چالش وبلاگ «Michonne»

I’ve chosen another topic for writing:
Many people have suffered from depression or traumatic memories of accidents or violation. What do you think about the possible consequences of not healing these mental problems? What about solutions?

2 پسندیده

سلام دوباره به دوستای خوبم. بازم دوباره یه مدت طولانی نبودم. اما خوب برگشتم دیگه. نمره آیلتسم اومد و خداروشکر 7 شدم با اون وضعیت درس خوندن واقعا شانس آوردم چون خیلی برام سخت بود دوباره 300 دلار بدم برای آزمون بعدی.
از اوایل ماه می اینجا هوا فوق العاده شده. در عرض یک هفته همه برفها آب شدن و هوا کاملا بهاری شد. اما جالبترین موضوع این بود که سرعت رشد چمن ها و جوونه زدن درختها باورکردنی نبود.
چندتا عکس هم میفرستم تا ببینید ما هم بهار داریم :wink:

12 پسندیده

Hi dear friend.
I congratulate to you for your success. :clap:t2: Hoping for more success for you.:pray:t2: What a beautiful view thankful for sharing beautiful photos :bouquet:

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Thank you. I suffer from low confidence, so I think it wasn’t a success at all :wink: , but thank you again

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I came up whit this topic to write about but, unfortunately, I didn’t write about it up to now. To be honest, I suffer from kind of problem either, and I need help but It’s so difficult to even talk to my loved ones about my problem. Last week we heard about the suicide of two successful and well-known people, stem from depression. It was shocking for everyone, Especially who knows Anthony Bourdain. A positive and energetic guy (God bless him). Anyway, I think it’s a must to talk about this problem.

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i’m realy sorry to hear that.
what a bad happen.
i search about Anthony. he was a writer and chef right?

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No, it’s not a PTSD problem. It’s a form of depression and I don’t know when and why it began. Many people, especially in developing countries like Iran have such a problem and they don’t know what is wrong with them. they leave their problem unsolved and it will lead to another problem like family instability, divorce, suicide and …

According to The Wikipedia Anthony Bourdain was an American celebrity chef, author, travel documentarian, and television personality who starred in programs focusing on the exploration of international culture, cuisine, and the human condition. I know him from his documentation series in BBC Channel :disappointed_relieved:

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actually, I’m living in Rasht and everyone is saying that it’s a beautiful city and it’s clean but by seeing these pictures I think everyone must second-thought that.

Wow. It’s amazing.

this is indeed art. I think if I was there I would jog every single day.

thanks for sharing these amazing pictures

one tip.

never ever let your low confidence affects your success.

you overcame a challenge and you’ve got a good grade in IELTS.

I personally am a confident person in English but in Persian, I’m the other side of the coin.

I think one of the reasons that I have this personality is that I coltivated and evolved this attitude when I was learning the language.

who taught me to be unconfident in Persian? my environment including parents, schools and so on.

so I think language is so powerful that can change the whole personality.

So now you got rid of that test, be confident with your English because you are living in an English environment which is totally new for you.

don’t let it overwhelm you just adapt yourself and enjoy your other side of the coin which is a Super enthusiastic Michonne.

I have a family in Turkey which is struggling to adapt to the environment.

I’m sure the main problem is the language. because even though she’s there for more than 2 years still she’s so unmotivated and unconfident.

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Actually, there are two long, clean and picturesque rivers that cross Calgary (Bow and Elbow river) our home is near Bow river and I go there for walking every other day. whenever I see that river it reminds me of Zarjoob river :angry: My parents home locates is Guilan Blvd. and I used to go to Tohid park for jogging when I was in Rasht. The pollutants that we dump in the river is embarrassing. That’s a shame that the smell of the river is so abnoxious that you can’t bear it and I don’t want to talk about the color of the water. Besides, we built many buildings in two sides of the river, so people can’t enjoy the beauty of nature. whenever you go to any park, it’s so crowded that you don’t have enough space to exercise :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I forgot to say that it’s the place of filming Revenant movie. We went there 2 weeks ago for hiking.

I’m trying too hard and my husband also tries to help me a lot. but unfortunately, I’m a little stubborn :neutral_face:

You can’t imagine, I always say to my husband that they made a mistake. they should give me 5/5 :sunglasses:

Really? I can’t believe that :thinking:

Exactly. I know what you mean and it goes even worse for girls.

Thank you for your positive comments. I’m trying to find a position in the university at the moment. I think I can gain more confidence in this way.

2 پسندیده

I shared some pictures of fascinating Alberta nature with you last day, but I was not in the mood to talk about those. Here is some explanation:
It’s located in Kananaskis, Calgary, Alberta Google Maps
We went there for hiking, about 2 weeks ago with some of our friends.
It’s the location for filming Revenant movie. I should say many filmmakers and producers prefer to make their movies in Alberta rather than the US, because of the breathtaking sceneries and also low taxes.
of the top of my head, among other movies and tv series which have made in Calgary I can mention these:

  • Heartland (Tv Serie)
  • Fargo (Tv Serie)
  • Inception
  • The Bourne Legacy
  • The Assassination of Jesse James
  • Superman
  • interstellar …
    Is there a big fan of Tv shows or movies here??? I’de like to talk about this subject more. :upside_down_face:
3 پسندیده

Wooow I go there all the time.
It’s one of my favorite places

Of course, it is.

The thing I don’t get is that even though we all know there is a problem with Zarjoub, no one cares about it.

I heard somewhere that a company from Japan wanted to clean the river and use the stuff in it ( which I don’t know what it is)

but still, the government didn’t let them.

It’s so bad.

My grandparent told me that they used to use that river for commute and fishing.

but right now you can’t even walk beside it, because it stinks


Yeah. Really.

I think one of the reason is that language is related to culture and culture is related to personality,

Maybe that’s why I have this attitude.

I wish you a big good luck :rose::rose::rose:

Nice facts :+1::+1:

Actually, I’m not super enthusiastic about movies and TV shows. but sometimes I watch them.

From the movies you mentioned I watched:

Inception and Revenant (Is that obvious that I’m a fan of Leo DiCaprio?)

But I like to watch Standup shows a lot.

And my favorite Series are Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.

The movies I’ve watched more than 10 times are The Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump

And my all-time favorite actor is Tom Hanks. if you give me a movie about him no matter what the movie is I watch it.

What’s the name of your favorite movie? and who’s your favorite actor/ actress?

2 پسندیده

Thanks a lot :four_leaf_clover:

ME too :ok_hand: And you know he is an environmentalist too. You should see his documentary about global warming named “Before The Flood” if you haven’t seen it yet.

Who is your favourite standup comedian? I’m a real fan of Trevor Noah. He performs a show on Tv named “Daily show” about daily news. I like his mimic of Trump. He is hilarious. His latest standup comedy was “Afraid Of Dark”. I watched that 3 times last week and I recommend it to everyone. He has a standup show tomorrow in Calgary but unfortunately I can’t go because I didn’t buy thicket :disappointed_relieved:

I should say I saw them several times plus “Shutter Island”. Tom Hanks is one of my favourite actors too especially his act in “Catch me if you can”.

I’m very picky about what I’m going to watch, so I search for rating and read reviews before watching a movie or TV show. I used to watch movies more in the past. Every week I watched 3 or 4 movies. But now I prefer to watch Tv series. Among lots of Tv series which I watched, my favourite list is this:

  • Game Of Thrones
  • Peaky Blinders
  • Westworld
  • Black Mirror
  • Fargo
  • True Detective
  • Breaking Bad
  • Friends
    I want to watch “Silicon Vally”, “The Handmaid’s Tales” and “Big little lies” but they are not available on Netflix :angry:

My favourite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio and I like all of his movies. Shutter Island, The Revenant, The Wolf Of Wall Street, The Inception, The Departed, Django Unchained and so on.

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Congratulation to all the Iranians for our win against Morroco.
I went to university to watch the match together with my husband and our friends.
It was the first time for me to watch one of Iran’s match with non-Persian reporting. I like Mr. Ferdopoos :wink: reporting but it was sweet.

11 پسندیده


So check this out.

I like him a lot. he’s so enthusiastic about football

2 پسندیده

It’s been a long time since writing here, so I saw this message :smile:
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At first, I hesitated, then I said to me why not? Let’s begin :slightly_smiling_face:

2 پسندیده

مدت زیادیه که متاسفانه نمیتونم به طور مرتب زبانشناس گوش بدم. در حقیقت خیلی کم گوش میدم به این دلیل که گوشی فعلیم آیفونه و گوشی اندرویدی که زبانشناس رو دارم روش فقط یکی دو ساعت باطری نگه میداره. به جاش هر روز با اپلیکیشن پادکست آیفون، پادکست گوش میدم.
یکی از پادکستهایی که خیلی دوستش دارم، پادکست The Daily نیویورک تایمز هست که در مورد اخبار و مسائل سیاسی و اجتماعی روز هست. هر پادکستش حدود 20 تا 30 دقیقست. اگه دوست دارین میتونین آخریش رو که مال امروز (19 June) هست از این لینک گوش بدید:

4 پسندیده

امروز هم یه پادکست جدید رو شروع کردم: The shrink next door
این یکی داستانیه. یعنی در واقع یجورایی مستنده و از زبان چند نفر روایت میشه. قسمت اولش رو که امروز گوش کردم خیلی مرموز و هیجان آور بود. حسابی ذهنمو درگیر کرد.

3 پسندیده

The Shrink Next Door
Veteran journalist Joe Nocera had a Hamptons neighbor: Ike, therapist to celebrities and Manhattan’s elite. He had star-studded parties at the vacation house. But one summer, Joe came back to discover that Ike was gone, and the summer house next door had never belonged to Ike in the first place. It was Marty’s, a therapy patient of Ike’s who had finally broken free from Ike’s psychological domination. THE SHRINK NEXT DOOR is the story of one therapist’s psychological manipulation as he crossed lines and defrauded his patients — and he’s still out there. In partnership with Bloomberg.

لینک اول که سایت بلومبرگه توضیحات و عکس هم داره.

5 پسندیده

سلام، ممنون خانوم میشون (اسم اصلیتون رو یادم نمیاد:sweat_smile:)، بابت معرفی این پادکست ها :blush:
و اینکه بازم به تالار خوش اومدید

3 پسندیده

معصومه بود دیگه:grin::grin:دختر زرنگی بودم همه کامنتا رو از اول خوندم

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