Speaking and writing challenge

Yes .I have this problem.
So I send it with other device.

But what is the problem??

I have tried all of this ways but the problem didn’t solve.

4 پسندیده

I think you have a mistake because this is solve my problem.

6 پسندیده

No sure .

But dear

Please try that apilcation.
It may solve your problem

5 پسندیده

You know I record my voice and change it to mp4 right now.
I send for you

9 پسندیده

thank you, i’ll try it.
I hope this problem is solved

5 پسندیده

Ok .
Today’s subject.

You should pick 1 or 2 of them and talk about them.

7 پسندیده

Can I write the answer instead of sending my voice?

5 پسندیده

Yes .

As you wish

But recording audio is more useful


5 پسندیده

Hi friends
Sorry today i was a little busy
Can i load tomorrow’s subjects?:pray:

6 پسندیده

Ok thank.

There is no obligation :blush:

7 پسندیده

Today I can’t join .
Pardon :pray:t2:

6 پسندیده

So we do this for tomorrow


6 پسندیده

that is great.
I’ll answer the last questions.

6 پسندیده

Hello.dear abolfazl. I’ll try it. As soon as :two_hearts:.possible. Thank you for your attention

8 پسندیده

I hope it be good

8 پسندیده

Hey guys.
I don’t know what had happened to other friends that they didn’t participate for today’s speaking challenge.

As you my problem for uploading audio.so I will write instead of speaking.

My sister :she is clever and lazy . . actually she is really untidy unlike me :blush:
My twin brothers: they are funny.and playful.they annoye me sometime but I love them .and they’re 5 years old .
My mother is really sympathetic and just this.

My father is really brave and hardworking of course.
I going to become an English teacher of course
I will study scienceتجربی
I have never won money.
I have been learning English roughly 4.5 years.

Sweet night :bridge_at_night:.

8 پسندیده

Today I’m busy as bee :grimacing:
If God will tommarrow I speak about both of them.
But why do you join to my topic?

Maybe I’m upset because you didn’t join :confused:

7 پسندیده

Hello my friends.
It has not been long since I started learning English. One day I met ap Zabanshenas by chance and I was satisfied with the method and quality of the program, so I decided to start training.
Before that, all my information was about school, which has been going on for many years now.
With practice and effort, I reached a good level of language every day and I am very happy to have found good friends in the forum.
I wish everyone success.
Sorry I was late in writing and send this exercise.

9 پسندیده


Dear @Reyhaneh_Nazary
I’m really busy this days .
I should finish American English file 3 before Eid!!

I don’t know how to reach that.
Maybe with your help which means participating in this challenge and speaking about my books exercises.

American English files are heavy in terms of their content :worried:

6 پسندیده

I do my best to help you to finish American 3 :blush:

6 پسندیده