and we appeared in a very beautiful world the
monster suddenly change his clothes he had a huge armor with golden dragon heads epaulet and the armor made from mixed of gold and iron I said accept our apologies your majesty it was our mistake that we attack you then ashkan said pardon me your majesty but where are we the king said you are in the light world mahdy said who are you the king said my name is apollon and then I said you are the god of light he said yes and this is my kingdom welcome to that then he show we a very huge tower and too many big and little beautiful houses I said wow this is spectacular ashkan said why are bring we to your kingdom he said you don’t no who are you we said no he said you are three heroes the powerfulest heroes in the all of three worlds then I said to mahdy and ashkan as same as I said to you he said you have to keep the worlds safe from the demon , the Satan I said oh damnit and then mahdy said why are you bring we here he said I want you in my extravaganza you are the three heroes we said what better this and then we go to the tower of light the home of the king we see to many people I said all of them are your housemaids he said yes actually you still don’t see my daughter’s I said to mahdy and ashakan with low voice what is he want from we ashkan said quietly I don’t know mahdy said but I know he want to test we I said why he said he want to find out are we powerful or weak I said okey and who is our competrier he said their daughters I said we explode them right in their father’s eyes then the king guide we to battlefield I said so where are they and then king said well the heroes you are in a… I interrupt his speak and said hey dude man we know your plan you want to test we with your daughters so go on dude then the king send his daughters but they are not looks like demigods they looks like monster they are very huge and powerful I said no way I never fight with them mahdy said with my retrospect to my gift of escape I choose the escape option then ashkan said I I urinated in this situation then we all runing away from them but we can’t go anywhere so far because they grab we when the monster want to eat me I said you can eat that then I make a very ball of fire and then I drop it through it’s mouth then the ball explode in his mouth and it downfall on the floor of the battlefield then when I escape from it for a minute I see ashkan he fall on the ground I shouted nooooo then I build to many platforms and then I jump from them to the ashkans competrier he said hey friend I think I want your help then he get unconscious i said oh shit then I punch the face of the monster then I jump into the belly of the monster then I burn that then I build a very tall platform and I jump through it to the face of the monster suddenly I feel something strange something wrong something come from some where then I see myself I’m turning into energy and electricity I said myself thats new then I make a very tall and big battle scythe then I finish monster with it then i see ashkan I go to help him while I help him mahdy said it is better you help i’m not in a good situation then I said okey Wait for me then I go to help him I mix fire and rock and energy then I Said Meteor attack after that I shoot the my meteor and I explode the Mahdy’s competrier then I said okey that’s finally finished suddenly ashkan shouted somebody help me in there then mahdy said don’t worry then he say something like a magical curse and I see ashkan when he get healed and healthy when he alive again he said thanks doctor and then I said what are you chattered about he said I say a curse I don’t where is it came from I said can you say it louder then he smooth his voice and said you still have a chance to survive and alive so stand and dance with feeling thrilled untill the end grab your hand then I said so life changing he said it isn’t politely but I have to say fuck you sucker then I laugh and then the king come and said you are fighting like crazy why are you let them alive then I said they are creatures like we , we don’t kill our congener he said but they want to kill ashkan said but they don’t want they have to do that because you make them to battle with we then he thinking about what he do then he thinking about what and then he bring we to the castle and bring his daughters to castle’s hospital I said to mahdy Didn’t you treat them he said yes then I said so why the nurses bring them to hospital mahdy said I don’t have that information to treat all of the wounds I just can treat the normal wounds not magical or deep wounds then I said so is there a way to make your information more then that mahdy said yes there is but if we want receive it we have to go to magic world I said Waite a minute there are other worlds then these worlds he said too many worlds one of them is magic world I said to the king what are you from we now
He said nothing just I want you to be in my castle for this night suddenly ashkan shouted your mean is the light castle
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