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What’s the beauty?

Something that makes us beautiful, and we have two kinds of beauty: inner beauty, and outer beauty.

They are both important in our life. Outer: Some people possess natural beauty and surgery isn’t a good option for them. they have a smooth face, and they don’t need facelifts. also they don’t need liposuction because they have a well-built body, but

Others have difficulties with their face and body they have to get facials to get a chemical peel and also have to exercise to remove and destroy fat deposits.

Inner: Inner beauty contains those qualities that last longer than outer beauty, and it appears in the form of behavior such as warmth and kindness. Most people who have an inner beauty occasionally listen to others with their patience.

They behave with others modestly. since some people are ungrateful, so some of the people who have inner beauty cut back on performing well to a lot of people. However, plenty of them never change after all this thankless.

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اینجا باید بشه they have smoth faces

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inner beauty

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