
Two years ago I dropped out from my English academy because of Corna virus/quarantine.I’ve tried to keep my English by reading some textbook like 504 necessary words,But it wasn’t usefull.
One day I saw a post on Instagram about learning English intuitively with an app.Well of course first I didn’t belive but I told myself let’s give it a shot and than I installed it and created an account and took a glance and I left.
The next day I received a notification and I opened it and watched a video from Kambiz.After that I realized“Ok,it sounds good”.Since that time I’ve started I learned a lot of things and right I’m here learning other knowledge by English.
Thank you Zabanshena team

6 پسندیده

Very good
:wine_glass: :+1:t4: :deciduous_tree:

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