اولین مکالمه داستانی من👻(the robber)

در این ویس من یه داستان مسخره درمورد یک شخصی نوشتم و سپس اون رو بازگو کردم، بیشتر هدفم نوشتن بود ولی برای این که یکم فان بشه این کار رو هم ‌کردم.:smiley_cat:

اگه ایرادی داشتم لطفا بهم بگید، خوشحال میشم.:wink:
متن داستان:

There was a thief known as Jhone, jhone was a famous thief
He was well known at his career
All rubbers, pickpockets,burglars, all of them, all of them respected to jhone

One day he wanted to buy some groceries like a normal person from a store, he opened the door of the shop,
After he entered the shop
Jhone went to buy some cheese, he picked some from dairy section
During payment unfortunately, the cash rigester idenefyed his identitiey
He got furious
He took his shotgun out and shooted at jhone, after that the cash rigester said a poem((idont sell chesse to these thifes))

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