تمرین مکالمه زبان انگلیسی - عشق و عواطف

Yeah man it was really tragic and tough to deal with it, in the one hand her family was super religious and on the other hand it effected on our families, because she revealed the secret to my uncle and he called my father :person_facepalming::disappointed_relieved:

5 پسندیده

hi dear friends. I think about that this topic is a place for professional users. and I’m very amature for bing on this. but I know a little things abut love.
I know that love is an powerfull situation In our opinion that lead us towards to doing many
strang unreasonable works that
If someone had hasnt tasted It he think with himself you are a mad. just a lover know pain of love.
از همه ی عزیزان خصوصا متین عزیز عذر میخوام میدونم زبان انگلیسی من در حد اینجا نیست ولی حیفم اومد چند خطی ننویسم. این متن پر غلط و غلوطو از من بپذیرید سعی میکنم بیشتر تمرین کنم و زبانمو بهبودش بدم. :roll_eyes:

10 پسندیده

I enjoyed your content, dear Vahid :+1:
May love be the constant companion of your life. :100::heart_eyes::palms_up_together:

10 پسندیده

6 پسندیده

Hello friends
Love is indefinable, it is transcendent
He is the first lover of God who created the world and creatures
1.Love means listening to the voice of the heart and experiencing satisfaction and happiness in life.
2.The sweet experience of a mother is the love of my mother who worked with sacrifice and kindness in my upbringing.
Love is such a beautiful feeling that its bitterness is forgotten over time.
3.If the difference is large, it will not be useful, but if it is small, it can have a big impact on the personality of the parties.
4.Yes, it is completely different and other emotions fade or fade over time.But the effect of love remains as a footprint on the human heart until death.
5.Love has helped me as a driving force in the stages of life.And to me it’s like an old wound that I never want to heal .With each scratch, those pleasures and bitterness come alive again for me.
In one word, I was born in love, I live in love and I will die in love.
We regret everything we said except the story of love in our whole life.

Under the pretext of the challenge of love, dedicated to all those whose love is nestled in their hearts and eyes,

8 پسندیده

Hello dear Abbas, your voice is very pleasant.
The choice of song is also very timely and accurate.
I really enjoyed hearing it. :rose::clap:

5 پسندیده

Thx for your attention & beautiful faidback :rose::+1::raising_hand_man:

5 پسندیده

Wow, Awesome dear Abbas :wink::innocent::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::clap::+1:
I really enjoyed it :heart::100::100::100:
Keep going :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

5 پسندیده

Exactly what should I continue, singing or making love :blush::grinning:
Thank you very much for your attention :pray::100::rose:

5 پسندیده

Well, both of them. :revolving_hearts::heart_eyes:

But I mean this one :microphone:


5 پسندیده

If the pleasant reverberation of your piano accompanies you, why not :grinning: :musical_keyboard: :notes: :musical_note: :musical_score:

There is nothing in the world but love :blush:

6 پسندیده

Oh, wow!
That’s really sad
But you know… As we said there… At the end of the day, all of these tragic experiences help you grow.
So, every cloud has its silver lining

6 پسندیده

Hi there, dear Vahid :grin::wave:
I’m so glad to see you here :rose::rose:

Well said :clap::ok_hand::star_struck:

درود به شما آقا وحید عزیز :rose: این چالش‌ها هیچ سطح‌بندی و یا مرزی برای مشارکت ندارن. اصلا هدفشون دقیقا همینه که همه تو هر سطحی که هستن، اعتماد به نفس استفاده از دانش زبانیشون رو پیدا کنن و هدف مطالعه‌ی زبان (که ارتباط با دیگران هستش) رو فراموش نکنن :grin:

همیشه می‌گم، قانون اولمون اینجا اینه که هر جوری که می‌خوایم و هر جوری که می‌تونیم نظرمون رو بگیم :v: تشکر فراوون از اینکه تصمیم گرفتید به جمعمون بپیوندید :grin::shamrock:

4 پسندیده

Hi there :grin::wave:

This is the first time I’ve heard you speak, and I’m totally impressed :v::ok_hand:

1:09 Exactly, whether it’s tragic or sweet, it’ll change you forever.

1:15 I’m really sorry for your loss… :rose::pray:

Thank you so much for participating :rose: I enjoyed listening to you

5 پسندیده

Hi there, dear Abbas :grin::wave:
Welcome back :v:

So true :ok_hand:

Exactly :clap: In that case, it’ll help them complete each other.

How lovelorn you sound here…

Beautiful :clap:

I really enjoyed listening to you :rose:
And about the song, you did a perfect job :clap::ok_hand::star_struck:
Thank you so much, for participating :pray:

4 پسندیده

Thank you for your attention, your presence is a great opportunity for this collection :+1::+1::clap::clap::tulip::pray::pray::butterfly::hibiscus:

5 پسندیده

Tank you for your support sir

4 پسندیده

That’s so nice of you :blush::rose::pray:

3 پسندیده

My pleasure :blush::rose:‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

4 پسندیده

Thank you so much :boom: :star_struck: :v:

4 پسندیده