What do you do in home?

What is your job?
I am nurse anesthetist

3 پسندیده

سلام خانم گل ظهرتون سرشار از شادی :cherry_blossom::bouquet::tulip::blossom::sunflower::sunflower::rose::sunflower::hibiscus::sunflower::blossom::tulip:به به چه زیبا آفرین برشما :cherry_blossom::bouquet::blossom::rose::sunflower::hibiscus::blossom:میشه بفرمایند چطور این کار رو انجام میدهید؟؟؟؟ :tulip::tulip::blossom::blossom:

1 پسندیده

ولی دوستان کاش هنراتون رو تو تاپیک زیر بزارید چون همه اونجا بهتر میبینن چون مخصوص همین کاره


3 پسندیده

سلام آقا :cherry_blossom::bouquet::tulip::blossom::sunflower::hibiscus:ظهرتون بخیر و شادی :cherry_blossom::bouquet::tulip::blossom::blossom::sunflower::rose::sunflower::blossom::tulip:بسیار هنرمندانه است :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::blossom::sunflower::sunflower::hibiscus::rose::sunflower::hibiscus::blossom::tulip::tulip::bouquet::tulip::blossom::sunflower:

ظهر شمام بخير باشه:hibiscus::hibiscus:ممنونم

1 پسندیده

چه جالب خیلیم عالی ممنون بابت اطلاع

2 پسندیده

حنا جان قربونت دستت بیا قیچی کن بفرست تو اون تاپیک اگه میشه :kissing_heart:
من اصلا این تاپیک رو یادم نبود :upside_down_face:

2 پسندیده

Hi dear… I am also nurse anestasia

4 پسندیده

Hi everybody
These days,I really thank God.
Before I was so pride,now I understand God with a smal stuff can ruin every thing easily.

Thanks God

3 پسندیده

please Send me a few painting that you draw

2 پسندیده

I write stories
Persian and English

This is a story I wrote by 5 words from 504 essential words
Whis you like it

Years passed and his knowledge hasn’t expand in lots of fields.
He wants to grow, wants to touch mature feelings. In this way he needs an alteration. He should dedicates his soul to infinity.
But this needs great revise in all beliefs.
The beliefs that have rooted in all cells of the body and made mind old.
On the way he hears a voice that calls his name and begs him not to go.
it sounds like a sacred voice but makes steps heavy.
Actually it’s a old magician with dirt tricks
Only a brave knight can pass her.

4 پسندیده

hi… I hope you have good time
this day I have to work
but I stay at home in evening
I read book
I doing house_cleaning
I talk to my family, you know I love my family and I enjoy with them
and don’t worry about sick beacuse
. God is with us you just observe health
be happy
Don’t forget the smile

6 پسندیده

Very good , but writing story needs Creativity I don’t have it😂

5 پسندیده

Create a world with new features that only you like

This is a creativity :slightly_smiling_face:

6 پسندیده

I practice english
It’s good time for this act

5 پسندیده

I wish you feel good when you look at these days in future.

When all people are in stress of CoronaVirus outbreak,you are learning English.

Wish you improve your level and this chain of learning goes on till summit.

4 پسندیده

I am a very regular and planning man.
I divide my hours of the day and do the same work at any time.
for example:
I stare at the wall for 15 minutes, and then stare at the closet for 15 minutes, and then at the ceiling, the lamp, and so on.

“Always try to plan your hours”

2 پسندیده

Hello guys.
Thank you for this challenge
So let me say my daily routines at these days.
I have much of online or offline.
Although I was going out of the home for a short time a
day, I didn’t go out now.


I help my mom clean the home. sweep the floor vacume the carpet
take out the trash etc…
I listen to zabanshenas.
writting my daily routin in my channel
And my Last positive work in these days
is reading a book named atomic habit

3 پسندیده