Emotional mastery

Good morning
I’m an early bird person. It means I tend to wake up early in the morning, but because of my packed daily schedule I usually go to bed late so for a while I couldn’t make early morning raising up.
Thank God, today after awhile I raised up early at 5 am. According to the “5 am club” written by Robin Sharma /a master of leadership expert/ I followed 20.20.20 rule: doing sweat making exercise for 20 minutes (I did it with “walk at home” app / by Leslie Sompson / a master of fitness instructor/ ), 20 minutes doing spiritual issues, praying, and meditation and so on & finally learning something new or studying some new subjects or reading books for the last 20 minutes.
When I wake up early at first I wasn’t in a good mood for getting out of the bed but I remembered “emotional mastery” from power English by AJ Hoge /an en English teacher master/, so I decided to control my emotions & do my best today . I jumped out the bed immediately & you know the rest of the story.
I took the best pasture that I can: straight back, shoulder back, chin up, eyes up, taking some deep breath & having a grin / a big smile / in my face & in a few moments I felt totally different. Now I am in peak emotional state & ready to start a perfect day in my life.
I really appreciate my dears Nagmeh, Homa, Marjan for giving me “5 am club book”, introducing me “Zabanshenas App”, buying for me “ Walk at home App. ” respectively.
Also I want to thank “Zabanshenas App” producers /to give me a fantastic chance to improve my second language /, Robin Sharma , AJ Hoke, leslie Sompson & anybody who have positive effects on my life.

At the end let me introduce myself: I’m Niloofar, I’m a lady who tells NO to the laziness. The one who know & do the rules of emotional mastery. I will be a MASTER English speaker very soon.

Have you ever heard about emotional mastery? I really recommend reading or listening “Power English” in Zabanshens App.
I really appreciate to read the manuscript ,tell your ideas about it & correct my mistakes

8 پسندیده

Well done sweet early bird, keep it going and make sure you’ll never miss a day learning​:innocent::fist_left:

It’s all very well written except a few tiny errors which I’ll mention below :


Early bird is just enough to explain the whole idea, you don’t need to bring «person» afterward.

Say «I couldn’t make it early» instead of saying : I couldn’t make early morning raising up.

Say« I woke up early at 5» instead of: I raised up early at 5 am
Raise up= بالا بردن(دست بلند کردن مثلا!)

There are a few other errors (not mistakes) in your piece of writing, I suggest you to look through it and find them yourself!
I’ll assure that you’ll be learning so much in this way :wink::muscle: