تمرین مکالمه زبان انگلیسی - اگر

Speaking Challenge – If You…

Hi there, guys!
Welcome to our next speaking challenge.


  1. If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? What would be your biggest regret?
  2. If you could meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  3. If you had more free time, what would you do?
  4. If you were rich, where would you go for the next holiday? (In a pandemic-free world!)
  5. If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would you do?
  6. If you were given an opportunity to be born again, in which country would you like to be born?

Alright, have fun.
Good luck!


۱. اگر امروز روز آخر زندگیتان بود، چه کار می‌کردید؟ بزرگ‌ترین حسرتتان چه می‌بود؟
۲. اگر می‌توانستید با یکی از مشاهیر، چه زنده و چه مرده، ملاقات کنید، چه کسی را انتخاب می‌کردید و چرا؟
۳. اگر اوقات فراغت بیشتری داشتید، چه می‌کردید؟
۴. اگر پول کافی داشتید، تعطیلات بعدی را در کجا سپری می‌کردید؟
۵. اگر می‌توانستید یک جرم مرتکب شوید اما مجازات نشوید، اقدام به چه کاری می‌کردید؟
۶. اگر فرصت دوباره زاده شدن پیدا می‌کردید، ترجیح می‌دادید در چه کشوری متولد شوید؟
۷. …

موفق باشید!

14 پسندیده

14 پسندیده

Hi there :wave::innocent:

13 پسندیده


11 پسندیده

12 پسندیده

سلام مهشید جان وقت بخیر شما خیلی خوب و روون‌صحبت میکنید خیلی دوس دارم بدونم چجوری و با چه روشی و چند ساعت وقت میزارید برای خوندن زبان

6 پسندیده

سلام خیلی ممنون :smile: راستش من از دو سال پیش که شروع کردم ، فقط فیلم های انگلیسی می‌دیدم و متن های ساده انگلیسی رو با خودم میخوندم درحالیکه که فقط ۳۰ درصدش رو متوجه می‌شدم … بنظرم بخش زیبوک خیلی براتون مناسبه :hibiscus:

6 پسندیده

Hi there, Dorsa :blush::wave:
Glad to have you back :grin:

0:30 Would they let you go to your bed after you told them? :rofl:

0:54 That’s a popular opinion these days

1:02 I guess it could be

Thank you, for participating :blush::rose::pray:

5 پسندیده

Hi there, Yeganeh :blush::wave:

0:23 :rofl: Last moments of your life in a theatre? Didn’t expect that.

0:58 You’re right :ok_hand: I’ve tried it… especially the way they pronounce some certain words :man_facepalming:

1:20 Beautiful city… full of cats :star_struck:

1:50 :rofl::rofl: That’s alright. Apparently stealing money is now an official career in this country

Thank you, for participating :rose:
You sounded relaxed and confident, that was great :clap::ok_hand:

4 پسندیده

Hi there, Gisoo :blush::wave:

0:58 Well, I mean like not having visited your dream city yet and…

1:29 Great choice :ok_hand: Same for me.

1:56 :rofl::rofl: Yep, just one. That’d be two

Thank you, for participating :blush::rose::pray:

5 پسندیده

Hi there, Mahshid :blush::wave:

0:16 That’s great, really! I’m glad you have no regrets

1:08 That’s the dream :rofl:

1:24 Why are you running away? :joy::joy: You’re not going to get punished.

1:40 It’s not really hard, believe me. It’d be much easier than any other middle eastern country.

Thank you, for participating :blush::pray::rose:

5 پسندیده

Oh thanks ◉‿◉

Good point, No :otter:

4 پسندیده


Yes :relieved:
And certainly I would have some reasons for it

I haven’t thought about it :thinking::thought_balloon:

Thanks really :person_facepalming::pray:t2::no_mouth::grin:


4 پسندیده

Well, even then, the concept is rather unfathomable for a teenager. I’ve been dreaming all these years about having them, so, when you ask me that, my mind can not process it. But the fact is, I can drop dead any minute, “we die in the middle of a sentence”. It’s a fact, but a gloomy one.

Yeah, 17 is rather an early age to die. I would literally be a “جوان ناکام”.

5 پسندیده

Hi there :grinning::rose:

4 پسندیده

Hi there, :blush::wave:

0:30 Ohhh, come on.
You can’t tell them that before you die :rofl: Maybe a letter

0:52 Unfortunately, I don’t know him

1:14 :grin::grin: You wouldn’t be able to find him, though

2:16 :rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m sorry to disappoint you but there’s no money in our central bank… We’re broke

3:18 Yes, sure. They’re politicians and it’s part of their jobs, but still, they’re less evil than the other ones :joy: At least, they care about their own people.

Thank you, for participating :blush::rose:

5 پسندیده

You are right, no one is not that much nice or brave to say that :smiling_face::+1:

Probably some members or maybe the majority of members know him because he has many podcasts on zabanshenas.
Although he is great, some members don’t like him

It’s no big deal, I’ll rub that stuff which produces money :wink::grin::moneybag:

Yeah from that point of view they are not that much evilly :sweat_smile:

Your topics are amazing :pray:

4 پسندیده

:rofl::rofl::rofl: That’d work

I guess so :grin:

That’s so nice of you to say so, dear Morteza :star_struck::pray::rose:
Glad to have you here

3 پسندیده