بازگویی داستان لامپ

سلام دوستان عزیز و همیشگی.
بازم اومدم مزاحمتون شم. اگه امکانش هست این داستانو که بازگویی کردم بخونید و مشکلی و انتقادی چیزی هست بگید که خیلی خیلی ممنون میشم. :heart:

The lump of gold:
Paul was a powerful man economically.He had lots of money however was very sordid.

He pretended to be poor and wore dirty clothes so that everyone would like to help him.

He didn’t care. He only cared about his money and he never spent it even for his primarily requirements.

One day he bought a big lump of gold and hid it in a hole by a tree. It was all his life. He thought only about his treasure all day time.

“No one will own my gold” thought Paul. But he was wrong.

Paul was walking to see his treasure again and again during the day. But one day a thief saw Paul looking at his gold. It was last time that Paul saw it. When Paul went home , the thief picked up the lump of gold , slip it into his bag and ran away.

But the very next day Paul went to see his gold.
He shocked when saw there is no any gold in the hole…

“Oh my God!! What on earth had happened here?Someone has robbed my gold”

Paul cried and cried. He cried so loud that everyone heard him and a wise old man came to help!

“Hey man?what happened that deserve you cry so loud such this!?”

Paul told the sad tale of stolen lump of gold.

“Don’t worry” said the wise old man.
“Why? I’ve lost my everything”

“What did you do with your lump of gold?”

“I sat and looked at it happily every day”

“Ok. You can do it with everything like a stone.”

“But the stone isn’t a special thing. I want to own something that specially belongs to me.”

“Don’t look for a special thing man. It’s your sense that must be special.”

It was a start point to change Paul opinion.
Paul listened, thought for a moment and then said, ‘Yes, you’re right. I’ve been very silly. I don’t need a lump of gold to be happy!’

8 پسندیده

ســلام. خیییلی عاالی بود :clap::clap::ok_hand:
فقط چند تا نکته بود به نظرم گفتم بگم :relaxed:

all the day

It was the last time

چون در زمان گذشته است

isn’t / is not

however he was

خیلی خوب می نویسین :clap::clap::+1::ok_hand:

4 پسندیده

سلام خیلی خیلی ممنون که وقت گذاشتید. و خیلی ممنون از دلگرمیتون و نکات ارزنده ای که گفتید

3 پسندیده

من به جز شش تا کلمه که برام جدید بودند ، داستان تون را کاملا متوجه شدم.
خیلی خوب و آموزنده بود. :ok_hand::star_struck:

4 پسندیده

مچکر ممنون که وقت گذاشتید❤️

3 پسندیده

خواهش می کنم :rose::tulip: :blossom:


2 پسندیده