
Sometimes I have a hard time accepting things the way they are. I want them to get back to their previous state. The ones I’m familiar with. But that’s impossible. I hate that. Other times, I have no problems with the changes that are taking place around me. I can live with that. I tell myself. But the changes that are troubling me now fall into the second category you’ve mentioned. The ones I have control over. But I still hesitate. I believe there are times when we could do with a bit of space and time to find out what exactly is going on in our heads to be able to communicate them with those that are responsible for the troubled state of mind we are in.

I’m glad to hear that. (๑¯◡¯๑)

1 پسندیده

You know I’ve been a fan of your writing for years now. I don’t know if you still remember what I told you about the length of your posts. I told you even if you wrote novel-length ones I’d still be happy to read them, and I meant it. The reason I love your work very much is cuz I know that over each one you breathe a bit of your, for want of a better word, soul. That’s why they’re all pure. I know you choose your words carefully, even so, I think if you try to use words that rhyme together, your writing style becomes more professional looking, especially when you’re using two or more adjectives for a noun. Like here:

I also think you shouldn’t’ve used the word actually here. When I read this sentence and come to the end of it, it doesn’t flow smoothly. It overflows. Know what I mean?

I really liked the themes you used in your text. I’m sure you thought about them a lot and chose them carefully.

3 پسندیده

Perhaps that’s cuz you like texts that have been written in a simpler way? Have you read Hemingway? Me neither. But anyway, he’s known for his simple writing style.

2 پسندیده

Guys, if someone makes such confession how would you reply to it?

Hey, I need to talk to you about something serious. I’ve been hiding some things from you and I feel terrible about it. I don’t know how to say this, but I’ve been cheating and lying to you for a long time. I know this sounds awful, but it’s the truth. I’m sorry, I’m a terrible friend and a horrible person. I don’t deserve your friendship or your trust. I don’t expect you to forgive me or even talk to me again. But I wanted to be honest with you and let you know how sorry I am. Please don’t hate me.

2 پسندیده

Your text is a personal and poetic reflection on your identity and self-acceptance. It has some strengths and some areas for improvement. Some of the strengths are: You use rhetorical questions to engage the reader and express your curiosity and confusion. You use contrast and repetition to emphasize your main points, such as “we are never what we think we are” and “to be to myself what no other can be”. You use imagery and metaphors to create a vivid picture of your inner journey, such as “the familiar, mossy, dank earth leading to home”, “the soul inside my shell of a body”, “the beacon of this stormy sea”, etc. Some of the areas for improvement are: You have some spelling and punctuation errors, such as “digged” instead of “dug”, “gather” instead of “gathered”, missing commas after introductory phrases, etc. You have some inconsistent verb tenses, such as switching from past to present in the first paragraph, and from present to past in the last paragraph. You have some vague or redundant expressions, such as “this, or that shape”, “in doing so”, “fathom after fathom”, etc.

2 پسندیده

Now I just came to say hello to get to know you better and to get rid of my shyness towards you…
Please pay attention to me so that I can have a lot of fun… I mean make me as happy as a donkey…:joy::rofl:( khar keif :grimacing:)

4 پسندیده

I think it’s best to give people a second chance, especially when they feel remorse for what they did to you. But at the same time, you’d better exercise caution around them and not believe everything they tell you like before.

1 پسندیده

Hey you! :grin:
Thanks for accepting my invitation. It means a lot to me. (˘︶˘).。*:heart:

1 پسندیده

Look round this universe. What an immense profusion of beings, animated and organized, sensible and active! You admire this prodigious variety and fecundity. But inspect a little more narrowly these living existences, the only beings worth regarding. How hostile and destructive to each other! How insufficient all of them for their own happiness! How contemptible or odious to the spectator! The whole presents nothing but the idea of a blind nature, impregnated by a great vivifying principle, and pouring forth from her lap, without discernment or parental care, her maimed and abortive children.

David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, part 11

4 پسندیده

I appreciate ur invitation & I’m honored to be with you :blue_heart:

2 پسندیده

Let death and exile and every other thing which appears dreadful be daily before your eyes; but most of all death: and you will never think of anything mean nor will you desire anything extravagantly.

The Manual of Epictetus

Epictetus The Enchiridion (z-lib.org).pdf (143.3 کیلوبایت)

1 پسندیده

The significance of honesty in people is commonly discussed, but often it’s just a talking point and nothing more. Have you ever thought about this?

4 پسندیده

We all know that honesty is a very important value that helps build trust, respect and integrity in relationships. Honesty also shows self-awareness and accountability for one’s actions and words. However, I also recognize that honesty can be difficult to practice in some situations, especially when it involves hurting someone’s feelings or revealing a personal secret. I think honesty should be balanced with compassion and empathy, and not used as a weapon or an excuse.

5 پسندیده

Couldn’t agree more. But some of us intentionally confuse the concept of lying with white lies. Don’t you think?

This summer I decided to go and work as a saleswoman in a fabric shop. My employer one day told me I’d better decieve my customers by pretending that the fabrics that aren’t of high quality are indeed of high quality. He said that this isn’t lying but telling people white lies. The following day, I quit my job cuz I could no longer stand the sight of this self-centered man.

5 پسندیده

Everything seems to be exhausting me, no matter how much sleep or how much coffee I drink, or how long I lie down, something inside me seems to have given up. My soul is tired…)

3 پسندیده

You mean you’re feeling helpless? Like nothing’s gonna change? If that’s the case, I know how you’re feeling. I used to feel that way myself. I couldn’t find a flicker of light in the darkness that was my future. I believed life’s gonna happen to me, and I have no control over it. But boy oh boy was I wrong. Times might come when you have no control over what’s happening to you, true, but that doesn’t mean you’re helpless. You still have the power to look at life right in the eye and choose how you’re gonna react. I think having that power shows that you’re not helpless.

4 پسندیده

Actually I’m tired of the the things that has happened to me and are still happening…)
I just can’t tolerate this much…)

I need to sleep for a long time and rest in peace…)
And when I wake up everyday has changed…

You know i have always had different kind of problems and i just can’t put them into words.
The thing is i have always thought that the issue in everybody’s life is money, but when I considered myself i realized that it’s not true. Just an stereotype…!
To be honest i have never had a problem financially, but the worst part is i don’t feel the peace and happiness inside myself…
The issue of my parents and the things that has happened…it really hurt my heart…
Still hurting, even more
And because of that we lost contact with my uncles and…
I just don’t know why should it happen to meeee?!!
I have never hurt anyone or haven’t done anything bad to others )))):

4 پسندیده

What you’re stating here is that you believe in karma, am I right?

2 پسندیده


I forgot to mention the positive impact that reading poetry like Khayyam and Hafez has had on me. I feel much more content with my life and significantly less depressed since I’ve started to read the poems of Hafez almost two months ago.
If philosophy seems tedious to you, engaging with poets such as Hafez can be a perfect substitute. :rose: :hibiscus:

5 پسندیده

P.S. Sorry for the background noises.

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