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3 پسندیده

I would like one day Scientists can discover a special gene in the cells of the people that are prone to cruelty to others and prevent them from doing so.
What a gorgeous world would be then.:blush:

The next one:descendant =child/ successor/issue

5 پسندیده

The successor of reza for participate in school show was reza

Boulder:تخته سنگ

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Boulder:تخته سنگ
Who can make a sentence

4 پسندیده


3 پسندیده

I love the nature and everything that belongs to it including;sea,mountains,trees,animals,etc.
It’s my desire to be more strong and brave to climb over a small :heart_eyes: or large boulder one day.

4 پسندیده

I know an Indian guy who is all enthusiastic about learning multiple languages.
He’s 20 years old and can speake French,English,Chinese,Ukrainian and our lovely :heart_eyes: language Persian.
Btw,He is keen to speak Farci like a native Persian speaker. :heart_eyes:

5 پسندیده

Where are my enthusiastic friends?:thinking::thinking:
Am I the only English learner interested in participating in this topic?:thinking:

4 پسندیده

when she surreptitiously on a boulder was observing the enthusiastic monks who were busy for contemplation in a vast plain, and trying to imitate them fervently as their ritual and consecration ceremony looked impressive to her, all of a sudden, the tray dropped from her hand, and the monks jumped in fright, and unfortunately it caused permanent controversy. They believed that the woman, one of the descendants of Karim Khan Zand, who had interfered them was not suited for parenting ,and she had been a menace to society .

the next words:

coerce به زور وادار کردن

coarse زبر، خشن، زمخت

4 پسندیده

Excellent .
You put those words in the form of sentences beautifully :heart_eyes:.
Keep going :clap::clap::clap:

4 پسندیده

thanks for your encouraging words :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart::heart::heart_eyes:

4 پسندیده

Yess and im busy too because of being mother for three sons and when my husband is at home the number of my sons is four every day cleaning the home cooking their favorite food and look to their homework sometimes i have to go to school to go to buying things and etc
Usually i listen to english lessones when i’m doing house cleaning

5 پسندیده

You are one of the best

4 پسندیده

This is a coarse hat i dont like it

Mentality:ذهنیت،قوه فکری

4 پسندیده

Well done.
I guessed you must be busy with your cute sons and your household chores.
I appreciate your responsibilities for both;being a shining example of a nice mom and a very active English learner.
But in my humble opinion,being busy has nothing to do with whether we’re married or single,employees or housewives.
Rather,this matter completely depends on having a purposeful life,or being alive in any way.
However,we enjoy your presence here,but we don’t want to bother you.
When you have time,we can practice/ talk together.
Best wishes for you :heart_eyes:

5 پسندیده

It’s understandable. :rofl::joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

Very nice :ok_hand: :clap::clap:

3 پسندیده

it’s nice of you :heart::heart::heart::kissing_heart::heart_eyes:

1 پسندیده

You’re most welcome dear Erfaneh​:heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::blush::slightly_smiling_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

2 پسندیده

when she surreptitiously on a coarse boulder was observing the enthusiastic monks who were busy for contemplation in a vast plain , and trying to imitate them fervently as their ritual and consecration ceremony looked impressive to her, all of a sudden, the tray drop ped from her hand, and the monks jumped in fright, and unfortunately it caused permanent controversy . They believed that the woman, one of the descendants of Karim Khan Zand, who had interfered them was not suited for parenting ,and she had been a menace to society . The monks coerced her to leave there, but the woman couldn’t understand their mentality.

4 پسندیده

When I see the brutality and harassment of some politicians towards the people who are entirely innocent ones,I can’t realize the mentality of those who they just are greedy for more money and power .
It’s really painful and unbearable.

The next word:deference=respect/ attention/ courtesy

4 پسندیده