5 تا جمله به زمان حال ساده و تبدیلشون به صورت سوالی

سوالات رو 5تا همه رو به حال ساده و سوالی کردن تبدیل بشع مثال عکس

سلام دوست عزیز
ضمن خوشامدگویی،

جمله خبری جمله منفی جمله سوالی
I eat breakfast every morning. I don’t eat breakfast every morning. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
He goes to school every day. He doesn’t go to school every day. Does he go to school every day?
She likes to read. She doesn’t like to read. Does she like to read?
We play soccer every weekend. We don’t play soccer every weekend. Do you play soccer every weekend?
They watch TV every night. They don’t watch TV every night. Do they watch TV every night?

این لینک هم می‌تونه براتون مفید باشه.

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