Hey there.
I know I’m quite late for this challenge, but I really liked the topic and I couldn’t let it go.
I think life is like a narrow, crooked road. Along this road, you encounter many things and people. Some stay for a while, and some go away. And almost all of them, whether directly or indirectly, have an effect on your life. You may choose to hang out with some people, but spending time with some others is somehow inevitable. Or better to say,
“You may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships. Some you’ll discover you should put behind you. Others are worth every risk.”
As you know, friendship is really complicated. You experience different levels of friendship and closeness with different people. In some period of your life, you may waste more time with one particular group of people or just one person, and at other times you might get to know some others that gragually you’ll discover you can truly share your secrets with. But if you are lucky enough, on this road, you may find some people that show you how to love, trust, and be grateful even in worse situations. Because they are always there to back up you, to be with you through thick and thin, to prove you that you’re not alone. So regardless of all the pain you may feel because of them, you can’t help but love them.
I have few friends, and I’m not a I-Wish-I-Had-More-Friends-Than-I-Do-Fingers kind of person. Weird, I know that, but I prefer not to have lots of friends, for I think one loyal friend is worth ten thousand fake friends. So, I care too much to find true, upright and reliable people, so that I can make friends with them. We tame each other, and then, we can hurt each other. So, I need to be sure that I am choosing the right person, the person who is worth the pain. I’m rather fastidious about it, I know that. But, you know, I try to be the right person for them, either.
Once I made friends with someone, I can offer my intimacy and loyalty to them. By intimacy, I don’t mean I will tell them everything, for I think there are things in life you can’t tell anyone about, you cannot put them into words, but for instance, I will tell them when their behaviors bothered me, considering the fact that we’re not mind readers, so they can know me better. And by loyalty, I mean I try to back them up as much as I can.
In a nutshell, the fox said,“it is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
“It is the time I have wasted for my rose-” said The little prince so that he would be sure to remember.
I would be very grateful if you do me this favor.