Favorite music

Most of the times I listen to Persian musics. I listen to every kind of good and beautiful Persian music like pop, rap, old, new, etc. But I really like traditional music more than other kinds cause it gives me good feelings.
About foreign musics, I don’t know their music styles a lot but I have some special songs of different singers and I like them and I calm down or get happy with them.
As I told I like Persian trad musics a lot and my favorite singers in this style are Mohamadreza Shajarian, Homayoun Shajarian and Alireza Ghorbani. I love their sounds. And I also like old singers like Ms Mahasti. Her sound is so beautiful and inspires me.
Infact I listen to music a lot and it effects me a lot.
At last every one like different musics and it’s respectable : ) maybe you don’t like my music style or I don’t like your music style but all of them are available

8 پسندیده

This is a good topic

5 پسندیده

Rock, pop, metal, etc.
Actually I don’t want to answer this question but I can say that one of my favorite songs is “Imagine by John Lennon” because I want to imagine that beautiful world that is not real :neutral_face:.
One of my favorite singers is Sia.

For some reasons that concern me, I don’t want to participate in this challenges anymore.
So bye guys.
Good luck :hibiscus:

10 پسندیده

Kenny G rules

Audio books rule

4 پسندیده

Hi my friends :hibiscus::hibiscus::rose::rose:
Long time no see :relaxed::relaxed::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

What is wrong with you man!!! :flushed::flushed::flushed:

What is the problem with Amoo Poorang and Khaleh Shadooneh :sweat_smile:
Wasn’t Amoo Poorang’s song “Ordake tak tak, tak tak e ordak” (what a terrible name for a song :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:) so cute?? :joy::joy:
Gee, I don’t know why some people prefer Taylor swift or Billie Eillish over khaleh Shadooneh (I think if they know I compared them with Khaleh Shadoone, they will end their lives :joy::joy:)
Honestly I always hate them even when I was a child :grin::grin::grinning::grinning:

About my favorite music, I should say I don’t know different types of musics.
Just when I hear a song and I feel I like it, I will listen to it so many times until I hate that :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
So I don’t try to follow a particular singer or any specific style, just listen to what I like. Also no matter what language :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

7 پسندیده

I’m a big fan of English mudic. At times, I think this amount of interest of mine to English music can be as an addiction! I’m really into English music. As much as I can and it’s possible for me, I sing along with the singer and I’m completely crazy about this one! English music i.e. good vibes. :blue_heart::blue_heart:

I’m really interest in English music. Unlike Persian music, which I don’t listen to it, at all! In other words, listening to Persian music it’s not cup of my tea. English music works for me as a very happy and fun entertainment and break time.

Listening to English music is my everyday activities. They always motivate me to learning English more and more. English music is my MEDICINE. I’ve tried it for myself, lots and lots, when I was awfully depressed and most of the time, it has been miraculously effective for me.

In between of English speaking (Anglophone) singers, I like Chris De Burgh, Celine Dion, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Selena Gomez, Enrique Iglesias and so forth. My favorite genres in English music (songs) are Pop, Country, Rock, Instrumental and Electronic Dance Music (EDM).

The best and happiest period of my life is my adolescence (alolescencehood). One of the most important reasons for that was, English music. Even I love the English music I listened to it when I was a teenager (as a teenager) more than any other music.

English music can quickly changes my mood; Towards more positive or even more negative.

For example, When I’m anxious, nervous or even, when I’m seriously depressed, if I listen to English music, this negative and dark mood of mine, can suddenly soared to its positive peak! Of course, the opposite of this, has happened, on and on. So even I sometimes think to myself that I might be a bipolar person! I really always think to myself, how can I react so emotionally to English music …
Now I’m writing this text for you, I’m listening to English music at the same time. Therefore, there are great reasons that I made lots of mistakes in this writing of mine.

This writing of mine about English music has second part or maybe third part. I have many things to say about English music.


10 پسندیده

Well , my favorite singers are taylor swift and :heart_eyes: sia.
But I love one direction band too. :kissing_heart:
To be honest… I watched all of the music videos by Taylor and my favorite band and but l just listen to musics by sia not music videos as I can’t watch these videos :sunglasses:
So I like one of the most famous music by Taylor. And this music’s name is " delicate " and i love the other music video by Taylor again . And name is" love story" I love them.
And so … I admire adam Lambert :wink:
He has a great and amusing sound or rythem.
I like the all of the musics :heart_eyes:

10 پسندیده

Hiya! :smile:

If you want me to tell you your errors, I won’t. :sweat_smile: I say it again: as long as we can communicate in English, we’re Ok. :smile:
If you want me to comment on your comment, I have to say: I assume you’re a beginner and for a beginner your writings are really good. Just don’t stop writing and try to use the words you’ve learned. You eventually find your grammatical errors. No probs. I wish you luck. :smile: :hibiscus:

8 پسندیده

Hello, Ghazanfar! :neutral_face:

What’s wrong? Is there something that I’m not aware of? Why do you burn the bridges behind yourself? :expressionless:

I don’t accept your words. Please, feel free and write for us anytime. See you. :hibiscus:

8 پسندیده

:smile: :love_you_gesture:

I just wanted to make you write for us. :sweat_smile: Thank you for being so cool! :smile:

8 پسندیده

For a music lover, you sure sound very depressed. It doesn’t add up. Do you listen to sad music? :smile:

I don’t listen to Persian songs either (unless I really like them and have paid for them; it rarely happens that I like Iranian songs).

7 پسندیده

Where have you been، during this time, Mr. Mashreghi? Long time no see though! :grin: Your absence in the forum was getting really long. :blue_heart:

I guess all the guys, were missed you, here. :heart::gem:

6 پسندیده

Everyone loves Taylor Swift. Why? :expressionless: (I actully know why :smile:)

7 پسندیده

Hello, Ms Velayati. I missed you guys too.
I just try to answer the comment fast, so I sound a little cold. :sweat_smile:
But tomorrow I’ll get better.
I missed a lot. I’m bombarded with your comments. I’ll read all of them slowly :sweat_smile:

6 پسندیده

As a matter of fact, I do listen to all of them. In English music، I’m an emotional girl and I’m affected by them strongly.

You’ve listened to a number of my favorite English music in one of my topics. What do you think about them?

There is no doubt about my depression and I’ve always talked about it, in the right place! But I can tell you one thing, for sure. My feelings in English music are completely different from the other aspects of mine.
I’m a real English music lover!


7 پسندیده

I want to chat about this, but I have to wake up very early in the morning. We’ll talk about this tomorrow night, if you don’t mind.

Good night! :hibiscus:

Just for deposit: I like your music taste. :smile:

7 پسندیده

Oh really?! I didn’t know that “Kamran Hooman” were not Persians :smile: Where are they from then? Maybe they are Canadians then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

6 پسندیده

Thank you
I will definitely try my best
tank you for attention.

7 پسندیده

I like your enthusiasm. :hibiscus:

6 پسندیده

With all due respect, what the hell are you talking about? :neutral_face: I don’t know who they are. Why do you think I know them? I practically know no new Persian singer. :sweat_smile:

5 پسندیده