برای پاسخ به چالشهای اسپیکینگ باید فایل صوتیای که ریکورد کردید رو آپلود کنید.
اگه از پیسی استفاده میکنید روی بارگذاری کلیک کنید و باقی مراحل رو طی کنید.
اگر هم از موبایل استفاده میکنید که بعد انتخاب گزینهی بارگذاری روی نرمافزار ریکوردر گوشیتون کلیک کنید و نهایتا ارسالش کنید
0:42 Oh, I didn’t know that
1:45 They really are amazing
2:12 They’re really peaceful
3:07 I haven’t seen any but I’ve heard a lot
3:30 Good one
4:00 Exactly, it’s a bit far-fetched
Thank you so much for participating
Really enjoyed listening to you
Hi Matin. Yet another great question. Thank you for that.
I think a culture is defined by so many things, some of them I don’t even have enough words and knowledge to describe, and that complexity is one of the things that makes it so interesting. To name three, I can think of music and art, literature and historical background, as well as customs and certain behaviors, as some of the things that shape what we call culture.
I like the friendliness of our culture (even if it might be fake some times :)) how rich our historical background is, and the diversity that exists in different parts of the country in terms of traditions and customs,.
I’m really interested in different cultures, so I have a lot of favorites, Celtic and Japanese, to name a few.
If I could change one thing, I would love our culture to be more accepting, and less judging. In other words, more individualistic and less collective, less interfering in other people’s business, and just minding our own