When I’m depressed, at first I try to listen to English music. At the same time I’m listening to English music, I feel good better. As I listen to English music, I try to get along with the singer. I have a great interest in English music. Unlike Persian music, which I don’t listen to at all! English music works for me as a very happy and fun entertainment and break time.
Plus when I’m depressed, I try to think more about my future and give myself more hope. In my opinion, hope never will die. In the face of depression, a person can return to his / her normal life with hope. So in this situation, I’ll never forget my future.
Also in depression situation and condition, I try to listen to English learning materials and read them. In critical times, English books work wonders for me. English language in any format, gives me good vibes and works best for me every time.
Unfortunately, I have a depressed personality! Sometimes, I’ve experienced severe periods of depression. My depression slowly began at the age on 20th, when I was undergraduate student. So much so that during my doctoral studies, my depression reached its peak! But I haven’t visited a psychiatrist for treatment yet. I hate taking medicine. Especially psychiatric drugs that have many side effects.