زنگ تفریح بچه های زبانشناس 🔔

You’re most welcome. :relieved: :joy:

I am such a smart mouth, aren’t I? :sweat_smile:

Have a nice day.

7 پسندیده

Guys, I will probably post up the new subject on wednesday but if you want me to post it up earlier, let me know.

8 پسندیده

That’s totally fine :ok_hand:

You too! :crossed_fingers:

7 پسندیده

:rofl: :rofl: If you knew how much I love this kind of humour (anime-like), you would never talk to me seriously again. :smile:

May I ask the name of the movie?

I feel awful and didn’t want to show you my sad and negative side. (Next month is six days later though).

It’s more like a scary kitten, but OK, broooo! :joy: Whatever you say! :smile: (God, I’m being American; It’s awful. Even the mocking impression hurts :neutral_face:)

This is the first time I prefer to read, than to write. I always wanted to see a thread like this, having talkative, debatitive and (a little) argumentative sort of users who enjoy talking to each other. Well, my spirit is low at the moment, but I’m rooting for Matin :smile: (I never thought I’d take my enemy’s side; weird world :expressionless:). I, as well, believe we are just a pile of molecules dipped in shit (taken out and dipped in it again). People must be like him and me, heartless, loveless and… (what’s the word? No, not idiot! Who said that? :unamused:) be realistic (The kind of people who are not living in dreams, just sleeping in them and waking up).

7 پسندیده

:joy::joy::joy: Dude, I’m not trying to be scary
I meant being “talkative” (the beast inside who talks a LOT), not hurting other people or trying to look scary. That’s just plain stupid. I’d never do that.

Come on! I’m not heartless or loveless :joy: (I AM stupid and realistic, though). I’m just saying it’s not magic! It’s not soul or anything. It’s just something natural. Nothing more than that.

7 پسندیده

Wouldn’t it be easier for you to talk though? I don’t mind seeing your “sad and negative side”.

You wish to get rid of me then, huh? :roll_eyes:

We don’t need heartless, loveless people. We’ve got plenty already.(@matinrohany not that I’m refering to you ).

But we are not just flesh and bones and why on earth it’s so hard to piece things together and put them in a sensible way?!

Well, It seems I am looking for trouble. :joy:

Why didn’t you say that day that I’m talking all nonesense and there is no such thing as “soul”?

7 پسندیده

Mr. Mashreghi

Listen to this. :rofl:

God! Tell me you’re not cursing me! :joy:

6 پسندیده

Hello guys :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:
I have it , it is so funny :wink::smile::ok_hand:
Thanks a bunch :joy::crossed_fingers:

6 پسندیده

The most interesting book for me was the sereies of Yual Nuah Herrari, specially the sapiens. They showed me a different way of thinking and a new sight through human being and the nature. How it realy was, better to be and hope to be.

6 پسندیده

So you accept that your beast is just a kitten, and you just don’t agree with “scary” part? :smile: OK, I take that back, but you keep the “kitten”. Although, I thought you meant “hard-headed”. If I knew you meant talkative, I’d use “tweeting baby chick”. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re saying you didn’t mean people are a bunch of mass-produced object-like things (three at the cost of one)? Cos I totally look at them like that. Being heartless and loveless is a good thing in my religion. It’s a compliment.

Apparently, we do not agree; that’s a relief. I thought I agreed with my enemy. Phew! :kissing: (This emoji is not “kiss”. It’s “phew” :neutral_face:)

OK. Your wish is my command (That’s a sentence I never thought I’d say).

Nah, I’ve already got rid of you. You’re not dreaming; YOU ARE IN A COMA FOR PETE’S SAKE. Wake up! World doesn’t worth living. :joy:

Are you suggesting we are stupid, dear kind young lady!? :unamused: (:joy:)

I [literally] said “idiot” (with a smile). :smile:

7 پسندیده

Are you still alive?! :expressionless: (:joy:)

7 پسندیده

Hello grandpa, where are you ?!
Yeah I’m alive :smile::crossed_fingers:
You want something else ?.. :neutral_face:

7 پسندیده

One foot in the grave. :smile: my child!

Yes, I need 50 million euros, if you have it on you. :neutral_face:

And three bottles of red.

7 پسندیده

Nope. I meant for once I can’t explain my feelings and ideas in a way that it would be easier for others to understand.

:roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


7 پسندیده

I haven’t read it or even heard of it but it looks like a great book.

8 پسندیده

Just 50 million euros ?! :smirk::roll_eyes:
It’s nothing for me to pay :joy::smile::crossed_fingers:

Red nope…:-1:
Just help your self with water :ok_hand:

7 پسندیده

:joy: Thanks!

:joy::joy: Well, because I don’t want to talk there

:joy::joy::joy: You gotta admit, this was too “high school”
Come on! We’re not 16 anymore :joy:. I need to be 10 years younger to get offended by this.

Well yes, that’s true. But I meant, we all have feelings and stuff, but they’re nothing more than what they actually are. It’s not something pure and magical.

Why do we have to give a deeper meaning to everything? Why are we trying to put a good spin on everything?

7 پسندیده

You misunderstood everything.

That was not what I said. I am quite skeptical. Nonetheless, I am impressed with your desire to examine things logically. The reason why I talked to you was because when people talk about things that aren’t to be easily proved in a rather certain way, it just gets on my nerves. Perhaps because I can’t be totally like them. I’m feeling very jealous!

Okay. So this is your reason.

7 پسندیده

And why on earth is that?! :neutral_face:
You mean If I stated the same thing here, you would say that I’m wrong?

Because they have deeper meanings!

7 پسندیده

Oh, no. I didn’t mean that “you” do :sweat_smile: Sorry
It was just a rhetorical question.

I just meant this

I get that :grin::ok_hand:

Well, yeah :grin::v:

7 پسندیده