The english stories:
His name is Popo.
in his office, the famous person’s picture, hang of the wall. he loves famous people، one of them name is a hero boy!
The hero boy can a lot of eat spicy foods. It’s no possible. ordinary people can’t eat a lot of spicy foods.
The hero boy exploring world. Popo interested exploring world but he can’t share travaling with wife because Popo’s wife, just likes live in her neighborhood.
اسمش پوپوعه. توی دفترِ کارش، عکسِ آدمای مشهور روی دیوار آویزونخ. اون عاشق آدمای مشهوره که یکیشون اسمش هست پسرِ قهرمان.
پسر قهرمان میتونه کلی غذاها تند بخوره. این غیر ممکنه. آدمای معمولی نمیتونن زیاد غذاهای تند بخورن. پسر قهرمان یک جهانگرده. پوپو هم به جهانگردی علاقهمند اما نمیتونه مسافرت رو با زنش شریک بشه. چون زنش فقط دوست داره توی محلهی خودشون زندگی کنه.
آیا با توجه به معنی درست نوشتم؟
جورِ دیگهای میشه نوشت که در انگلیسی رَوون تر به نظر برسه؟
خیلی سپاس
یه چیزِ دیگه.
من چرا نمیتونم موضوعِ تکراری انتخاب کنم؟
حداقل برای داستانها
2 پسندیده
His name is Popo. He works in an office where he has pictures of famous people hanging on the wall. He admires them and dreams of being like them. One of them is a hero boy, who has an amazing ability to eat a lot of spicy foods. Popo can’t believe how he can do that. He knows that ordinary people can’t eat so much spicy food without burning their tongues. The hero boy also travels around the world, exploring different places and cultures. Popo is interested in exploring the world too, but he can’t share his passion with his wife. Popo’s wife only likes to live in her neighborhood, where she feels comfortable and safe. She doesn’t like to go anywhere far or unfamiliar. Popo wishes he could be more adventurous and adventurous like the hero boy, but he feels stuck in his routine and boring life. He wonders if there is more to life than what he sees and knows. He hopes that one day, he will have the courage and opportunity to follow his dreams and discover new things.
4 پسندیده
سلام دوست عزیز
این برگردان داستان شماست:
His name is Popo.
famous people’s pictures hang on the wall In his office. He loves famous people، one of them is called a hero boy!
The hero boy can eat a lot of spicy foods. It’s not possible. Ordinary people can’t eat a lot of spicy foods.
The hero boy explores the world. Popo is interested in exploring the world but He can’t go on a trip with his wife because she just likes to live in her neighborhood.
این موضوع هم مشکلی نداره. البته فکر کنم منظورتون اینه که چرا موضوعاتتون تکراریه، به نظرم با خوندن داستانهای متفاوت سناریوهای متفاوتی میتونید تو ذهنتون بسازید.
1 پسندیده
خیلی ممنون ازتون. منظورم اون موضوعی هستش که باید تاپیکِ توی تالار بزنیم.
چون سوالات شما مربوط به گرامر رایتینگ میشه و خیلی کلیه و دربارهی موضوع خاصی سوال ندارید، میتونید از عنوان "ایرادات گرامری متن— استفاده کنید. البته این مدل تاپیک زدن خیلی صحیح نیست ولی برای مورد شما چارهای نیست.
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