😔 A letter

Author: Afshin Shiba
Sometimes man finds himself in a situation where there seems to be no turning back
It’s very hard when your heart breaks
And it’s even harder to apologize in front of everyone and humiliate yourself
My dear friend was upset because of a misunderstanding of me
And I apologized to him for his duty
But he did not accept my apology
That’s just because of a misunderstanding
People with a happy spirit joke with everyone in every situation
They joke with the earth and time
They like to be everywhere and talk and laugh with everyone
But when their hearts are broken, you can no longer collect the broken pieces of his heart
And today my heart broke a thousand times
Not because that dear friend did not accept my apology
Because I realized I couldn’t joke with anyone anymore
And I die because my life was in jokes and laughter and jokes with everyone and everything and the earth and time

1 پسندیده

Hi Mr.Shiba

Actually, I don’t know why you share your sad letter here! A simple text for practice English in writing, a consultation, unburden yourself, to give hope or :thinking:
Not important. Do forget it at all. :white_check_mark:

To be honest, when I read your letter, these quotes came to mind (I don’t know why)

Not everything is as it seems.
Not to be judgemental but this is extremely weak.

Maybe it’s better not to take that issue seriously … maybe …Maybe both of you need a little time. So be patient and take action at the right time to calm.

Stay yourself but the best version of yourself. That’s all.

Anyway, I hope you make the right decisions and act great.

2 پسندیده

Don’t get me wrong
This letter is addressed to a member of the same program
Friends of the group understand what I’m saying

For what? (No need to answer)
That was a simple response. Not more! :white_check_mark:

I hope so!

1 پسندیده