تمرین رایتینگ - پول

Hello there, Fateme :grin::wave:
Welcome to the forum :blush::rose: and to our weekly challenges (and your first post here :grin:)

Don’t worry about it :grin::v: We just want to talk
Who cares about the mistakes? They’ll all go away eventually

Sure :rose::blush:
I’ll edit your text

I am terrible at* saving money.* In my opinion, it’s a kind of skill because saving* money happens* over* time, and for me, I need more time to reach my goal (the amount of money I need).
As a* matter of fact, money is my first priority in my life, and with money, I feel happy. Maybe I am a materialistic person* maybe not, I am just a* realist. It’s not my fault; it’s a truth in our community.
In spite of that, I believe the
best experiences are free, but money affects* *everything.

Hope it helps :grin::v:

Thanks a lot for participating :blush::rose:

4 پسندیده

Thank you so much​:hibiscus::hibiscus:
its valuable to me​:pray::hibiscus::hibiscus:

2 پسندیده

Hi there :upside_down_face::wave:t2::orange_heart:
How is it going?
Well, well, well :grin::grin:
How fantastic topic :nerd_face::smirk:
Money, money, money :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face: money is my honey :+1:t2::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::joy::joy:

I try to save as much as possible :wink:
Even in these days it’s not very easy , but IM TRYING :neutral_face::roll_eyes::joy::joy:
Money is very valuable especially nowadays so we should try to save it (just like me :slightly_smiling_face::credit_card::money_with_wings::joy:)

As I said money is very important in our life.
Even for those who are lying :lying_face: (money is not that much important , friendship and … are more important and … :unamused:)
Yes they are important too but not like money :moneybag::money_mouth_face:

So so , for example health . Health was free somedays but now it isn’t. :neutral_face::woman_shrugging:t2:
So we should be honest with ourselves :wink:

I think once I said this in another topic :thinking::thinking:
I bought pair of shoes :athletic_shoe::grin: which were very expensive :smiley: :sweat_smile::moneybag::moneybag:

I can say I’m very good at it :+1:t2::blush:
Just in saving money … :neutral_face::grin:

Thanks for your topic :rainbow::heart_eyes:
I’m waiting for your feedback :sparkling_heart:

3 پسندیده

Hi to all
Hi dear Matin
Thanks for your interesting topic
1.I have loved saving since I was a child
2. Financial matters are important to me, but as much as a normal life.
3. The most important life experiences are not easy.
4. I make purchases thinking so I have not had a failed purchase.
5. I’m a little extravagant.
Thanks dear Matin. Bye

3 پسندیده