to the salt mine .”


One’s job or daily work, especially when it is very hard or unpleasant. (Workers in salt mines were often slaves and prisoners.) Sometimes used humorously.

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