How are people of a different color or appearance treated in our country?
Have you ever seen or experienced any racism?
Is racism getting worse or disappearing in our country?
Do you believe that some races are smarter than others?
How can we eliminate racism?
Alright, have fun. Good luck!
۱. در کشور ما با نژادها و یا اقوام مختلف چگونه رفتار میشود؟
۲. آیا تا کنون شاهد و یا قربانی نژادپرستی بودهاید؟
۳. به نظر شما نژادپرستی در کشور ما در حال از بین رفتن بوده یا رو به وخامت است؟
۴. آیا معتقدید که برخی نژادها از بهرهی هوشی بالاتری برخوردارند؟
۵. چگونه میتوانیم تبعیض نژادی را ریشهکن کنیم؟
۶. …
The important thing is how you see the situation and how it makes you feel. We can spend a lot of time wondering whether we have been badly or unfairly treated because of our skin colour, race or ethnicity, or for some other reason . and it’s not always totally clear. This can make us feel confused or even foolish for talking about our experiences, especially if the people we are talking to have never had to ask themselves these sorts of questions.
Sometimes we are convinced we have experienced racist treatment, people around us might try to tell us we’ve got it wrong. This can feel very lonely and isolating. But we have to remember that we’re not alone and our feelings are valid.